From John Gideon:

In a clear victory for Ohio voters a federal judge and the State 
Supreme Court all agreed that voters can register to vote and vote 
all on the same day within a week-long period during early voting. 
The courts found that Secretary of State Brunner had, in fact, 
correctly interpreted a law passed by the state legislature.

Are you busy on Nov. 4? Of course you are going to vote but how about 
the rest of the day? Contact your county and volunteer to work for 
the election department for the day. Be a poll worker or work at the 
election office supporting the officials. Be involved.

National: Election Resource: Vote 411

National: Panel calls for use of open source software on voting machines

National: Election officials try to recruit younger poll workers

AZ: AZ offers military online voting

AZ: Ariz. offers military online voting

CA: Riverside County - Students recruited to work the polls

FL: ACLU and Advancement Project Issue Guide to Florida's "No Match" Laws

FL: More voting foibles ahead for Florida?

FL: Broward County political leaders worry about voting problems if 
turnout is huge,0,1882498.story

FL: Broward County - Four-Page Ballots, Few Scanners Could Pose 
Voting Complications

MO: Editorial - Bracing for Election Day

NY: Lever voting machines being phased out

NY: Lewis County - State reviews Lewis Elections Board
Officials Visit County: Comptroller's office seeking to determine 
readiness for voting in November

NY: Onondaga County - SU groups offer voter registration

OH: Voting can begin tomorrow

OH: Republican IT consultant subpoenaed in case alleging tampering 
with 2004 election

OH: Ohio Supreme Court upholds early voting window

OH: Young poll workers sought

OH: Stay Lifted In '04 Ohio Election Case, GOP 'Tech Guru' Connell Subpoenaed

OH: Cuyahoga County - Cuyahoga election officials will be ready for 
big vote - Jane Platten

PA: Venango County - Deadline nears for voter signup

PA: Westmoreland County - County rents scanner to tally election ballots

Washington DC: Votes of no confidence
A snafu with electronic voting systems in the Washington, D.C. 
primaries is another reason why we need backup systems is[sic] we are 
to have faith in out elections

WV: WV voter fraud concentrated in Kanawha County

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The articles are all included for the information of the subscribers 
of "Daily Voting News" though we realize that the subscribers may not 
agree with the opinions given in all articles or in the commentary**

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must contact them to be unsubscribed.

John Gideon
Co-Executive Director

"To encourage citizen ownership of transparent, participatory
democracy." The Creekside Declaration    March 22, 2008

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