American Truckers At War
Take no prisoners!
The Terrorism Threat is Real: An Interview with Terrorism Expert Brigitte 

By the Editor-in-Chief
Brigitte Gabriel was born in Lebanon and later became a U. S. citizen.  She is 
a journalist who was formerly an anchor for World News, an Arabic news program.
She has lectured on the issues of radical Islam, jihad and terrorism to the 
United States Congress, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the U. S. 
Special Operations Command.
She now heads ACT! for America, a group dedicated to informing Americans about 
the issues surrounding terrorism and what Americans can do to oppose the 
growing Islamic influence in the U. S.
Editor:  The United States embassy in Yemen was attacked on Wednesday.  Who was 
responsible and why?
Ms. Gabriel:  At this point, the exact identity of the group isn’t know, but we 
do know that it was a group of jihadists.  
At present, Al-Qaeda and Hamas have found a safe haven in Yemen.  Many radical 
groups are now in Yemen because the government has given them protection.
This attack should be a wake-up call to Americans that the threat of Islamic 
terrorism hasn’t gone away.  We’re not out of the woods yet.
Editor:  Is there a problem with American’s being naive about terrorism and 
radical Islam?
Ms. Gabriel:  I don’t think Americans are naive, I think we have a very short 
attention span.  We’re attracted to the now.  We want fast food, fast 
everything and things that call for our immediate attention.
Author, Middle East Scholar and Anti-Terrorism Consultant Brigitte Gabriel
We have to remember that the first attack on the World Trade Centre was in 1993 
when we had a Democratic president.  The jihadists in Al-Qaeda waited eight 
years before they tried it again.
The terrorists are really counting on our ignorance and political problems.  
We also have to realise that the war in Iraq will not solve our terrorist 
problem.  We were attacked in 1993 and in 2000 before the operation in Iraq.  
Editor:  Britain is having a problem resisting the imposition of Sharia Law.  
The Archbishop of Canterbury was saying this week that it looks like it’s 
inevitable.  Why is this happening?
Ms. Gabriel:  This is happening in Britain now because the British didn’t 
resist it when the issue first surfaced many years ago.  Britain has had a 
large influx of Muslims from Africa for a long time.
The Muslims moved to Britain and refused to assimilate.  Then they started the 
push for Sharia Law.  
It’s a cultural issue.  The Muslim Brotherhood has been operating in Britain 
and pushing Islamic culture in England.  If the British don’t stop the 
takeover, the British will live to regret it.
Editor:  How does illegal immigration connect with terrorism?
Ms. Gabriel:  In my book, Because They Hate, I talked about how Al-Qaeda and 
Hamas pay 50-thousand dollars per person to the drug and illegal immigrant 
smuggling cartels to get terrorists into the United States.
If we don’t secure our borders and crack down on illegal mmigration, we will 
have an increased terrorist threat that we will not be able to stop.  
A terrorist sneaking across the border can bring in a nuclear device, a 
“suitcase bomb” that can be carried in.  
Because of this, we now have terrorists walking the streets in our cities 
waiting for an opportunity to attack.
Editor:  I read on Robert Spencer’s Jihad Watch web site that Islamic groups 
actually have terrorist camps in the United States.  How can we put an end to 
this type of activity?
Ms. Gabriel:  There are now 40 such camps in the United States from New York to 
Oregon.  These have been allowed to organise and flourish because Americans are 
ignorant of what’s happening and are slaves of multi-culturalism and diversity. 
The Muslims are excellent organisers.  We must organise just as well.  That’s 
why I started the group ACT! for America–to organise the American people to 
fight such things as terrorist training camps right here.
We have to put pressure on our Congressmen to shut down the camps.  
One of the things my web site does is list the voting records of all 435 
Representatives and 100 Senators have voted on important national security 
We all know how politicians speak out of both sides of their mouth and the only 
way to stop that is to hold them accountable for their votes.  

Editor:  The Al-Yaqin Media Centre reports that some European Muslims are 
planning an attack for somewhere in Texas.  How credible is the report?  And 
how credible are reports such as this one?
Ms. Gabriel:  I cannot comment on that report because I haven’t seen it.  
Most of the time terrorists don’t tell where they’re going to attack.  We have 
information that says they’re operating in the United States, but we don’t know 
the location of their next attack.
However, even though it’s not popular among some people, the orders allowing 
for wiretapping have actually been helpful in preventing many attacks in the 
United States.  So, the federal authorities have been able to stop many attacks 
because of information gained through a wiretap.

Editor:  In his book, Islamic Imperialism, Efraim Karsh says that many of the 
Hadiths given during Muhammad’s Medina period advocated jihad.  So we know that 
jihad isn’t a new concept.  How does the idea of jihad play out in the West in 
the 21st Century?
Ms. Gabriel:  In my new book, They Must Be Stopped, I mention that jihad is 
mentioned over 400 times in the Qur’an.  We have to understand that jihad is 
not simply a personal struggle, it is a military concept that involves violence 
against all non-believers.  It’s the way Islam is.  They don’t attack because 
of a government, they try to expand because it’s the nature of Islam.
We also have to get away from the mistaken belief that Islam is a religion of 
peace.  The Qur’an has many verses telling of how Christians and Jews are the 
enemies of Muslims.  Most people don’t know that on his death bed, Muhammad 
told his followers to continue the struggle against the Christians and the Jews.
So Islam is a religion of violence, pure and simple.  If we don’t come to 
understand that, we will pay a very high price.  Islam is a very aggressive and 
militaristic religion.
I would like to recommend your readers visit my web site at and read the votes cast by their 
representatives.  Americans need to get personally involved in the very real 
threat of Islamic terrorism.
For more information on Brigitte Gabriel, go to…
To buy Ms. Gabriel’s book, click to…
For more on Islamic Terrorism, click to…
Or, on Efraim Karsh…
Posted under News 

This post was written by mcarl on September 19, 2008

Mark R. Taylor
Take no prisoners!
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