From Steve Heller:

Hello Friends,

My friend and colleague, Brad Friedman of The BRADBLOG, was on Fox 
News on Sunday.  Please see <>this 
link for the video (about 7 minutes) and Brad's write-up of his visit 
to the so-called "fair and balanced" news network.  Brad did a great 
job, and he helped the Wall Street Journal's John Fund understand 
that there is a difference between registration fraud and voter 
fraud, something Mr. Fund, along with pretty much everyone else in 
the mainstream media, has been unable to grasp.

Just for full disclosure, Brad is the co-founder of 
<>Velvet Revolution, an organization 
which employs me as an election integrity activist and blogger at 
Velvet Revolution's 
Protection Strike Force.


Steve Heller


Link to Brad on Fox News: 
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