From John Gideon:

I want to thank all of those who commented on my rant of yesterday. 
Your kind comments are very much appreciated. One email I received 
was especially meaningful to me. The subject line was "In loving 
memory - Michael, James, Andrew" and after a short bit of encouraging 
text, and the posters signature line, were three names:

Michael Schwerner, James Chaney, and Andrew Goodman. The names were 
then followed by a little historical reminder of "Freedom Summer" and 
the part those three heroes played in the Civil Rights Movement.

I realized that we all, all of us, owe it to those three, and all 
like them past and present who have given so much for our democracy, 
to keep fighting the good fight.

National: Voter fraud accusations mar presidential campaign

National: Without a Trace: The Smokeless Gun of Flagrant Election Fixing

National: Our Hackable Democracy

National: LTTE - Helpful Hints For a Better Election Day

National: US elections: America might not know who is new president 
until 10 days after voting

National: NAACP watching, ready for voter problems

CA: California Issues Emergency Election Audit Regulations

CO: Moffat County - Public election test certifies voting machines

CT: Official defends ACORN vote drive

GA: County election offices swamped as voters pour in
Staff working extreme hours to process registrations, oversee early 
voting, mail absentee ballots

GA: Judge Rules to Uphold on Electronic Voting, Appeal Expected

IA: Opinion - Guest column: Changes will make voting easier this year

IN: 'Inactives' push up voter registration figures

IN: Lake County - Ind. Decisions - Yet more on: Remote voting sites 
at issue in Lake County

MN: Opinion - Talking Points -- Tabulating the true cost of democracy

MT: MT Dem Party drops suit

OH: Cuyahoga County investigates fraudulent voter registrations linked to ACORN

OH: Chads won't hang in Huron County

RI: RI courts moving away from automated elections

TX: Travis County - Travis officials brace for historic Election Day turnout
With record registration, county clerk expects 440,000 to vote.

VT: To tabulate or not: Calais voters face switch to computerized 
ballot counter

Washington DC: D.C. Report Finds E-Vote Company at Fault for 
Thousands of 'Phantom Votes' Recorded in Last Month's Primary
Election Board Finds Sequoia Voting Systems 'Too Quick to Exonerate 
Self,' As Evidence Indicates Hardware and Software to Blame...

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The articles are all included for the information of the subscribers 
of "Daily Voting News" though we realize that the subscribers may not 
agree with the opinions given in all articles or in the commentary**

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John Gideon
Co-Executive Director

"To encourage citizen ownership of transparent, participatory
democracy." The Creekside Declaration    March 22, 2008

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