Re: [nfc-l] Austin, TX - Listening Stations - 24 Nov to 31 Dec

2012-01-04 Thread Bill Evans
Hey Mike,

There is no such CD that you refer to. Would appreciate it you could refer to 
both authors or simply the Flight Call CD (at least until someone else 
publishes a flight call cd).

Regarding Harris' Sparrow flight call, I suspect they would be in with your 
Song Sparrows if you have them. The sample size we had to work with for the CD 
was small, only a few individuals, so perhaps there is substantial overlap in 
frequency with Song -- the shape of the call certainly looks similar.


Bill E


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[nfc-l] Austin, TX - Listening Stations - 24 Nov to 31 Dec

2012-01-04 Thread Mike Farmer
The great sparrow migration of Austin, TX,  that occurred in numbers with the 
north winds of pacific cold fronts, finally ended the last week of November.   
Although each night that was not rainy still produced from 1 to 29 birds, there 
seems to be no relationship to wind direction, cold weather, or clear or cloudy 

The birds recorded are mainly the sparrows easily found in the fields 
surrounding Austinsavannah, vesper, chipping, song, Lincoln, field, 
white-crowned, white-throated.   With the slow nightly recording, we have 
visited the field to record the seep calls of all these species just mentioned. 
   To a species, each produces the seep calls in broad daylight anytime of the 
day that have been recorded at night the last 3 months.   Don’t get me wrong, 
they, of course, give lots of other notes but they regularly seep during the 
day and can be easily compared to the nightly records.  Field sparrows will 
regularly give the Evans CD version and also a slightly shorter down slurred 
at-the-beginning seep that we have yet to see at night.Chipping sparrows 
are another case.  A feeding flock will give those chip notes that we all are 
use to but if disturbed will fly into the nearest tree while giving the seep 
notes that we hear so often at night.

BTW, just to be clear, all the notes above are from comparisons of the 
sonograms not from ear listening.   (Sometimes I am confused on this listserv 
whether people are comparing sonograms or just judging using their ears alone.)

We remain bumfuzzled by Harris Sparrow which are wintering here in abundance.   
As you all know, they give a wide range of sounds on the wintering grounds.   
We were excited to hear them seep regularly but the resultant sonogram is a 
dogleg down that should standout from all others but which we have yet to see 
at night.   And the Evans CD seems unsure of their nocturnal calls,  if any.   
Anyone have these figured out?

LeConte’s which can be found in the Austin area were still being recorded at 
night through mid-december.   We have yet to attempt day time field recording 
of LeConte’s for comparison to nightly sonograms.

Nelson Sparrows?   We have recorded 102 possible Nelson’s.   Which are listed 
as accidental in Austin according to bird checklists. Exciting...if true

-Mike Farmer


Mic – Oldbird 21c

Software – Oldbird tseep, thrush, GlassOFire, Raven Pro


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