Re: [nfc-l] Epic Movement - Etna, NY

2020-10-04 Thread Andrew Horn
Hi all,

Another site that offers some of this info, in a user-friendly way ,and as an 
app for iOS or Android, is

Thanks for all the cool discussion,
Andy Horn
Halifax, Nova Scotia

On Oct 4, 2020, at 11:26 AM, Bryan Guarente>> wrote:

John (and others),
For the easternmost third of North America, 850hPa can be too high, that's 
true.  Looking at a level like 950 or 925hPa would be really useful for you in 
Nova Scotia (or any coastal location).  Yet this isn't available on If you wanted to see the 
different levels of winds between 1000hPa and 850hPa, you could go to 
 Here you can adjust vertical levels with a little more granularity AND you can 
also turn on cloud bases which would be helpful for NFC predictions (lower 
cloud bases = better probability of hearing calls).  You cannot, however, go 
backwards in time (as far as I know) to see previous dates that were of 
interest to you.

Overall, the forecasted winds from computer models can be useful for prediction 
of migration changes as well as when concentrations of birds will be higher in 
a given area or not.  What Chris had the other 
 was a great example of the winds coming from an appropriate origin, a large 
scale convergence pattern for his area, and likely lower cloud bases with the 
passage of the weak cold front. The speed of the front helped as well, making 
the event last longer over his area as birds were likely piled up at the 
frontal boundary itself since the wind shift on the opposite side of the front 
was not conducive for migrants.


Bryan Guarente
Meteorologist/Instructional Designer
UCAR/The COMET Program
Boulder, CO

On Fri, Oct 2, 2020 at 11:26 AM John Kearney>> wrote:
I have often used the earth.nullschool streams to understand bird migration 
movements. However, here in coastal Nova Scotia many birds, mainly passerines, 
fly well above 1000 hpa and well below 850 hpa altitudes (the choices available 
in nullschool streams). The HYSPLIT models often provide more insight into 
passerine and small passerine movements at these intermediate altitudes between 
100 and 1500 meters. I have only analyzed past events and never tried 
John Kearney
Yarmouth, Nova Scotia

 On Behalf Of Bryan Guarente
Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2020 20:56
To: Night Flight Call Discussions>>
Subject: Re: [nfc-l] Epic Movement - Etna, NY

Lee and others,
I didn't see this at the time because it unfortunately went to spam.

The website is available for 
anyone to use and gives computer modeled streamlines that can help with 
predicting migration patterns.  It is best to look at the 850hPa (mb) level 
when looking for migrational movements away from taller topography.  There is a 
lot more to it than that, but Chris's example was a really good one to use.  On 
that website, you have the ability to go back in time to Dec 31 of 2013, so 
feel free to time travel to look at your "best days" and see what the weather 
was like.  Also, you can move forward  in time approximately 4 days.  All of 
the controls for this site are in the "Earth" button in the bottom left corner.

Caveat: This website uses computer model data and computer models can be quite 
wrong, especially the further forward in time you travel.  So take the forecast 
maps with a large grain of salt.  The maps from the past are also from this 
same computer model, so there are still errors, but they are smaller errors 
than the forecasts have in them.

Sorry for the delayed response.

Bryan Guarente
Meteorologist/Instructional Designer
UCAR/The COMET Program
Boulder, CO

On Fri, Sep 18, 2020 at 6:01 AM Lee Simpson>> wrote:
This is a great map. Is this something we can access? I have looked at the NOAA 
aviation wind/streamlines maps but they are nothing like this
Lee Simpson

On Friday, September 18, 2020, 01:36:07 AM EDT, Bryan Guarente>> wrote:

Based on your signature location and the current wind pattern:,42.81,960/loc=-76.383,42.485

You should be seeing this likely through the night with numbers getting less as 
the night goes on but plenty of migrants. I have an article coming out in the 
Fall North American Birds about why this is the case.

For the short and sweet, looking at the right altitude for migration, the winds 
are the right direction for fall 

Re: [nfc-l] Interesting Savannah Sparrow Call

2016-09-26 Thread Andrew Horn
Hi all,

In the recent tagging study, the first juvenile Ipswich was detected on the 
mainland on 17 September (Crysler et al. 2016, Movement Ecology DOI 
10.1186/s40462-016-0067-8), and you’d expect a lower frequency call from this 
bigger subspecies (its song is slightly lower, too), so this all makes sense.

Andy Horn

On Sep 26, 2016, at 8:44 AM, John Kearney>> wrote:

Hi All,
As an update to my response to Preston’s post yesterday, Jerald sent me offline 
a copy of a blog entry by Paul Driver on Ipswich Sparrow flight calls 
Recordings of the flight calls of Ipswich Sparrows in NJ show that their 
frequency can be much lower than previously thought and that the feature most 
distinguishing them from the nominate race of Savannah Sparrow is the degree of 
modulation in the call. This sheds a new light on Preston’s call in Westport.
It is interesting to note that I posted what I thought might be an Ipswich 
Sparrow flight call to this forum on 18 September 2013. Attached is a photo of 
the spectrogram, and the wav file can be found in the archives for that date. 
The call was recorded at Canso, NS. The point on the mainland of North America 
closest to Sable Island. Based on Paul Driver’s blog post, this call would also 
be a good candidate for Ipswich Sparrow.

 [] On Behalf Of John Kearney
Sent: September-25-16 12:21
To: 'Preston Lust'>>; 
Subject: RE: [nfc-l] Interesting Savannah Sparrow Call

Hi Preston,
You indeed have an interesting call. My feeling is that it is a highly 
modulated Savannah Sparrow rather than “Ipswich” Savannah Sparrow. I believe an 
Ipswich Sparrow should be of a higher frequency overall. That being said, I 
think we need some more examples of Ipswich flight calls and come up with a 
range of measurements for analyzing spectrograms.
It is also unlikely, not impossible, but unlikely that you would have an 
Ipswich Sparrow in Connecticut this early. Juvenile Ipswich Sparrows start 
leaving Sable Island in late September and will usually spend time on the coast 
of Nova Scotia and Maine before heading further south. Adults don’t leave until 
You might find this You Tube video interesting about recent radio telemetry 
studies on the timing of migration and movements of Ipswich Sparrows:

Carleton, NS

 [] On Behalf Of Preston Lust
Sent: September-25-16 10:05
To: NFC-L>>
Subject: [nfc-l] Interesting Savannah Sparrow Call

9/24-25/16, 8:00 PM-6:30 AM -- Yard, Westport CT

While looking through the results of last night's extremely productive 
recording, I stumbled upon a very interesting savannah sparrow call which is 
superficially similar to an Ipswich call, mainly because it is highly 
modulated. As Ipswich savannah sparrows are very rare in Connecticut, I was 
wondering if anyone could confirm or refute this tentative ID. Attached is a 
screenshot of the spectrogram, and (a very brief) clip of the call.

Preston Lust, Westport CT
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Re: [cayugabirds-l] [nfc-l] Thursday: Night Flight in Northeast

2014-09-19 Thread Andrew Horn
This is a brilliant idea. Last fall there was a big songbird night kill at gas 
plant flares in New Brunswick (reported widely in the media, e.g., 
 on a night when anyone following this or related lists would’ve seen that it 
was a bad night to keep the lights on.

Just saying,
Andy Horn
Halifax (Canada)

On Sep 19, 2014, at 6:14 PM, Jim Tate>> wrote:

I have been trying to correlate flights as reported by NFC observations, and 
radar with our experience picking up window strikes in DC.  Last night's 
reported flight in the northeast resulted in only a couple of warblers this 
morning.  I wonder if any other Lights Out groups are getting different 
results?  We should be able to declare emergency nights when we expect big 
flights- if only we can correlate.  -TATE

Sent from my iPad

On Sep 19, 2014, at 2:13 PM, "Geoff Malosh">> wrote:

I can attest to the enormous flight in southwestern Pennsylvania this morning. 
Still analyzing recordings but as a preview I am up to just shy of 900 
Swainson’s Thrush calls in the last 30 minutes before civil twilight, along 
with 51 Gray-cheeked, 15 Wood Thrush, and <10 Rose-breasted Grosbeak and 
Scarlet Tanager. Warblers calls in total are at about 90. Still analyzing with 
a long way to go, which will greatly up the totals of Swainson’s and 
Gray-cheeked judging by what I heard in real time. Later in the morning I had 
15 sp. of warbler at a local migration hotspot.

Last night was one of the most impressive flights I’ve heard here in suburban 
and often noise-infested Pittsburgh.

Geoff Malosh

Geoff Malosh | Editor, Pennsylvania Birds
450 Amherst Avenue | Moon Township, PA 15108-2654 | 412.735.3128 |
Pennsylvania Birds is published by the Pennsylvania Society for Ornithology
  Preview the latest issue:
  Subscription information:

 [] On Behalf OfRudolph Keller
Sent: Friday, September 19, 2014 3:33 PM
To: Christopher T. Tessaglia-Hymes; Andrew Albright; CAYUGABIRDS-L; NFC-L
Subject: Re: [cayugabirds-l] [nfc-l] Thursday: Night Flight in Northeast

Apparently there was a very large flight involving thousands of mostly thrush 
calls over western PA last night and around dawn. I think it was much lighter 
over eastern PA, as seems often to be the case. At Hawk Mt. in SE PA, a NE wind 
of 5-8 mph was enough to rustle leaves and mask calls (only 20 or so heard 
around 6 am), but I rarely hear many calls on windy nights even if there are no 
trees to rustle. The calm night of 9/17 was much better at Hawk Mt., with over 
500 calls in 20 minutes starting at 6 am, most Swainson's & Wood Thrushes (also 
lots of Wood Thrushes calling in the woods after daylight), with 13 Gray-cheek 
calls thrown in. I also rarely hear warblers in the dawn descent period, even 
when I find good numbers of them in the area after daylight.
Rudy Keller
- Original Message -
From: Christopher T. Tessaglia-Hymes
To: Andrew Albright ; 
Sent: Friday, September 19, 2014 11:12 AM
Subject: Re: [cayugabirds-l] [nfc-l] Thursday: Night Flight in Northeast

Andrew, et. al.,

I haven’t gone through all of my recording data from last night, but I have 
certainly observed what you are mentioning: significant thrush vocalizations in 
the minutes immediately leading up to the start of civil twilight. Often, after 
midnight, there are very few warbler calls and equally few during the thrush 
descent. Herons and bitterns seem to be vocal in the first three or four hours 
of the night, and then wane after that. I’m not sure what the cause or purpose 
is for this decrease in vocal activity in warblers after midnight.

Last night, there were hundreds of Swainson’s Thrushes and Rose-breasted 
Grosbeaks calling, tens of Gray-cheeked Thrushes with a single potential 
Bicknell’s Thrush candidate, a good handful of Wood Thrushes and Veeries in the 
mix. No Hermit Thrushes. A couple of Scarlet Tanager candidates. At least one 
American Bittern, two probable Least Bitterns (I’d like to discuss this later 
on NFC-L) and several Green Herons. Two American Woodcocks flew by shortly 
after the start of civil twilight, one stopping the wing twittering long enough 
to utter some very soft and gentle buzzy squeaks that I’ve never heard before, 
then continuing with the wing twittering.
