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[26] Rovers desperate to keep Duff
Posted Wednesday, July 10, 2002 by bar-knee:
Rovers CE John Williams confirmed

"Damien can have a deal as short or as long as he wants."

[25] Kevin Moran on Duff
Posted Wednesday, July 10, 2002 by bar-knee:
"Duff would handle the Old Trafford stage without any problems whatsoever. He'd have 
no trouble taking that on board and the fans at United would absolutely love him. Reds 
supporters love the kind of a player he is. They like players who can excite them and 
when Damien Duff gets going he can excite. He had a brilliant World Cup. That kind of 
player is a rarity these days and in many ways that was something England didn't have 
in the World Cup. They didn't have a player who could get past the full backs and 
create something. There aren't many players in the Premiership who can do it. Ryan 
Giggs is one of the very few.

He's getting better all the time and he's at a nice age. I don't know what United's 
situation is regarding how serious their interest in him is and whether that position 
is really a priority. I don't know what Sir Alex Ferguson's thinking regarding that 
area would be. But one thing I do know is that he's a great player and would be an 
asset to any team. He's making improvements to his game but it is like with any winger 
you are looking at consistency. That goes hand in hand with wingers. Do you get it 
week in, week out or not? Towards the latter end of the season he was doing it 
regularly and he was one of the main reasons Blackburn did so well in that period. But 
he's a learner and it could develop into another string to his bow and that would 
certainly make him even better value."

[24] Irwin on life away from United
Posted Wednesday, July 10, 2002 by bar-knee:
"After 12 years walking in there and seeing them all pre-season year-in, year-out, it 
will be strange. But don't forget I have been at other clubs before United and while 
you're going to miss the players and the facilities and being on my doorstep, I want 
to play for another year. I feel fit enough and hopefully I can get myself sorted out. 
As for me continuing in the Premiership, we'll see what happens"

[23] Irwin looks for new club
Posted Wednesday, July 10, 2002 by bar-knee:
"I'm still working on it and it will have to be done in the next week or so because 
teams are going back to pre-season training now. If I'm going to join a team, I would 
rather be in there from the start so hopefully something will come up in the next 
week. I think the ITV money situation has caused a lot of clubs to sit back, hold 
tight and see what happens. It's just beginning to roll a bit now and we're seeing one 
or two players are moving so hopefully that will set the ball rolling."

[22] Never too big for our boots
Posted Wednesday, July 10, 2002 by bar-knee:
>From yesterday's Daily Mail

'Concern is growing among Premier League clubs about the power  wielded off the pitch 
by Manchester United and their arrogant  attitude during debates affecting the future 
of all teams in the  division. This came to a head at the summer meeting of the  
Premiership during negotiations about the academies. What really  infuriated United's 
rivals was their assertion that young players  from all over the country - rather than 
those within the currently  permitted travelling distance from Manchester - would 
benefit from  working with the Old Trafford coaches.'

[21] Goalie completes move
Posted Wednesday, July 10, 2002 by bar-knee:
QPR finally bag Nick Culkin on a free transfer in a three-year deal. 

[20] Naughty Blanc
Posted Wednesday, July 10, 2002 by bar-knee:
Teamtalk report that Blanc or Blanc has been fined £300 by Trafford magistrates for a 
speeding offence back in January.                                                      

They say that he was caught doing 59 miles per hour in a 30 mile zone on Chester Road 
- he also got 4 points, more than city will get by January next year (that's our joke 
by the way. boom boom as Basil Brush might say if he'd not had that nasty hunt 

[19] Duff gossip
Posted Wednesday, July 10, 2002 by bar-knee:
This just sent to us

'I cannot name my source but, I have it on good authority from someone close to Duff's 
agent that he will join United (despite having supported Liverpool as a kid)

He wants to win trophies and feels United are better placed to fulfil his ambitions in 
this regard.

RedNews reader,


P.S. You may recall that I predicted the signing of Blanc last season before anyone 
else did, so let's hope I'm correct this time as well.'

[18] Another old link resurfaces
Posted Wednesday, July 10, 2002 by bar-knee:

[17] Move over Nesta for Rio
Posted Wednesday, July 10, 2002 by bar-knee:
With signs that Rio will now stay at Leeds, the SUN reports that Fergie is preparing a 
£15m bid for Nesta.

[16] Pun city
Posted Wednesday, July 10, 2002 by bar-knee:
United Pun overdose on Page 52:

2 pics of a shaven-headed bloke in a Sharp home shirt being chased and pinned by a 
bull accompanied by the following article....

'Reds Rag to a Bull

Gore Blimey! This Manchester United fan could be forgiven for 
talking a load of old bull after suffering some serious pain in  Spain.

He was left on the horns of a dilemma during the frenzied annual 
bull run in Pamplona.

The United follower with the Fabien Barthez bonce was charged the full whack as he 
attempted to outrun the beast through the town's streets.

Sharp was the word on his old United shirt - and sharp was the 
feeling as the bull saw red and gave his butt a butt.

If he's feeling bullish about United's title chances next season, 
maybe he should forget Pamplona's Theatre of Screams and try Old Trafford's Theatre of 

[15] Wes and Rio no big spenders
Posted Wednesday, July 10, 2002 by bar-knee:
Rio Ferdinand denies claims that they've lost a fortune in Vegas

"If we were losing money like that, we wouldn't deserve anyone's sympathies - but the 
fact is we weren't. We were there for a break after the World Cup. We were just 
chilling out, playing the machines and occasionally the tables. We're not big gamblers 
and no one got stung. I didn't even lose £1,000 in the whole week I was there. If I 
had lost a lot, my mum would go mad. I know the value of money. We didn't act badly or 
do anything illegal. We just did what young lads do. We wanted to get as far away from 
Europe as possible where nobody would recognise us and we could wind down. We were 
followed about a bit, though I suppose you have to accept it because it's World Cup 
year and there has been a lot of interest in the England team. Everyone is entitled to 
a few days off - whatever you do in life."

[14] More from Rio
Posted Wednesday, July 10, 2002 by bar-knee:
 "I haven't spoken to Mr Venables since he became manager but I'm looking forward to 
hearing his plans for the club. All the other names mentioned for the job are quality 
coaches but I think he would have been a lot of people's choice. My agent Pini Zahavi 
has a good relationship with Mr Venables and has always spoken very highly of him. 
However, I was surprised to read that the players were calling the shots on who should 
be the manager. I don't think the plc board would have taken kindly to that and I 
certainly didn't have a say. I really don't know how many players the club needs to 
sell or how much they need to raise but we all understand that money doesn't grow on 
trees. The fact we did not qualify for the Champions League means the budget is 
tighter but Leeds have to make sure they are in the best possible position to win 
things. Winning trophies is very important to me. I've never won anything in my life 
and I'm not afraid to say I'm getting impatient.

I may be only 23 but I feel like time's moving on and I'm not getting any younger. 
It's a relatively short career and when you finish you want to look back on what 
you've achieved. The clearest way of assessing it is to look at your medals - and I 
don't have any. I'm at the stage where I want things yesterday.

It makes me feel quite uncomfortable that some people have seen me as the man in the 
middle in what has happened at the club, because I haven't done anything. I've never 
asked to leave and the club haven't told me they are selling me. But the change has 
happened now and we have to move on. With Mr Venables in charge, I'm sure Leeds can 
look forward to an exciting future."

[13] Rio plays the game
Posted Wednesday, July 10, 2002 by bar-knee:
"I'm looking forward to meeting Mr Venables and hearing his plans. His record speaks 
for itself. He has a proven track record and although I was sorry to see David O'Leary 
go, if you have to get a replacement then Terry Venables is the man. My position has 
never changed in all this. People have said a deal has been done to sell me but it 
hasn't as far as I know. I spoke to the chairman before I went to Las Vegas on the 
first part of my holiday and we agreed to talk when I got back to training. I won't go 
into details about what was said but I am still a Leeds player and I haven't asked for 
a transfer."

[12] The perfect match
Posted Wednesday, July 10, 2002 by bar-knee:
Guardian claims that Liverpool have made a bid for Lee Bowyer

[11] Ronaldinho denial in full
Posted Wednesday, July 10, 2002 by bar-knee:
"People are saying I'll be going to Barcelona or Manchester United but I have never 
been contacted by either club. I'm highly motivated for the coming season. PSG need me 
and I have four years left on my contract. The president, Laurent Perpere, was on the 
phone to me the other day and told me he was counting on me for the coming season and 
that really motivates me. "Whatever the offer, I will say no"

[10] Turkish keeper claims we made move for him
Posted Wednesday, July 10, 2002 by bar-knee:
but says no

Rustu Recber 

"Before the World Cup, I told the fans that I would still be at Fenerbahce next 
season. I received offers before the tournament began and have received more since it 
finished, which is not a surpise as I put in some good performances over there. 
Manchester United and teams of similar stature have made offers, but the fact remains 
that I made a promise to the fans. Maybe I'll live to regret the decision, but life 
goes on."

[9] Red News summer offer
Posted Wednesday, July 10, 2002 by bar-knee:
Red News published 9 issues last season, of which we have limited stocks of 8 still 
available. As a special offer you can purchase ALL eight issues together with a FREE 
copy of Red News' book celebrating the Nou Camp triumph in 1999 - European Glory - all 
for the bargain price of just £13.50 including postage and packing. This is a must 
have offer so go on!

8 issues + book for £13.50 inc p&p in the UK
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Send your order by cheque, made payable to Red News, to Red News, P.O.Box 176, 
Manchester, M16 8LG or you can now order by credit card. click on

[8] El Til wants Rio to stay
Posted Wednesday, July 10, 2002 by bar-knee:
"I want to keep the best players at Leeds, whoever they may be. Clearly the club will 
have to move some players on but I want the ones that can make the club better. I want 
to keep Rio."

[7] Order a RN sub online
Posted Wednesday, July 10, 2002 by bar-knee:
Thanks to our new link with the safe, simple to use and world wide massively known 
paypal you can now order your 10 issue subscription to Red News the fanzine via credit 
card payment, ordering online from wherever you live in the world, getting the mag to 
your door.

To order the 10 issue sub to be sent to a UK address click on


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And those philanthropists out there can help with our costs by making an online 
donation via paypal. Doesn't matter how small the amount is, every bit helps with the 
costs of the site - thanks. click on. 

[6] Nesta doesn't fancy a new country
Posted Wednesday, July 10, 2002 by bar-knee:
"I am not interested in a move to Juventus or a foreign team. Either I go to Inter or 
I will stay at Lazio"

[5] Nesta tug of war in Italy
Posted Wednesday, July 10, 2002 by bar-knee:
Lazio's Cragnotti said

"The chapter regarding Inter and Nesta is closed, there is no agreement. I am 99% sure 
that our captain will remain at Lazio. We want Cristiano Zanetti but they don't want 
to loan him out."

Inter's Moratti

"What Cragnotti thinks counts a lot. Last night Nesta was 50% between the two clubs. 
However, it could be that Nesta is now 99% at Lazio. The chance of paying the total 
for Nesta in cash? No, I don't think so.''

[4] Ridsdale quotes on talk with rio agent in full
Posted Wednesday, July 10, 2002 by bar-knee:
"I don't think that Terry's appointment has tipped the balance because it was already 
in our favour; Rio is a Leeds United player who is not for sale. This was simply the 
first opportunity I have had to discuss Rio with his agent since the speculation 
began. I won't know Rio's views until I have spoken to him personally but his agent 
was extremely complimentary about Terry Venables and also said he understood that Rio 
would be impressed."

[3] Nesta Italian deal to collapse
Posted Wednesday, July 10, 2002 by bar-knee:
Inter rowing with Lazio over installment payments - always a sore point in deals with 
Italian clubs - which could see their bid for Nesta scuppered.

[2] cuddly Pete becomes a UEFA bod
Posted Wednesday, July 10, 2002 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'Manchester United's chief executive Peter Kenyon has been made vice-chairman of 
Uefa's new club forum.

The body set up to give clubs a voice within European football's governing body.

Karl-Heinz Rummenigge, the Bayern Munich's chairman, was elected chairman of the new 

The pair, together with two other vice-chairmen - Damir Vrbanovic (Dinamo Zagreb) and 
Marino Faccioli (Olympique Lyonnais) - will be the clubs' representatives on Uefa's 
clubs competitions committee.

Rangers' new chairman John McClelland has been elected a member of the forum's board.

Rummenigge said: "This new initiative represents a historic moment in strengthening 
the relationship between Uefa and the clubs of Europe.''

The other board members are: Igor Surkis (Dinamo Kiev), Fernando Gomes (Porto), Ahmet 
Demet (Galatasaray), Ilia Ivanov (Litex Lovech), Pedro Lopez Jiminez (Real Madrid), 
Michele Uva (Lazio).'

[1] New Red News t-shirt
Posted Wednesday, July 10, 2002 by bar-knee:

Red News has come up with a new range of shirts, the first of which is a new take on 
our well received UNITED THE RELIGION shirts.

You can check this new type shirt  by clicking on the forum - on the message of 'Red 
News new shirt' - and the shirt looks bang on in real life, as Reds at the Blackpool 
tourny will testify.

The new shirt - in X Large only - is red text on a white and black shirt.

Just £12.50 inc p&p in the UK you can order by sending a cheque to Red News, P.O.Box 
176, Manchester, M16 8LG or for £14 inc p&p for the rest of the world.

Alternatively you can order the shirt via the fast and secure paypal. For the UK click 

For the Rest of the World Click on

[41] Souness denies quit talk
Posted Tuesday, July 9, 2002 by bar-knee:
"I've already spoken briefly to chief executive John Williams and the board before I 
came away on holiday and we've agreed to talk again when I get back for pre-season 
training. But it's not my style to play games with people. I've got a good 
relationship with the board and I'm very happy at Blackburn so I'm not going to hold a 
gun to anybody's head. We've got some very good players here and my intetion is to 
keep them because we are trying to build something which is going to last. I've been 
in the game long enough to know how simple economics work as well and if someone like 
Inter Milan came along with an offer of ridiculous money for one of our players, 
whether it's Damien Duff or Brad Friedel, then we'd have to consider it. But the fact 
remains we have not had any offers for Damien and we don't want any either because at 
this moment in time he's not for sale."

[40] More Brazilian denials
Posted Tuesday, July 9, 2002 by bar-knee:

"They speak about me in Manchester or Barcelona but I was never contacted by these 
clubs. I am happy in Paris, where I still have four years of my contract remaining."

[39] More massive news
Posted Tuesday, July 9, 2002 by bar-knee:
Just read that siddy have a waiting list of 14,000 for Season tickets, and David 
Bernstein does not know of any other club in this situation, obviously not a local 
then, or not talking to the neighbours down the road.



[38] Chaos ahead?
Posted Tuesday, July 9, 2002 by bar-knee:
This posted to the forum by Smoothtastic. We understand United wanting to cut down on 
people ordering tickets who don't ever go, but a pick up near the ground. It won't 
work. Simple as that. It doesn't work for small allocations at pop concerts and the 
like as people misuse it - imagine a small allocation like Coruna and people who have 
been Chubbed finding out where the pick-up point is. Or you miss the pick-up point. 
Or...you get our point.

'Had a letter this morning from Membership Office with regard to application for a 
ticket to the qualifier away game. Basically two forms, one for ticket to be submitted 
now and the other for travel arrangements to be sent when we know where we are going.

Interestingly they talk about the possible introduction of a scheme where they issue a 
voucher to members who are successful with the ticket application, which can be 
exchanged for a ticket at a venue to be advised near/at the oppositions stadium. 

This is obviously targeted at those that have previously brought/applied for tickets 
without actually going to the game. '

[37] Massive Forlan exclusive
Posted Tuesday, July 9, 2002 by bar-knee:
Farrell spotted Forlan in Manchester yesterday

'Who by the way was in sainsbury's last night looking at Melons (not the yorkie 
variety either), avocado's and all sorts of stuff, not one bit of Junk food or any 
crap in his trolley. Just Healthy stuff, which is nice to know.'

[36] Says it all
Posted Tuesday, July 9, 2002 by bar-knee:
This from a letter off Football 365. 

'Like all Leeds fans, I wouldn't be too bothered if we do not take the title for 
another season or two as long as, somewhere down the line, we stuff Manchester United 

[35] Masters football
Posted Tuesday, July 9, 2002 by bar-knee:
Sunbed, MickeyT, Sammy Mac - they were all there at the recent Masters Football in the 
G-MEX. Read the report and see the pics at  http://www.manufan.co.uk www.manufan.co.uk

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