Hello `nph`, an opinionated source code formatter for Nim

2023-12-16 Thread brainproxy
> It seems to me that making nph use a different style for something so > fundamental might be a problem The issue is that with use of commas Nim developers can easily make mistakes, introduce ambiguity without realizing it. By use of semicolons `nph` forces a developer to consider ambiguities

TAT开辟新目的地“The LINK Local to Global 项目下连接

2023-12-16 Thread habibaumme
开辟新目的地“The LINK Local to Global 项目下连接 Happy Link 泰国梦想目的地的旅游路线” 泰国旅游局(TAT)邀请游客加入“快乐链接:泰国梦想目的地,将幸福与旅游目的地连接起来”项目,在 TAT 组织“本地到全球的链接”项目,开启新的旅游体验。穿越该地区。通过展示潜在旅游目的地的旅游形象。通过以新的视角开发和提出旅游产品和服务。 Thapanee Kiattipaiboon 女士国内市场副总监泰国旅游局(TAT)探讨历史并邀请游客体验新的旅游线路。发布会上2023 年 8 月 29 日星期二在泰国旅游局 1


2023-12-16 Thread habibaumme
> 想象泰国聚集了一支由优秀推广者组成的大军,学习甲米府 Ban Tha Maphrao > 的成功经验,将“Brom”房屋、学校和清真寺合而为一。为青少年创造健康空间 甲米府Khlong Thom区Khlong Phon分区Ban Tha > Maprao社区的人们再次表示,该社区是8个卫生区模范社区之一有机会欢迎访客。在第二次知识交流活动中,该项目开发了健康领域,以减少健康风险因素。由“想象泰国运动”推动并得到以下机构的支持健康促进基金会办公室(泰国健康促进基金会) > 此次50余位参观者都是推动健康社会的好推动者。来自不同地区,如 Khlong Maha Sawat

通过我们的措施,我们在 2020 年实现了 84% 的增长”,J. López(皇家通讯)

2023-12-16 Thread Prantobapary55
传播机构是战略盟友,随时准备在媒体和其他渠道代表客户的利益。 一种让公司、组织和个人更容易联系媒体的管理方式,并在多个平台上执行战略,为他们的项目提供发言权. 理论很简单,但在实践中,各机构必须制定标准以使自己在竞争中脱颖而出。今天我们来聊聊其中的一家,Royal Comunicación,这家成立14年的公司已经在其事业上取得了巨大的成功。为了了解他们,我们采访了该机构的首席执行官Juanjo López,他打开了他们办公室的门,向我们展示了他们所做的工作从内部。 López 将其机构 14 年的工作总结为技术与营销的融合。涵盖程序化团队、付费媒体、活动和战术行动等方面的概念。

Hello `nph`, an opinionated source code formatter for Nim

2023-12-16 Thread didlybom
Using comma rather than colons is the dominant style in the nim ecosystem, including in the std lib and pretty much all code examples on the internet. It seems to me that making nph use a different style for something so fundamental might be a problem for adoption of the tool, even if is

Hello `nph`, an opinionated source code formatter for Nim

2023-12-16 Thread arnetheduck
A round of fixes to all kinds of strange parses - in particular around [do expressions](https://github.com/arnetheduck/nph/pull/14) and the like. Expressions are generally rendered a little more compact with the opening pars not sitting on an otherwise empty line - infix are a bit nasty to

Hello `nph`, an opinionated source code formatter for Nim

2023-12-16 Thread auxym
You're right, my vs code was (slightly) outdated. Thank you, extension works great, I am now a happy user of nph for all my Nim code :)

Can Nim interact with the hardware at a lower level than the C programming language?

2023-12-16 Thread auxym
was made for this and provides bindings to well know, robust libs (openssl and libsodium).

cannot open: /dev/stderr

2023-12-16 Thread stbalbach
This appears resolved by setting the exception per above. Now looks like: # # showException # proc showException(msg: string) = try: stderr.write(msg) except Exception as e: discard e.msg # optionally log or email # #

SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?) in coroutines

2023-12-16 Thread zevv
Don't use `std/coro`, it's broken.

Where to Buy Smart Hemp Gummies Australia?

2023-12-16 Thread ricemarty
Smart Hemp Gummies Australia:- is a very effective health-boosting formula that helps improve your overall health and it will improve your mental and physical health at the same time. Facebook @

Can Nim interact with the hardware at a lower level than the C programming language?

2023-12-16 Thread undefined
I was just looking for one for a web back-end I was thinking of writing using Nim. Do you have any other good suggestion?

How to correctly use nim doc when a project has unimported modules

2023-12-16 Thread Isofruit
I'm in the process of writing myself some docs for a lib I'm working on. That library is set up so that it solves a general problem, and then provides special utilities for easier usage with specific other libraries. This leads to a structure like this: docs htmldocs

Hello `nph`, an opinionated source code formatter for Nim

2023-12-16 Thread didlybom
The newest version works much better, thanks! IMHO the main remaining problem is that it still changes commas into semi-colons on the procedure declarations which is weird and not very idiomatic. Also, is there a way to temporarily disable the formatting on a section of the code? This is

error occurred when add thread to seq

2023-12-16 Thread Araq
By using Malebolgia which abstracts over it and the number of cores is always known.

error occurred when add thread to seq

2023-12-16 Thread aiac
If the number of thread instances required is unknown, how can we define it in a global variable?

error occurred when add thread to seq

2023-12-16 Thread Araq
Because people are obsessed with using `Thread` and `Channel` as local variables and they only work as global variables.

error occurred when add thread to seq

2023-12-16 Thread aiac
Thank you for your suggestion, but I want to know why the standard library stuff is not recommended to be used directly?

error occurred when add thread to seq

2023-12-16 Thread Araq
Don't use threads directly, use Weave or Malebolgia.

error occurred when add thread to seq

2023-12-16 Thread aiac
My guess is that the Thread object is allocated on the stack, but does not support copy, which means that its lifetime cannot be safely expanded.

error occurred when add thread to seq

2023-12-16 Thread aiac
* code: import std/[strformat] import std/[os] import std/typedthreads import std/[monotimes, times] var threads: seq[Thread[void]] = @[] let st = getMonoTime() proc doSleep() = sleep 3000 for i in 0

Nim Tooling Roadmap

2023-12-16 Thread giaco
Super! from the changelog of the vscode extension, I read that nimlangserver is used by default, and direct access to nimsuggests is deprecated. This is good, but this also opens the possibility to use other LSP like nimlsp instead of nimlangserver. What about providing the user the