Hi Sander,

First of all, thanks for your code contribution and your work done on it.

Among with other tasks we are now in a preparation for a new development
branch 1.19 and don't have much developers resources to make a proper
review of the code.

I'd suggest to put the module somewhere on external repo for now, e.g.
on github.  I hope we'll be able to return to this topic later in May.



On 14.04.2020 21:27, Sander Hoentjen wrote:
> Hello list,
> Since the Nginx development procedure is unknown to me: Did i do the
> right things to get my submission to be considered? What are the next
> steps? Will somebody review this, or reject it? Or is it possible that
> it just won't get any attention, and that this will mean it will not be
> considered? I hope I will at least get some feedback, even if it is a
> rejection :)
> Kind regards,
> Sander
> On 4/8/20 8:33 PM, Sander Hoentjen wrote:
>> Hello list,
>> This is my attempt at adding support for the managesieve protocol. I
>> hope this is something that you would consider to add. Comments on the
>> code are very welcome! Also, I hope I submitted this the right way. If
>> I need to change anything, please let me know.
>> Kind regards,
>> Sander Hoentjen
>> On 4/8/20 8:26 PM, Sander Hoentjen wrote:
>>> # HG changeset patch
>>> # User Sander Hoentjen <shoent...@antagonist.nl>
>>> # Date 1586369831 -7200
>>> # Wed Apr 08 20:17:11 2020 +0200
>>> # Node ID f1dffaf619688aaab90caf31781ebe27c3f79598
>>> # Parent 0cb942c1c1aa98118076e72e0b89940e85e6291c
>>> Added support for proxying managesieve protocol

Maxim Konovalov
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