Knights of Columbus to Biden: You're wrong on abortion
Ads challenge VP candidate to correct statements on Catholicism

Posted: September 18, 2008
9:12 pm Eastern

© 2008 WorldNetDaily 

Joe Biden
Members of the Knights of Columbus Catholic organization have taken out ads to 
appear tomorrow in USA Today, the Washington Times, Philadelphia Inquirer and 
Delaware News Journal asking Democratic vice-presidential nominee Joe Biden to 
correct his statements about abortion.
Reminding him that under Catholic teaching, "abortion is a grave sin to be 
avoided at any time during a pregnancy," the organization attributes to Biden a 
"unique responsibility" to be correct when making public statements about the 
"Sen. Obama stressed your Catholic identity repeatedly when he introduced you 
as his running mate, and so your statements carry considerable weight, whether 
they are correct or not. You now have a unique responsibility when you make 
public statements about Catholic teaching," the letter says.
The issue of abortion has become a flashpoint in the 2008 presidential election 
for the Democratic nominees, Sens. Obama and Biden, at least in part because 
Obama is an ardent abortion proponent who has gone beyond the desires of even 
the National Abortion Rights Action League in advocating for the controversial 
procedure.  Full article here
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