[news] News, 15.04.2004, 16:00 Uhr UTC

2004-04-16 Thread Miroslav Antic-SNN

   Deutsche Welle
   English Service News
   15 April 2004, 16:00 UTC

   Final Round: Go East! The EU Quiz: Europe is expanding East.
   Embark on a journey through the 10 candidate countries set to enter the
   EU by playing the fourth and final round of DW-WORLD's Go East quiz
   Lots of great prizes are waiting to be discovered.


   Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:

   Europe Outraged by Alleged Bin Laden Tape

   EU leaders on Thursday dismissed the offer of a truce from terrorist
   leader Osama bin Laden, who said his terror network al Qaeda might
   spare Europe from attacks.
   To read this article on the DW-WORLD website, just click on the
   internet address below:


   Three Japanese hostages in Iraq set free

   Three Japanese nationals taken hostage last week have been released
   in the Iraqicapital Baghdad. The pan-Arabtelevision station
   Al-Jazeera broadcastpictures of them sitting on a sofa in a Baghdad
   office, apparently in good health. The station said the two aid workers
   and a journalist had been turned over to the Committee of Muslim
   Scholars in Baghdad, a Sunni Muslimorganization that mediated their
   freedom. InTokyo, national broadcaster NHK reported Japanese
   government confirmation of their release. The three Japanese
   civilians were taken hostage in Iraqby militants who threatened to
   kill them unless Japan withdraws its non-combat troops from southern
   Iraq. Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi had refused, insisting the
   soldiers will complete their humanitarian mission.

   US to raise US troops number in Iraq: US General

   The chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Richard Myers,
   said here Thursday that US troops numbers will be increased in Iraq
   due to what he called significant security challenges. Myers told a
   press conference in Baghdad that General John Abizaid, the commander
   of US Central Command, and Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez, the
   head of US forces in Iraq, had indicated they would need more
   troops. He added that he believed any extra troops would show U.S.
   resolve to see this situation through.

   Iraq's Sistani tells US to stay out of Najaf

   Iraq's leading Shi'ite Muslim cleric, Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, has
   warned the United States against entering the holy city of Najaf in
   pursuit of Moqtada al-Sadr, Shi'ite religious and political sources
   said on Thursday. Sistani, a political rival of rebel cleric Sadr,
   has issued statements in the past urging respect for law and order
   and the sanctity of Iraq's holy places, but he has refrained from
   commenting directly on the Shi'ite uprising by Sadr's militiamen.
   A 2,500-strong U.S. force is currently near Najaf after soldiers
   were sent south from bases north of Baghdad.

   UN's Kofi Annan criticises US President Bush for backing Israel

   United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan has criticised US
   President George W. Bush for changing his policy on the Middle East
   peace process. Bush has shown support for Israeli Prime Minister
   Ariel Sharon's plan to pull out of the Gaza Strip while retaining
   settlements in the West Bank. Annan said Bush was ignoring the
   wishes of Palestinians and circumventing the peace process. The
   secretary general said unresolved issues should be determined by
   both parties based on Security Council resolutions. Palestinian
   Prime Minister Ahmed Qurie said Bush was the first US president to
   give legitimacy to Jewish settlements on Palestinian territories.

   Russia supports Israel's Gaza Strip pull-out plan

   Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Thursday conditionally
   welcomed Israel's initiative to withdraw Jewish settlements from the
   Gaza Strip, but made no mention of a controversial plan to keep them
   in the West Bank. Lavrov told reporters an Israeli pullout from the
   Gaza Strip was generally in line with the road map plan for a
   Middle East settlement -- supported by the quartet of the United
   States, United Nations, European Union and Russia.

   EU opposes unilateral change to Mideast borders

   Meanwhile the European Union has said it opposes any kind of
   unilateral change to Mideast borders. A spokesman for the European
   Commission said the US support for Israel's plan to retain part of
   the West Bank did not conform with a position reached by EU leaders
   last month. The spokesman said the EU would not recognise changes to
   the pre-1967 borders different to those agreed by both sides.

   Spain's Zapatero signals policy shift

   Spain's Prime Minister designate Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero has

[news] Serbes du Kosovo : La valise ou le cercueil

2004-04-16 Thread Miroslav Antic-SNN
Title: Message

Le Figaro 

Serbs of Kosovo: the suitcase or the coffin *

28 dead, 
600 wounded persons, 3 200 refugees, 30 churches or convents burned-out: in 
Kosovo, the anti-Serbian pogroms resumed with a greater violence. For the first 
time since 1999, international civil servants evoke publicly an "ethnic 
cleansing". Objective of the Albanian extremists: get rid of the last 100 000 
Serbs of the province. Report on the damned of the 
Allusion to the motto "la 
valise ou le cercueil" that the Algerian Muslims were writing on the walls of 
Algiers in 1960-61 when they understood that they would be granted independence 
but did not want their Christian neighbors to stay.
From our special 
correspondent Jean-Louis Tremblais[April 
09th, 2004]http://www.lefigaro.fr/magazine/20040408.MAG0020.html

Serbes du Kosovo : La valise ou le 
28 morts, 
600 blesss, 3 200 rfugis, 30 glises ou monastres incendis : au Kosovo, les 
pogroms anti-Serbes ont repris avec une violence accrue. Pour la premire fois 
depuis 1999, des fonctionnaires internationaux voquent publiquement un 
"nettoyage ethnique". Objectif des extrmistes albanais : se dbarrasser des 100 
000 derniers Serbes de la province. Reportage chez les damns de la guerre. 

De notre envoy spciaul Jean-Louis 
Tremblais[09 avril 2004] 


A notre dernire rencontre, Borislav Kevkic tait en sursis. Ce prtre 
orthodoxe veillait sur Saint-Sava, la dernire glise de Mitrovica-Sud (NDLR : 
secteur albanais de cette ville divise par la rivire Ibar ; le nord tant 
serbe). A ses cts, rpartis dans trois bicoques, on comptait six Serbes : sa 
femme, deux autres popes tmraires, une vieille paralytique et paranoaque, les 
petits-enfants de cette malheureuse partant tous les matins  l'cole sous 
escorte militaire. Et puis des chats. Plein de chats, ni serbes ni albanais, 
flins apatrides se jouant des check-points et autres barbels.
Dans cette ultime enclave, protge vingt-quatre heures sur vingt-quatre par 
les soldats de la Kfor (la force multinationale de l'Otan), interdite de sortie 
sous peine de lynchage, cette communaut irrductible et anachronique 
(sur)vivait tant bien que mal. Six Serbes au milieu de 80 000 Albanais. Les 
derniers des Mohicans. Chaque dimanche, le pre Borislav sonnait les cloches  
toute vole. Pour la forme, car Saint-Sava restait vide, les Serbes de 
Mitrovica-Nord refusant de s'aventurer de l'autre ct du pont, chez les 
Shiptars (nom que se donnent eux-mmes les Albanais et que les Serbes 
emploient avec mpris). Malgr tout, le prtre disait la messe. Pour lui et les 
siens. Pour Dieu et la Serbie. Si je m'en vais, me disait-il, ils 
construiront une mosque.
Huit mois plus tard, si la mosque n'est pas encore construite, 
l'glise est dj dtruite... Incendie le 18 mars lors du pogrom qui a fait 28 
morts et 600 blesss dans tout le Kosovo. De Saint-Sava il ne reste qu'un 
btiment calcin et la croix du toit (trop haut pour les vandales). A 
l'intrieur, ce n'est plus qu'un tas de cendres : icnes, statues, chaire, 
autel, etc. Idem pour les habitations, pilles avant d'tre brles. Le 
cimetire du jardin, o reposent des ecclsiastiques, a t profan. Stles 
renverses et fracasses. Des parachutistes franais (la brigade multinationale 
nord-est de la Kfor, qui contrle la rgion de Mitrovica, est place sous 
commandement franais) gardent dsormais cet amas de ruines que mme les chats 
ont dsert, griffons coeurs par le spectacle de la folie humaine.
- Il faisait nuit, se souvient le pre Borislav, aujourd'hui rfugi  
Mitrovica-Nord, en zone serbe et donc sre. Les Albanais ont dfonc les 
grilles. Ils rclamaient ma tte. Je les entendais vocifrer. Heureusement, les 
soldats marocains de la Kfor sont venus nous chercher et nous ont sortis de 
l'enfer. Nous n'avons pas eu le temps de faire nos valises. On a ramass ce que 
l'on pouvait dans un sac en plastique, et puis adieu. Les Albanais ont commenc 
par casser, par voler. Le lendemain, ils ont tout fait flamber. Quarante annes 
de ma vie sont parties en fume !Maisons incendies et 
scnes de pogrom 
Pour chapper  ses tourmenteurs, le religieux a t exfiltr grve  un 
hlicoptre franais. Il squatte maintenant la maison d'un pope, avec une 
couverture et quelques hardes dans son balluchon. Ils sont 3 200 Serbes (et 
quelques Ashkalis, des Tziganes musulmans perscuts galement par les Albanais 
en tant qu'ex-collaborateurs du rgime Milosevic) dans le mme cas. Dans la 
novlangue onusienne, on les appelle les IDP (Internal Displaced Persons), 
littralement des personnes internes dplaces. Subtilit juridique qui 
vite de les comptabiliser comme rfugis et permet de sauver la face. Vous 
avez droit au retour, leur a promis Harri Holkeri, administrateur 
finlandais de l'ONU au Kosovo. Mais revenir o ? Sept villages serbes ont t 
rays de la carte. Svinjare, Obilic, Kosovo Polje, Gnjilane, Caglavica, Lipljan, 
Urosevac. A Pristina, capitale de la province, il n'y a plus un Serbe. Les 200 
qui vivotaient 

[news] Kosovo: A watershed for NATO

2004-04-16 Thread Miroslav Antic-SNN
Title: Message

www.apisgroup.orgApis Group, 
BelgradeApril 12, 2004Kosovo: A watershed for NATOThe most recent security reports from various sources confirm that 
insome parts of Kosovo the Kosovo Liberation Army is reactivating and 
thatKosovo Albanian militants are intensifying preparations for 
thecontinuation of armed attacks against Serbs and international 
forces.Belgrade officials, the Return Coalition (Povratak) and the 
SerbianOrthodox Church have already requested an immediate increase in 
troopnumbers from NATO and broader measures of engagement against 
Albanianterrorist formations because new attacks can be expected in the 
nearfuture as soon as Albanian extremists comprehend that NATO is 
indecisiveon the issue of how to effectively face the situation on the 
ground.Like in a hijack operation the Albanian terrorists have already 
detectedthe indecision of the five leading Western governments (the Quint 
-U.S., Britain, France, Germany and Italy) where some believe the cost 
oftheir political failure can be covered up by recognizing 
theindependence of Kosovo. Many of them hope that this will placate 
the"hijackers" and help the plane to land safely with all the 
passengershopefully still alive. However, the mentality of the terrorists 
isdifferent. Concessions have proven to be signs of weakness and 
theterrorists will soon comprehend they can do more or perhaps serve as 
aninspiration to others to redefine the map of Europe using 
similarmethods.At the same time, Kosovo Albanian leaders are buying 
time by issuingpathetic appeals for "peace" while they seek to avoid 
personalresponsibility for the March pogrom. Appeals by Hashim Thaci and 
others,resembling more or less calls to chastity and virtue by pimps, 
arebecoming the subject of jeers even in the Kosovo Albanian media. 
Severalleading international officials (including Javier Solana, Jaap de 
HoopScheffer, Gregory Johnson and others) have clearly pointed out 
thatintelligence reports indicate that the attacks on the Serbs and 
KFORduring the period from March 17-19 were planned and well 
orchestrated.Hundreds of young Albanians, many of them armed, were 
transferred by busto Mitrovica and Pristina to set fire to the houses of 
Serbs or attackKFOR soldiers and international police. Trucks and other 
vehiclesblocked the maneuvers of KFOR troops in the most critical 
locations.There are too many coincidences to believe that the violence 
wasspontaneous.Regardless of the extent to which the present UNMIK 
policy, underpressure from some Western governments who are trying to cover 
up theirown failure and wrong assessments, attempted to convince everyone 
tobelieve that the pogrom represented a spontaneous reaction by 
peopledissatisfied with social conditions, it remains clear that neither 
NATOnor UNMIK police have yet undertaken concrete action against 
theorganizers and terrorist groups which took part in the orchestration 
ofthe violence by the rampaging mob in Kosovo. As someone wisely 
observed"the clock was turned back a few weeks" and a strategy of amnesia 
wasadopted in order assist in the rehabilitation of the failed mission. 
TheUNMIK bureaucrats reemerged from their rat holes with their programs 
forrefugee returns, assessments, diagrams and schemes, lecturing 
onsomething they themselves no longer believe. It is a well-known 
factthat UNMIK failed to act in the most critical moments while 
HarriHolkeri personally lacked all control outside his own offices. The 
flagof the Republic of Albania was flying over almost all the 
policestations in the province as well as, needless to add, all 
publicbuildings. Perhaps what happened could be described as a putsch? It is 
afact that on March 17 and 18 Kosovo institutions ceased to function 
andall power was in the hands of the violent mobs in the streets.In 
any case, considering the attempts to hush up the problem of "KosovoAlbanian 
extremism" thus described, to everyone's complete surprise, 
byself-proclaimed Kosovo president Ibrahim Rugova for the British 
media,international peacekeeping forces will be hard pressed to save their 
owndamaged reputation and credibility unless they urgently 
undertakeradical and surgical measures.Their hesitation, television 
and other media appeals and attempts tomake everything look relaxes in fact 
only demonstrates the lack of aclear strategy and the surprising truth that 
Kosovo Albanian terroristgroups have already taken the initiative on the 
battleground. Afteryears of dressed up and self-lauding reports from 
Pristina, many in theWest can hardly believe that their Kosovo success story 
is in fact ahard blow to the solar plexus of Europe. The aftermath of the 
Marchevent sin Kosovo for NATO and the Western governments can be 
veryadequately compared with the aftermath of September 11, 2001 in 
theUnited States of America. In both cases, the hard blows came from 
formerallies (who had been useful for a while in the past).The 