
Who Filed Suit to Halt TroopergateĊ .

On September 16th ABC News reported, "A group of 
Alaska Republican lawmakers, with the support of 
a Texas-based conservative legal group, has filed 
suit to stop the Alaska Legislature's 
"Troopergate" probe into Gov. Sarah Palin." The 
ABC coverage was not untypical of mainstream 
media coverage generally and is not being singled 
out for scrutiny.

This "Texas-based conservative legal group" is 
generally referred to as LLI (Liberty Legal 
Institute).  Their website, which is very open 
and honest, may be found 

To describe the LLI as a "conservative legal 
group" is like describing O. J. Simpson as a 
"well-dressed African-American".  Both are true, 
as far as they go.

LLI describes themselves as, "a 501(c)(3) 
organization that was founded in 1997 to protect 
religious freedoms and First Amendment rights for 
individuals, groups and churches." This 
self-description is from the front page of their 
website.  The site also quickly makes clear that 
the First Amendment Rights they defend are those 
of the religious right.  The banner of one page 
proudly displays this quote, "Group is the flip 
side to ACLU. [sic]" - Dallas Morning News

A quick click on the "Cases" tab reveals 14 cases 
under the headline of "Recent Cases".  Briefly 
looking through the summaries, 11 are plainly 
related to religion.  In the other three cases a 
connection to religion is unclear.  One has to do 
with a high school student's political tee shirt, 
one has to do with a political contribution and 
one has to do with the wording on a town 
monument.  All case were based in Texas.

The question the list raises is what interest 
does this firm have in the firing of a Police 
Commissioner in Alaska?  Nothing in their past or 
in their charter shows an interest in such cases. 
They have no offices outside the state of Texas 
and work only pro bono cases related to civil 

Enter the Arlington Group.

LLI is a member of the 75-member "Arlington 
Group", a Washington-based, religious-right 
consortium which seeks to influence government 
policy on issues such as abortion and same-sex 
marriage.  The Arlington group was founded in 
2002 through the joint effort of powerful members 
of the religious right including Jerry Falwell, 
James Dobson, Chuck Colson, D. James Kennedy, 
Gary Bauer and Rod Parsley.

The group's first director was James Dobson. 
Although very influential then and now, the 
Arlington Group famously stubbed it's toe when 
they threatened, in 2005, to oppose President 
George W. Bush's Social Security Reforms if he 
did not come out strongly against same-sex 
marriage.  The media was angered and the 
compliance of the Bush administration failed to 
stem the tide of same-sex marriage legislation.

The Arlington Group effectively limits its self 
to what its members agree on.  Pooled resources 
go toward the election and appointment of judges 
with anti-abortion and anti-same-sex marriage 
records.  The group does discuss the possibility 
of getting behind a particular candidate, but it 
is not necessary that they agree.  They are very 
effectively tied into a couple of very narrowly 
defined issues with which all members totally 
agree.  The election of politicians is basically 
a means to the end of those politicians 
appointing judges who share their agenda.

So why is the LLI in Anchorage using words like 
"McCarthyism" to halt a bipartisan investigation 
of the Alaskan State Legislature into the 
Governor of that State?  Here are a few 

1. It really is McCarthyism.  The Alaskan 
Legislature wants to prove that Governor Palin is 
a communist plant for the now defunct Soviet 

2. The LLI believes that for a State Legislature 
to investigate the firing of a Commissioner by a 
Governor impinges upon the Governor's right to 
the religious expression required in such a 

3. The LLI believes there are no competent 
attorneys in Alaska, the RNC or any of the 
considerable number of states separating Texas 
and Alaska to help the embattled Governor.

4. The LLI believes that fired commissioner Walt 
Monegan and the State Senator heading the 
investigation, Hollis French are betrothed.

5. The LLI wants to pervert justice to perpetuate 
the strongest anti-abortion candidate ever.  A 
candidate bold enough to strike rape kits from 
her city's budget because they contain emergency 
contraception (the equivalent to a "morning after 

Wouldn't it be a shame to find out that they are 
doing all of this based on number four, only to 
find out later that Monegan and French were 
divorced a year ago?

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