Dynlib passing value back to main app causes SIGSEGV error

2021-11-06 Thread gcao
It seems GC_ref doesn't help. If you use ORC, it'll still fail. $ nim c --gc:orc --app:lib --outdir:. ext.nim Hint: used config file '/Users/gcao/.choosenim/toolchains/nim-1.6.0/config/nim.cfg' [Conf] Hint: used config file

Show Nim: Nephyr a Nim wrapper for Zephyr RTOS!

2021-11-06 Thread elcritch
Oh one fun bit: I was able to get about `0.70 ms` total round trip RPC calls using an [STM Nucleo H745ZI board](https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/STMicroelectronics/NUCLEO-H745ZI-Q?qs=%2B6g0mu59x7JZtCCSR0CW2g%3D%3D)! Note that it's on a local switch and the raw ping time averages about `0.3

Dynlib passing value back to main app causes SIGSEGV error

2021-11-06 Thread Yardanico
First of all, at least on Linux the system doesn't search for the shared library in the current directory, so I had to patch the code to test it. Second of all, you need `GC_ref` in `test` so that, when destroying from the main app, the reference counts becomes 0 and the ref actually gets

Show Nim: Nephyr a Nim wrapper for Zephyr RTOS!

2021-11-06 Thread elcritch
Greetings, I've been working on [Nephyr](https://github.com/EmbeddedNim/nephyr) a wrapper around the Zephyr RTOS! Zephyr is a fantastic truly open source initiative that has backing from multiple hardware vendors including many of the biggest ones like Nordic, TI, NXP, and Intel among others.

Survey Question: flow research

2021-11-06 Thread ynfle
`nim_gdb` for windows is `nim_gdb.bat` I think. Also, what @quantimnot says

Dynlib passing value back to main app causes SIGSEGV error

2021-11-06 Thread gcao
It is probably caused by ORC. I have this in config.nims switch("d", "release") switch("d", "ssl") switch("gc", "orc") switch("outdir", "bin") Run

Dynlib passing value back to main app causes SIGSEGV error

2021-11-06 Thread Yardanico
The main issue here is that you're passing a GC'd reference from one instance of the Nim GC to another, which is not really allowed as `refc` is a thread-local GC.

Dynlib passing value back to main app causes SIGSEGV error

2021-11-06 Thread gcao
Nim 1.6 throws same error.

Dynlib passing value back to main app causes SIGSEGV error

2021-11-06 Thread gcao
Hi, With below code I'm getting a strange error with no stack trace. Any suggestions? app.nim import dynlib type Value* = ref object P* = proc(): Value {.nimcall.} when isMainModule: var lib = loadLib("libext.dylib") var test: P =

More Nim on more Microcontrollers!? (Arm CMSIS / Zephyr RTOS)

2021-11-06 Thread elcritch
> I've been thinking of porting NuttX and littleVGL to Nim; but Zephyr is also > on my radar. littleVGL would be really useful! I've not used NuttX but let me know if you'd like to include it in EmbeddedNim.

More Nim on more Microcontrollers!? (Arm CMSIS / Zephyr RTOS)

2021-11-06 Thread elcritch
> Somebody any idea? If it's not the compiler flags then maybe it could be > xtensa gcc using glibc instead of newlib (I didn't specify this), but that's > just a wild (and probably wrong) guess... That'd seem a good guess. Mixing C libraries doesn't usually go too well. Though there may be

More Nim on more Microcontrollers!? (Arm CMSIS / Zephyr RTOS)

2021-11-06 Thread starrtiktokk
I've been thinking of porting NuttX and littleVGL to Nim; but Zephyr is also on my radar.

How to convert hexstring to bytes array?

2021-11-06 Thread auxym

How to convert hexstring to bytes array?

2021-11-06 Thread shirleyquirk
There's [parseHexStr](https://nim-lang.org/docs/strutils.html#parseHexStr%2Cstring) which maybe helpful

Indentation in Nim

2021-11-06 Thread dom96
I don't think it's productive to discuss this: there is no chance Nim will change such a fundamental part of it's syntax. I'm locking this thread.

Indentation in Nim

2021-11-06 Thread manatlan
Coming from python ... and new (happy) nim'er ;-) I've choose nim, over rust, just because I prefer the nim syntax (a lot!) (and nim interfaces very well with python !!!) Indent war, was a lot present 20years ago in python discussions ... But now, still python is number1 (tiobe): the debat is

Indentation in Nim

2021-11-06 Thread xigoi
True. If you don't want semicolons, you can do this instead: (if true: echo "You can do this if you want" (block: echo "but everyone will hate you" ) ) Run

Indentation in Nim

2021-11-06 Thread gemath
To make this compile, it should be if true: ( echo "You can do this if you want"; # note here block: ( echo "but everyone will hate you" ) ) Run Plus, the semicolon will give some extra hate :o)

Indentation in Nim

2021-11-06 Thread xigoi
`if true: ( echo "You can do this if you want" block: ( echo "but everyone will hate you" ) ) ` Run

Compute a Sha256 : the fastest implem ?

2021-11-06 Thread manatlan
Thanks ! #! nim c -d:danger -r import nimSHA2 import nimcrypto import times import libsha / sha256 let x=10_000_000 var t=getTime() for i in 0 .. x: let h=sha256hexdigest($i) # libsha echo "LIBSHA: ",getTime() - t

Indentation in Nim

2021-11-06 Thread Araq
Tools that throw away whitespace are broken tools. Broken tools should not guide syntax design.

Indentation in Nim

2021-11-06 Thread aEverr
what exactly is your point? you just rebutted both of your options