[MCM] Did Palin say that she would not hire blacks?

2008-09-25 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Did Palin Really Say She Wouldn't Hire Blacks? New America Media, News Analysis, Earl Ofari Hutchinson, Posted: Sep 23, 2008 http://news.newamericamedia.org:80/news/view_article.html?article_id=40916428d4942bf6e6d647cbdf31e908&from=rss Editor's note: In a meeting with a group of prominent Afric

[MCM] "Israelites" run the economy, says Palin pastor

2008-09-25 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
And he thinks "Christians" ought to emulate them--and control the schools (so as to get the "witchcraft and sorcery" out of the curriculum). MCM Palin pastor: 'Israelites' run economy Published: 09/25/2008 http://www.jta.org/cgi-bin/iowa/breaking/110553.html A pastor who blessed Sarah Palin's

[MCM] GOP blocking the student vote

2008-09-25 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
na-earlyvote25-2008sep25,0,2456026.story National: Election officials target younger poll workers http://news.rgj.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080925/NEWS1903/809250329/1232/NEWS19 National: Voting Concerns Persist as Election Nears http://www.itbusinessedge.com/blogs/top/?p=400 National: Open source

[MCM] Video of Palin praying with "witch hunter"

2008-09-25 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Shocking Footage of Palin Praying With 'Witch Hunter' By Max Blumenthal, MaxBlumenthal.com Posted on September 24, 2008, Printed on September 24, 2008 http://www.alternet.org/bloggers/http://maxblumenthal.com//100149/ Wasilla, Ala

[MCM] GOP suing to block voters in Wisconsin

2008-09-25 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
WI Attorney General Battles State Over Voter Registration Checks By Kate Klonick - September 23, 2008, 5:20PM http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2008/09/wi_attorney_general.php As the presidential election nears, and Wisconsin proves itself to once again be a battleground state, J.B. Van

[MCM] Jim Crow riding high in Alabama

2008-09-25 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Two stories, one declaring "a political emergency." MCM Ala Democratic Party to sue over voter list costs Associated Press - September 24, 2008 5:14 PM ET MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) - The Alabama Democratic Party is planning to sue Alabama's Republican secretary of state. Democratic Party Chairman

[MCM] Urgent call for poll workers

2008-09-25 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Dear Mark, We've seen it over and over again: undertrained poll workers causing problems that lead to voters being disenfranchised. When poll workers don't know what to do when machines break down, misunderstand state law about voters showing photo ID, or can't explain their state's ballot co

[MCM] 'Daily Voting News' For September 24, 2008

2008-09-25 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From John Gideon: The election nightmare may be over in Palm Beach Co Florida. After seven recounts, machine and hand, the election for a county circuit court seat has been certified. The losing candidate, of course, is considering legal actions. Still not explained is how ballots were lost

[MCM] PDA to lead anti-bailout rallies

2008-09-25 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
<'"http://mail3.thedatabank.com:80/track?enid=ZW1haWxpZD1tY203QG1haWwubnl1LmVkdSZ1c2VyaWQ9MzcxNTUzMDk1NjE4MTU1MDE1MzkwMjk2NzIxMDgmZXh0cmE9aG9tZSZ0eXBlPWNsaWNrJm1haWxpbmdpZD0zMDkmbWVzc2FnZWlkPTI5NjcyJmRhdGFiYXNlaWQ9QzMwOV9NMjk2NzJfQjQmc2VyaWFsPTExNzg0NjUyMj> FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, Septemb

[MCM] Michael Collins: Just say NO to the bailout!

2008-09-25 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Stunning ripoff isn't it. They threaten us with deprivation, then demand $700 billion. Who do they think they're kidding. Peace, Michael Collins The Money Party (7): Bailout Blackmail - Just Say No! Column: Michael Collins Thursday, 25 Septem

[MCM] More on the 1st Brigade Combat Team--coming to a neighborhood near you!

2008-09-25 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Amy Goodman's report: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYxTzDFofZQ Official history of the 1st Brigade Combat Team: http://www.stewart.army.mil/3didweb/1st%20BCT/1stBrigadehom.htm --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~ You received this message because you are subscribed to Mark Cr

[MCM] I got this strange email...

2008-09-25 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From: Hank Paulson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 1:27 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: From Henry M. Paulson - Urgent From: Henry Paulson Date: 9/23/2008 Subject: Urgent transaction - need your help Bright Greetings Dear American: I need to ask you to support