Deutsche Welle
   English Service News
   21. 06. 2004, 16:00 UTC
   Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:

   Ratifying EU Constitution Will Be a 'Tough Battle'

   European Union leaders agreed on Friday to the final text of Europe's 
   first ever constitution, but now comes the hard part: selling it to 
   the people. Will British and Danish voters reject it?

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   Militants threaten to kill hostage in Iraq

   Islamic militants are threatening to behead South Korean Kim Sun-Il
   in a few hours' time, unless Seoul ends its co-operation with the
   US-led coalition occupying Iraq. The militants made the threat on a
   videotape aired on Arabic Al Jazeera television on Sunday evening.
   The kidnappers said they were part of a group led by Jordanian-born
   terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. They said South Korea had 24 hours
   to reverse its decision to send troops to Iraq. Following emergency
   talks in Seoul, the South Korean government said there would be no
   change to its plan to send 3,000 troops to Iraq by August.

   Abu Ghraib declared crime scene

   A US military judge in Iraq has declared the Abu Ghraib prison near
   Baghdad a crime scene that cannot be dismantled until legal cases of
   alleged prisoner abuse are wrapped up. President George W. Bush had
   offered to dismantle the facility to help remove the stain of
   torture and abuse from the new Iraq. Iraqi officials had already
   rejected the offer. The judge issued the order during pre-trial
   hearings for three US soldiers facing charges of mistreating Iraqi
   detainees at Abu Ghraib.

   Four US soldiers killed in Iraq

   Four more US soldiers have been killed in Iraq. US Brigadier General
   Mark Kimmitt told reporters in Baghdad that the four had been killed
   in the Sunni Muslim town of Ramadi. He said the servicemen were
   conducting operations there, and that they had failed to check in
   with superiors at an appointed hour. He declined further comment
   until the families of the dead could be notified.

   Iran captures 3 British vessels

   Iran says it has seized three British navy vessels inside its
   territorial waters near the Iraqi border. State-run Iranian media
   said eight British sailors on board were arrested when the vessels
   were seized on the Shatt al-Arab waterway. The Ministry of Defence
   in London confirmed that it had lost contact with three small patrol
   boats in the area.A spokesman for the UK foreign ministry in London
   said British diplomats in Tehran were "in close contact" with the
   Iranian government over the incident.

   Life sentence sought for Dutroux

   Belgian prosecutors have called for a life sentence for convicted 
   paedophile Marc Dutroux. Last week, the court in the eastern town of
   Arlon found the 47-year-old Dutroux guilty of kidnapping and raping 
   six girls, killing two of them and causing the deaths of two others.
   Public prosecutors argued that Dutroux's former wife, Michelle Martin 
   and Michel Lelievre each deserved 30-year jail terms. Martin was found 
   guilty of complicity in the girl's incarceration, while Lelievre was 
   found guilty of kidnapping. Prosecutors also called for a 10-year term 
   for Michel Nihoul, who was acquitted of kidnapping but convicted of 
   smuggling drugs and people into Belgium. A 12-member jury and a panel 
   of three judges are to determine sentencing.

   Social Democrats discuss strategy in Berlin

   Leading members of Germany's governing Social Democratic Party are
   meeting in Berlin this Monday to discuss how to respond to their
   major defeats in the recent European election and the Thuringia
   state election. The Social Democrats slumped to their worst
   nation-wide result in half a century, when they took less than 22
   percent support in the European poll. Some left-wing members of the
   party have called on Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder to scale back the
   government's package of cost-cutting economic reforms. Both the
   chancellor and the party's chairman, Franz Muentefering have pledged
   to stay the course.

   Germany's Greens discuss immigration bill

   Leading figures in Germany's Green Party are meeting in Berlin this
   Monday to discuss a compromise between the government and the
   opposition on a new immigration bill. The Greens are the junior
   partners in the governing coalition. Party officials said they
   expected a special party conference to be called to decide whether
   to approve the bill. The deal was reached last Thursday following
   talks between Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's Social Democrats and the
   opposition Christian Democrats. It's meant to allow more skilled
   foreign workers to enter Germany, while at the same time making it
   easier for the authorities to detain and deport foreigners suspected
   of extremist activities. The Greens have repeatedly raised human
   rights concerns about the proposed legislation.

   UN calls for more NATO troops in Afghanistan

   The top United Nations envoy in Afghanistan has called for more NATO
   peacekeepers to be deployed to the country ahead of September's
   planned elections. Jean Arnault told reporters in the capital,
   Kabul, that a recent wave of violence showed that the country was
   becoming increasingly volatile in the months leading up to the
   polls. Arnault was speaking just hours after militants fired three
   rocket propelled grenades at a voter registration office about 60
   kilometres south of Kabul. No-one was injured in the attack. Local
   officials blamed rebels of the former Taliban regime and a renegade
   warlord who have vowed to sabotage the vote.

   Fischer holds talks in UAE

   German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer and Crown Prince Sheikh 
   Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahyan of the United Arab Emirates have held 
   talks in Abu Dhabi to try to boost economic ties. They also reviewed 
   the situation in Iraq and the Israel-Palestinian conflict. Fischer, 
   who is also to visit neighbouring Dubai, is to hold talks in Oman 
   before flying back to Berlin on Tuesday.

   Private rocket-plane completes mission

   The first privately financed rocket ship to enter space has returned
   to Earth in California. Mission control said SpaceShipOne reached an
   altitude of 100 kilometres above the Earth's surface before
   beginning its descent. Engineer Burt Rutan and Microsoft co-founder
   Paul Allen, who funded the flight, greeted the South African pilot,
   Mike Melvill, after he landed in California's Mojave desert. The
   spacecraft had been launched from a jet at an altitude of 15

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