Re: Nginx 1.18 - sub_filter + if statement

2020-09-10 Thread J.R.
Check the 'context' for the sub_filter directives you are trying to use. They do not say they can be used with 'if'. Also worth reading about using 'if':

Re: Redirect Question for Directory Structure Change

2020-09-10 Thread J.R.
You really should use a custom named capture group as the default "$1" (and $2, $3, $4...) can cause erroneous output if there is any other capturing going on in your configuration files... i.e. location ~ ^/e/(?.*) { return 301 /$x1$is_args$args; } As someone else mentioned, be

Re: Is this an attack or a normal request?

2020-08-24 Thread J.R.
> Is this kind of DDOS attack or a legitimate request(which my server returns > 400 for them)? That's typically how various unicode characters are hex encoded. If you aren't expecting that kind of input, then yes it is likely an attack (probably trying to exploit an unknown specific piece of

Re: SSL_shutdown() failed (SSL: ... bad write retry)

2020-08-22 Thread J.R.
> Please remove me from all of your contact lists, please. Thank you. You have to unsubscribe from the mailing list via: ___ nginx mailing list

Re: How to hide Kernel Info & also compile the nginx

2020-08-22 Thread J.R.
"Is there any way to hide kernel information using Nginx?" Scanners 'guess' kernel versions based on various TCP options and such your server supports. Unless you want to kill performance and make your server look like it's running an older kernel, there is nothing to be done.

Re: Nginx pre-configured test environment with all scenarios

2020-07-05 Thread J.R.
> I am assessing the capabilities and doing a POC on Nignx integration as > reverse proxy. Are there any pre-configured image with all the protocols and > the necessary clients to test and demo the capabilities of Nignx or Nignx > plus? Doing a self-assessment with all the necessary setup on my

Re: Found Nginx 1.19.0 stopped but no idea what happened

2020-07-02 Thread J.R.
How much RAM is on your machine? Have you tried disabling modsecurity temporarily? What other (if any) 3rd party modules are you using? ___ nginx mailing list

Re: Problem with nginx rate limiting not working when using white listing

2020-06-29 Thread J.R.
One place you have $mylimit and another is $my_limit (with the underscore). ___ nginx mailing list

Re: Force Nginx to log error?

2020-06-14 Thread J.R.
Mmmm... If you set it to debug you would probably get something to pop up sooner rather than later My error log level is set to 'error' and I typically see some ocsp cert timeouts and the occasional client exceeding my request (rate) limit settings... Not a lot ends up in the nginx error log

Re: Quick question on NGINX cache

2020-05-23 Thread J.R.
> And the main page caches OK, but any page the resides on the "?page_id" is > not getting cached. Is there more to the "try_files" that needs applied > for caching of these permalinks? Can you be more specific? Which "cache"? Browser cache? Nginx content cache? try_files has nothing to do with

Re: http_request_failed - cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate.

2020-05-21 Thread J.R.
> location / { > rewrite .*$1; > } Don't do that... The correct way when you want to redirect http to https would be: server { listen 80; server_name; access_log off; return 301

Re: http_request_failed - cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate.

2020-05-21 Thread J.R.
Your certificate chain is incomplete, and curl is complaining... You should add the Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA to your cert file, then it will probably be happy...

Re: editing a general location match to exclude one, specific instance?

2020-05-14 Thread J.R.
First, you forgot to escape the period in settings.php to settings\.php > I'd like to edit the match to PASS that^ logged match -- as > specifically/uniquely as possible -- but CONTINUE to 'deny all' > for all other/remaining matches on "config". Second, it's all in the location documentation:

Re: Question about proxy_cache_min_uses

2020-05-10 Thread J.R.
> My concern is as follows, proxy_cache_min_uses=1 effectively caches > everything, which is too much... But proxy_cache_min_uses=2 doesn't cache > enough. I'm struggling to understand exactly how proxy_cache_min_uses works, > by setting it to 2 nginx needs to somehow know that 2 requests were

Re: assigning different SSL cert -- per ingress/listener IP?

2020-05-06 Thread J.R.
> I'd _like_ to setup different SSL cert/key/CA handshake configs to be used > -- depending on the ingress IP. You can specify an IP with the listen directive: So you would end up with two similar copies of each 'server'... The only

Re: Strange behavior on proxy cache at high load spike

2020-05-04 Thread J.R.
> After 2minutes response 'stabilizes' with correct size (in this example > 1526025). Problem is also amplified due clients validate response and retry > progressively if corrupted. What is the response your upstream is sending back? If the 'corrupted' data is still a 200, then nginx will cache

Re: SSL and port number [was: Rewrite -- failure]

2020-04-29 Thread J.R.
To redirect a browser from http to https, you don't need to do an 'if' or 'rewrite'... The following would be the most efficient (and simplest)... server { listen 80; server_name; access_log off; return 301 https://$host$request_uri; }

Re: How to hide kernel information

2020-04-28 Thread J.R.
> Okay. I exactly don't know how the Security Testing Team is able to get the > kernel information. They use Qualys and Nessus for performing tests. All I > can say is only port 443 allowed to the server and I thought asking you > guys if it is from Nginx or is there any way to handle it. Server

Re: rewrite and map ??interfering regexps

2020-04-26 Thread J.R.
> Until it is fixed, however, it would be extremely useful if, in the > description of the 'map' stanza it mentioned > that the regexp in 'map' can interfere with the regexp in a 'rewrite' > directive, in such a way that positional groups in the latter don't > work. Yeah, I just realized I posted

Re: limit_req at server level gives 404 error for files rewritten at location level?

2020-04-26 Thread J.R.
> In particular, if limit_req uses a map with regular expressions, > this might result in $1.$2 to be set to something completely > different from what was expected from the location matching. > > The general rule is: avoid using positional captures from regular > expressions in location and

limit_req at server level gives 404 error for files rewritten at location level?

2020-04-26 Thread J.R.
I skimmed over the ngx_http_limit_req_module.c and didn't see anything obvious in relation to file checking, but here's my scenario... I have a location block that will re-write the requested 'versioned' file name to the actual common file name, so I can set some things immutable without having

Re: All I want for easter is a working module

2020-04-11 Thread J.R.
I've never heard of 'ngx_http_slow_module'... Is there a github page or similar with the source code? It's going to take more than just selective snippets if you really want someone to help debug it... ___ nginx mailing list

Re: Too many deleted open files in proxy_temp_path

2020-04-10 Thread J.R.
> # nginx -v > nginx version: nginx/1.10.3 (Ubuntu) The last update for that version was over 3 years ago... Try updating to 1.17.9... ___ nginx mailing list

Re: Testing with number of connections

2020-04-09 Thread J.R.
> I have compiled 1.14.2 from source and for some binary analysis, I want to > measure the response time under multiple connections, e.g. 1000 tcp > connections. I am talking about sbin/nginx file. > I didn't find a clear document on that. Does anybody know? ab (apache bench) siege httperf It's

Re: Nginx proxy cache doesn't update cache-control max-age time!

2020-04-06 Thread J.R.
> The Age header is the HTTP/1.1 way to decrement effective value of > max-age, see here: > > Interesting... Well, I solved the issue by simply removing the 'max-age' portion from the 'cache-control' header, keeping the other portion. Expiration

Re: Nginx proxy cache doesn't update cache-control max-age time!

2020-04-06 Thread J.R.
> There is no Age header support in nginx as of now (relevant ticket > in Trac: If you want > pages to expire at a specific time regardless of intermediate > caching, consider using the "Expires" header. The 'age' header appears to be something else...

Nginx proxy cache doesn't update cache-control max-age time!

2020-04-06 Thread J.R.
This was driving me crazy and I think I've figured out the problem. I started using the proxy cache (which is great, saves regenerating a lot of dynamic pages), except a bunch of my pages expire at a very specific time, at the start of the hour, and my cache-control / expires headers reflect

Confused between proxy_socket_keepalive & (upstream) keepalive?

2020-04-06 Thread J.R.
For my setup I use the 'upstream' directive, and in that module there is the 'keepalive' syntax: I just noticed today in the proxy module there is the 'proxy_socket_keepalive' syntax:

Re: proxy_cache_path 'inactive' vs http cache-control / expires headers?

2020-04-02 Thread J.R.
> You can just set the inactive time longer than your possible maximum > expire time for the objects then the cache manager won't purge the > cache files even the object is still valid but not accessed. That's what I ended up doing. Thanks for the suggestion though.

proxy_cache_path 'inactive' vs http cache-control / expires headers?

2020-04-02 Thread J.R.
I've been doing some experimenting with nginx's proxy caching and slowly working the kinks out. >From what I read, the cache-control & expires headers take precedence over the 'proxy_cache_valid' setting, which is great as certain pages are valid for several hours at a time. However, I am

Re: openssl 1.1.1e 14095126:SSL routines:ssl3_read_n

2020-03-18 Thread J.R.
> [crit] 1808#2740: *20747 SSL_read() failed (SSL: error:14095126:SSL > routines:ssl3_read_n:unexpected eof while reading) while keepalive Just curious, but were you getting these errors while running 1.1.1d or they just started after upgrade to 1.1.1e ?

Re: Prevent direct access to files but allow download from site

2020-03-12 Thread J.R.
Without you being more specific on HOW you want to block direct downloads and how extreme you want to prevent it, then it's all just a wild guess what kind of solution you want. >From the example link you gave for stackoverflow, it sounds like you just want to prevent hotlinking (i.e. downloading

Re: Suggest strong cipher suites

2020-03-03 Thread J.R.
> Can someone please suggest me to use strong cipher suites for SSL/TLS > encryption. Thanks in advance and I look forward to hearing from you. Select your products / versions and what settings you want... It should give you a good jumpstart on configuration settings:

Re: Is it possible for nginx to decompress FILES on-the-fly (not proxied)?

2020-02-29 Thread J.R.
Well, figured it out... I swear I tried this yesterday, but maybe I didn't or my configuration was incomplete... If you use "gzip_static always;" in combination with the below statements, it works correctly! It sends the compressed response as expected, and will decompress on-the-fly when

Is it possible for nginx to decompress FILES on-the-fly (not proxied)?

2020-02-29 Thread J.R.
I did a lot of googling and only came up with answers from many years ago, or unanswered questions. Maybe I'm just not using the right search keywords, so I figured I would ask the following Here's my scenario... I have a bunch of static html files that would be served directly via nginx. Is

Re: Nginx - 56 day old reverse-proxy suddenly unable to connect upstream.

2020-02-22 Thread J.R.
> resolver valid=3s ipv6=off; I doubt this is related to your issue, but any reason you have 'valid' set to only 3 seconds for your resolver conf? Seems like you could be doing a lot of unnecessary repetitive lookups because that is set so low. > ssl_session_cache


2020-02-11 Thread J.R.
> But when I connect to my website's through website name I get > net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR : Guessing based on the "Certificate Common Name Invalid" is because you are connecting with "localhost" and "" whereas your certificate has the actual DNS hostname...

Re: Nginx Valid Referer - Access Control - Help Wanted

2020-02-05 Thread J.R.
> I found various code examples to add to the conf file and coupled this > together and added it to the end of the conf file, but it doesn't work, > entering a URL directly into the browser serves it > server { >location /radio/ { >valid_referers none blocked server_names ~\.mysite\.;

Re: What about BREACH (CVE-2013-3587)?

2020-02-04 Thread J.R.
> still laments about BREACH, when tested against a recent > nginx 1.16. > > Qualys ssllabs doesn't mention it at all. > > Is it fixed? > > Can you safely enable gzip on ssl-vhosts? I think you are confusing TLS compression with HTTP compression...

Re: Help please

2020-01-28 Thread J.R.
> Can you help us please? You're going to have to be a *bit* more specific what your problem is... ___ nginx mailing list

Re: Two internal ports on same host in Single Web App.

2020-01-27 Thread J.R.
> I have an application runs on port 8080. > Ex: > > This landing page has basic username and password authentication to access > it. After login, it changes the port automatically to 8088. > Ex: > > I need external users to access this

Re: http2 request log in accurate $request_time ?

2020-01-22 Thread J.R.
> nginx version: nginx-1.9.5 Have you tried updating to a newer version of nginx? The 1.9 branch is probably 5 years old... It looks like the code you mention has changed somewhat, though I don't know if it has any effect on $request_time.

Re: rewrite rule with consistent document structure

2020-01-16 Thread J.R.
> I want to make it so that NGINX serves up the HTML and images from the > parent directory and omits the public directory from the URI. In your case, using "alias" would be the way to go...

Re: NGINX stripping websocket "Upgrade" headers

2020-01-14 Thread J.R.
> Got it figured out, this is a quirk of HTTP/2.0 vs 1.1. Per RFC-2616: I tried to follow all your comments on reddit & plex, but I'm not really sure if you resolved this issue or just decided it was impossible... Have you tried using the nginx stream module?

Re: what happy when nginx cannot request certificate status using ssl_stapling_verify

2020-01-14 Thread J.R.
> I enable "ssl_stapling" and "ssl_stapling_verify", it can work fine. But > sometime, I can find a few error messages in error.log, ".Operation > timed out) while requesting certificate status", it seem the OCSP server > of my SSL provider cannot be connected at that time. > > I want to

Re: nginx removes strong etags on gzip compression

2020-01-02 Thread J.R.
> If that is not doable, then possibly you could patch your nginx to accept > this invalid header; or possibly you could try some other config-based > manipulation to make things work the way that you want. I suspect that > either of those is likely to be more work in the long run than fixing >

Re: Per IP bandwidth limit

2019-11-11 Thread J.R.
Maybe you can write something with the njs module? Nothing that I have read in the standard nginx docs or blogs really addresses how you want to throttle (though it does make sense). Maybe there is a 3rd party module? ___ nginx mailing list

Re: High memory usage

2019-10-23 Thread J.R.
> A typical vhost file is quite simple, it's just a proxy_pass to a backend, > with some hack to do a retry is we first get and error message (based on > proxy_intercept_errors). http2 is on. I don't use any caches. Are you running PHP FPM? If so, check all your process manager settings. I've

Re: Revisiting the long-overdue "TODO always gunzip" in ngx_http_gunzip_filter_module.c

2019-10-23 Thread J.R.
> Well, it looks like I've failed to explain. You can have things > compressed between servers and then decompressed on the frontend > server. To do so, you can configure additional proxying on the > frontend server, for example: Thanks for the sample configuration, that makes sense with the

Re: Revisiting the long-overdue "TODO always gunzip" in ngx_http_gunzip_filter_module.c

2019-10-21 Thread J.R.
> Also note that if you really need to force gunziping for some reason, > you can do so out of the box by using an additional local proxying > layer with appropriate "proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding". Yes, that is how I had it configured before patching, all content between nginx and the

Revisiting the long-overdue "TODO always gunzip" in ngx_http_gunzip_filter_module.c

2019-10-20 Thread J.R.
Recently I was looking into having my upstream server gzip content that is sent to nginx (which is acting as a reverse proxy) to reduce local bandwidth. However, I needed to decompress the response so nginx could do some manipulation, then obviously it would get re-compressed (typically with

Re: Static content and Front Controller pattern under same base URI

2019-10-18 Thread J.R.
> I'm not a big fan of the location that sets the 418 error_page to the > @foo_front_controller named location, but I don't know of any other way > to essentially do a "return @foo_front_controller". Is there a better > way? Use "try_files" instead with a filename that will never exist (i.e.