After I posted my question to this list, I recorded last Sunday night
for about 10 minutes before a strong line of win and thunderstorms hit
(it was very calm right before the rain/wind hit).  I probably heard
~20-30 total birds (good for here), one of which sounded like a larger
bird that came in low, circled and was looking for a place to land.

I'm still going through what I have now and comparing it to 'Flight
Calls of Migratory Birds' by Evans and O'Brien.  I heard recorded two
nfc calls, which lead me to a couple of questions:

1) Is there any reason why shorebirds aren't included?  (I just
listened to Stokes shorebirds as that was my first guess)
2) My best guess is Semipalmated and Least Sandpiper.  Would these be
reasonable guesses based on location and time?  If anyone likes to
listen to poor WMA files and wants an ID challenge, I can email you
what I have.

Andrew Albright
Southeast PA

On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 8:53 AM, david nicosia <> wrote:
> Woke up at 4 am this morning and was not that tired
> so decided to sit out on my deck and see what kind of
> migration was taking place. I checked the radar and there
> was fairly heavy migration south of my location with
> much less farther north. Cloud ceilings were very low
> as occasional fog clipped the top of the trees on
> the hill where I live. Winds were from the north as
> we were north of a frontal system. Migrants were
> likely descending as they ran into lower cloud ceilings
> and north winds? Anyway, the calls were  low and
> quite loud but the numbers were not that impressive
> at least compared to fall.
> I had the following in 40 minutes of listening:
> 4 veeries, 4 swainson's thrushes, 3 wood thrushes,
> 1 bobolink, 2 solitary sandpipers and 19 unidentified
> zeeps, chips and zits....warblers/sparrows?? That is
> a total of  33 calls in 40 minutes...almost 1 per minute.
> Dave Nicosia
> Johnson City, NY
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