<http://www.huffingtonpost.com/the-news/reporting/marcus-baram>Marcus Baram
HuffPost Reporting From DC
Widens Lead Due To Economy, Voter Backlash Over Negative Ads

October 14, 2008 08:07 PM

With the economy dominating the news, several new polls show Barack 
Obama widening his lead over John McCain, with voters trusting the 
Democratic candidate to fix the "serious economic crisis" and firmly 
rejecting the recent spate of negative personal attacks targeted at 

Most dramatically, Obama has widened his lead to double digits, at 14 
a NYT/CBS News poll that shows - for the first time - white voters 
evenly divided between the candidates.

Two major factors hurting McCain that emerged in the poll: Sarah 
Palin and the recent spate of negative ads targeting Obama.

Six in 10 of those surveyed said that Mr. McCain had spent more time 
attacking Mr. Obama than explaining what he would do as president.

And Palin, who has been leading many of the campaign's personal 
attacks at fiery rallies in the last two weeks, has seen her 
favorability rating slipping down to 32 percent and her 
unfavorability rating climbed 11 points to 41 percent.

Mr. Obama's favorability rating, by contrast, is now at 50 percent - 
the highest recorded for him thus far by The Times and CBS News.

Though Palin won some praise for her performance in the 
vice-presidential debate, most viewers felt that Biden won and "not 
one tracking poll has showed movement toward the McCain-Palin ticket 
in the days following the debate," 
the Hill.

finding that bodes poorly for McCain, considering the campaign's 
consistent attempts to portray Obama as a tax-and-spend liberal, is 
that more voters think McCain would raise their taxes. Fifty-one 
percent of voters think McCain would raise their taxes compared to 46 
percent who think Obama would do the same.

Other dramatic findings from that poll: Obama is now favored by a 
majority of men and independents, "two groups that he has been 
fighting to win over," according to the Times.

The poll presents serious problems for McCain, with only 20 days left 
in the campaign, since four out of five of each candidate's 
supporters now say their minds are made up.

Granted, there have been wild swings in the polls throughout the 
campaign and McCain achieved a Phoenix-like resurrection during the 
Republican primary when he was considered finished after polling 
miserably last year.

"We've seen comebacks before and certainly this campaign has been so 
unpredictable thus far that anything can happen," GOP strategist Doug 
the Hill.

The McCain campaign acknowledged that the economic crisis has 
impacted the candidates' numbers. Bill McInturff, a pollster for 
McCain, responded to the latest polls, 
The Atlantic's Marc Ambinder:

"The financial tsunami has produced one of the most difficult and 
volatile times to conduct polling in modern times. During these 
uniquely volatile last few weeks, I have seen as much day-to-day 
movement as I have witnessed in my 20 plus year career as a pollster."

group of likely voters feel that Obama's past associations with Bill 
Ayers and Reverend Jeremiah Wright are issues that bother them.

Other polls demonstrated how the global financial meltdown has helped 
tilt voters to Obama with most voters saying that Obama can fix the 
"serious economic crisis," 
to a Bloomberg/LAT poll. Obama leads McCain by nine points, 51 to 40, 
in that survey of voters.

Some findings are consistent in the polls, with about half the 
respondents saying that Palin is unqualified to be president and 
voters saying Palin makes them less likely to vote for McCain.
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