
On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 4:30 AM, Reetesh Ranjan wrote:
> I have thought of the following design, in terms of nginx modules I would
> use:
> 1   My main location module that picks the keywords entered and communicates
> to Redis and Sphinx
> 2   For communicating to Redis I thought of using HttpRedis2Module
> (http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpRedis2Module)
> 3   For communicating with Sphinx, I am trying to write a simple C++ client
> or adapt the Sphinx C++ client
> (http://sourceforge.net/projects/cppsphinxclient/) or its parts into an
> upstream module.

This looks trivial if you use ngx_lua module as the glue. In
particular you can check out the ngx.location.capture and
ngx.location.capture_multi API functions for captured subrequests:



And probably also the "light thread" API that can work with the
subrequest API above:


When using the Lua API provided by ngx_lua, everything is nonblocking
out of the box :)


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