
I'm doing a subquery using a formula in one of my properties, which
results in an exception :

Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'TOP'.

The diagram between my tables looks like this:


Note that the SQL generated by NH is not correct because it adds a
'this_' before the keyword TOP, which leads to the error. If I take
off the 'this_' part, the query works just fine.

Here are the SQL generated by NH as well as the mapping file:

         this_.BuzzGalleryID as BuzzGall1_5_1_,
         this_.BuzzUserID as BuzzUserID5_1_,
         this_.Name as Name5_1_,
         this_.DateCreated as DateCrea4_5_1_,
         this_.DateModified as DateModi5_5_1_,
         this_.Scrapped as Scrapped5_1_,
                         this_.TOP 1 bua.URLThumbnail

                FROM dbo.BuzzGalleryArt ba
                      INNER JOIN dbo.BuzzUserArt bua ON
ba.BuzzUserArtID = bua.BuzzUserArtID
                      INNER JOIN dbo.BuzzGallery bg ON
ba.BuzzGalleryID = bg.BuzzGalleryID

                WHERE bua.Scrapped = 0 AND ba.BuzzGalleryID = 
         as formula0_1_,
         buzzuser2_.BuzzUserID as BuzzUserID0_0_,
         buzzuser2_.FirstName as FirstName0_0_,
         buzzuser2_.LastName as LastName0_0_,
         buzzuser2_.FullName as FullName0_0_,
         buzzuser2_.Email as Email0_0_,
         buzzuser2_.UserName as UserName0_0_,
         buzzuser2_.Password as Password0_0_,
         buzzuser2_.PasswordSalt as Password8_0_0_,
         buzzuser2_.PasswordFormat as Password9_0_0_,
         buzzuser2_.FailedPasswordAttemptCount as FailedP10_0_0_,
         buzzuser2_.FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart as FailedP11_0_0_,
         buzzuser2_.LastPasswordChangedDate as LastPas12_0_0_,
         buzzuser2_.LastActivityDate as LastAct13_0_0_,
         buzzuser2_.isApproved as isApproved0_0_,
         buzzuser2_.isLockedOut as isLocke15_0_0_,
         buzzuser2_.LastLockOutDate as LastLoc16_0_0_,
         buzzuser2_.LastLoginDate as LastLog17_0_0_,
         buzzuser2_.DateCreated as DateCre18_0_0_,
         buzzuser2_.DateModified as DateMod19_0_0_,
         buzzuser2_.Scrapped as Scrapped0_0_,
         buzzuser2_.URLPhoto as URLPhoto0_0_,
         buzzuser2_.PersonalWebsite as Persona22_0_0_,
         buzzuser2_.Biography as Biography0_0_,
         buzzuser2_.Location as Location0_0_,
         buzzuser2_.Language as Language0_0_
        FROM BuzzGallery this_ inner join BuzzUser buzzuser2_ on
        WHERE (




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2">
  <class name="BuzzArt.BuzzGallery, BuzzArt" table="BuzzGallery"

    <cache usage="read-write" region="longCache" />

    <id name="Id" column="BuzzGalleryID" type="guid">
      <generator class="guid.comb"/>

    <many-to-one name="Owner" class="BuzzArt.BuzzUser, BuzzArt"
column="BuzzUserID" not-null="true" />

    <property name="Name" type="String" length="100" />
    <property name="DateCreated" type="Date" insert="false"
update="false" />
    <property name="DateModified" type="Date" insert="false" />
    <property name="Scrapped" type="Boolean" insert="false" />

    <property name="UrlThumbnail" formula="(SELECT TOP 1
                      FROM dbo.BuzzGalleryArt ba
                      INNER JOIN dbo.BuzzUserArt bua ON
ba.BuzzUserArtID = bua.BuzzUserArtID
                      INNER JOIN dbo.BuzzGallery bg ON
ba.BuzzGalleryID = bg.BuzzGalleryID
                      WHERE bua.Scrapped = 0 AND ba.BuzzGalleryID =

    <set name="Arts" table="BuzzGalleryArt" lazy="true" cascade="all"
      <key column="BuzzGalleryID" />
      <many-to-many class="BuzzArt.BuzzUserArt, BuzzArt"
column="BuzzUserArtID" where="Scrapped=0"/>


Any idea what might cause the 'this_' to be added to the TOP keyword ?

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