Republican Mailing Leaves Florida Voters Confused
by Pam Fessler


All Things Considered, September 19, 2008 ยท A new 
mailing from the Republican National Committee 
and the McCain campaign to Florida voters has 
Democrats saying they're the victim of dirty 
tricks. They say that at the very least, the 
mailing is meant to confuse voters in this 
battleground state. Republicans say Democrats are 
making much ado abut nothing.

Lifelong Democrat Marilyn DiMauro of Naples was 
surprised to get a letter recently from 
Republican presidential contender John McCain.

"I thought, well that's strange, because I'm a 
Democrat. And when I opened the envelope, there 
was a card that said I was listed as a Republican 
with my registration number. So I immediately got 
my Democratic card, and the registration number 
was not the same," she says.

She thought the mailing - labeled "Party 
Affiliation Voter Registration Card" - was a 
little fishy - especially when she found out two 
of her friends who are Democrats had received the 
same thing but a Republican friend had not.

"So I just felt that there was some diabolical 
reason for doing this mailing," she says. "Why 
would you spend the money?"

That's what Jim Reynolds, another lifelong 
Democrat in Naples, wants to know. He happens to 
be a former U.S. attorney from Iowa. And he has 
filed a mail-fraud complaint with the postal 
service. Reynolds thinks Republicans are trying 
to confuse Democratic voters into thinking 
there's a problem with their registrations.

"They're just doing everything to try to suppress 
a certain segment that they feel are not going to 
be favorable to them," he says.

And indeed, Florida election officials have 
reported dozens of worried calls from voters. A 
copy of the mailing obtained by NPR shows that it 
includes an official-looking card, listing the 
recipient's name, address, congressional 
district, party affiliation and something called 
a voter ID number. In an attached letter, McCain 
asks recipients to update the enclosed card - and 
to contribute to his campaign.

RNC Mailing Sent To Voters Of All Ages

Florida Democrats initially charged that the 
letters were directed at elderly voters, but when 
Reynolds borrowed a phone at an office in Collier 
County to call NPR, he found a younger worker 
there, Gloria Hernandez, who had also received 
the letter.

Hernandez says she thought there was a mistake 
with her registration when she got the mail.

"I just come in with my family and I say, look, I 
receive a letter. They say that I am a 
Republican. And my kids say, 'Are you, Mom?' And 
I say, 'Of course no,' " she says.

The McCain campaign referred questions about the 
mailing to the Republican National Committee, 
whose spokeswoman Amber Wilkerson says it was a 
routine fundraiser - similar to ones used in the 
past - and that it was intended for Republicans.

"In the event that it was sent to Democrats, we 
correct our internal file to ensure that that 
doesn't happen in the future," she says.

Wilkerson says the uproar over the mailing is 
part of a national Democratic strategy to 
undermine confidence in Republicans.

"This is a desperate attempt to try to confuse 
voters who are hearing John McCain's message and 
haven't necessarily connected with Barack Obama 
thus far," she adds.

But most of the confusion so far does seem to be 
coming from the RNC mailing. Jerry Holland, the 
Republican supervisor of elections in Duval 
County, received so many calls from worried 
voters that he released a statement last week 
assuring them that only a voter can change his or 
her own registration.

"Whoever designed the piece obviously created 
something, knowingly or unknowingly, confusing to 
some voters, because obviously they were 
concerned that maybe someone had changed their 
party," says Holland.

Purpose Of The Mailer?

Some Democrats have said they are also concerned 
that the mailing might be used to challenge 
voters at the polls, if letters are returned as 
undeliverable. But postal officials say that with 
this kind of mailing, any undeliverable mail is 
destroyed, not returned to the sender - in this 
case the RNC.

This all comes as both parties are mounting major 
legal campaigns to protect against what they see 
as voting procedures that could hurt them in 
November. Democrats this week filed a lawsuit to 
stop Michigan Republicans from challenging voters 
at the polls using home foreclosure lists - 
something Republicans insist they don't intend to 
do. In Ohio, Republicans are challenging an 
absentee voting rule that they say will hurt 

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