Deutsche Welle
   English Service News
   June 12th, 2004, 16:00 UTC
   Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:

   Europe's Carnival of Soccer Gets Underway  
   Euro 2004 finally gets underway in Portugal amid a sea of 
   color and noise. The host nation open the competition with 
   the first match against the Greeks in Porto. 

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   Senior Iraqi diplomat killed

   In Baghdad, gunmen have shot the country's most senior diplomat,
   Bassam Salih Kubba. The Shiite politician was shot in front of his
   home and later died in hospital. Kubba was one of four deputy
   foreign ministers and had previously served as head of Iraq's
   mission at the UN and as Iraqi ambassador to China. It was the
   second attack on a member of Iraq's interim government in recent
   times. In mid-May the head of the former Governing Council, Izzadine
   Saleem, was killed in a suicide car bombing.

   Kidnappers cut throat of 3 hostages in Iraq

   Iraqi insurgents have killed one Lebanese citizens and two Iraqis
   working for a telecommunications company. A Lebanese diplomat said
   the three, kidnapped on Thursday near the flashpoint town of
   Fallujah, were found lying on a roadside with their throats cut. He
   said another Lebanese national kidnapped late in May has been
   released. A third is still being held hostage. Meanwhile, seven
   Turkish construction workers kidnapped this week have been released
   and are on their way home. A cleric involved in securing the release
   of hostages in Iraq said around 17 hostages of different
   nationalities are still being held. He warned some may have been
   sold to Islamic militant groups.

   US troops kill 80 Taliban & Al-Qaeda rebels

   Pakistani troops have closed in on three suspected al-Qaeda mountain
   hideouts in the remote Waziristan region. The army said it is
   pursuing up to 600 foreign al-Qaeda and Taliban supporters believed
   to be hiding among local tribesmen. Residents in the town of Shakai
   said they hear gunfire overnight and saw warplanes for a fourth day
   in a row. Just across the border in Afghanistan, US troops working
   closely with their Pakistani counterparts, have killed 80 rebels in
   southeastern Afghanistan in the past three weeks. Over 2000 extra US
   marines were flown into the region in April to bolster forces there.

   European Parliament poll enters third day

   The European Parliament election has moved into its third day, with
   Italians, and new EU citizens in Latvia and Malta now voting.
   Czechs, whose ballot began on Friday, can also vote this Saturday.
   Final results, including those from ballots already completed in
   Britain, the Netherlands and Ireland are not due until Sunday. That
   is when 18 other EU nations participate, including Germany, France
   and Poland. At stake, just six weeks after the EU's enlargement, are
   732 seats in Strasbourg. Surveys suggest that conservatives will
   remain the largest bloc, followed by the centre-left, liberals and
   Greens. Analysts say two factors to watch are eurosceptic parties
   and voter turnout. Last time, in 1999, it dropped to 49.8 percent.
   The parliament, established in 1979, has gradually secured decision-
   making powers, including a say in appointments of EU commissioners.

   Annan condemns Congo coup attempt

   United Nations chief Kofi Annan has condemned Friday's coup attempt
   in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where the UN has a large
   mission. The UN Secretary General said cohesion was essential to
   complete Congo's transition to democracy. On Friday forces loyal to
   President Joseph Kabila put down the attempt. Speaking on state
   television later, Kabila said a dozen dissident members of his own
   elite guard had been arrested, but their leader, Major Eric Lengue,
   was still on the run. The dissidents had briefly occupied the
   national radio station in Kinshasa and shut down the city's power.

   UN to prepare Sudanese mission

   The United Nations Security Council has decided to prepare a
   peacekeeping and monitoring mission for southern Sudan. The council
   asked Secretary-General Kofi Annan to send a planning team in the
   expectation that southern Sudanese rebels and Sudan's Khartoum-based
   government will complete peace arrangements in late June. They have
   negotiated since a cease-fire two years ago aimed at ending 21 years
   of warfare and famine. The UN council also called for a halt to
   fighting in Sudan's western region of Darfur, where a major refugee
   crisis is unfolding. Ethnic Africans communities have been
   displaced, allegedly by Arab militias backed by Sudanese troops. The
   UN says in excess of one million people need food and medical care.

   Bomb attack on Indian Kashmir hotel kills 4

   In Indian Kashmir, the AP news agency reports that attackers threw a
   bomb in a hotel on Saturday, killing four people and injuring 28
   others. Police say the bomb was thrown in the dining room of the
   hotel in Pahalgam, a popular holiday spot in restive Indian
   Kashmir. The little-known Islamic militant group Al Nasereen has
   claimed responsibility for the attack.

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