Hello all,
I've been lurking this list for several years, but finally was able to get
a microphone up and running. I live just north of Seattle, adjacent to a
major river on a small hill and get significant amounts of daytime
migrants, so I'm curious to see what I will turn up at night. It's already
been quite interesting to see how many owls are singing, but most of my
NFC's I've determined to be either SAVS or WCSP.

I did have one ID question I wanted to put out there. I recorded a monotone
"croak" widely spaced on two occasions thus far. I *think* it's an American
Bittern, but I'd like some outside advice.

It's filed under "bird sp." in this checklist:

and "American Bittern" in  this one:

Josh Adams
Snohomish, WA

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