Trouble with Nim debugging in VS Code

2023-02-28 Thread fzqdoo

Trouble with Nim debugging in VS Code

2023-02-28 Thread fzqdoo
Finally managed to work on a new release of IDE plugin for @nim_lang  Improved debugging experience, compatibility with newest JB IDEs and support for custom toolchains. Available on JetBrains marketplace:

Trouble with Nim debugging in VS Code

2023-02-28 Thread mode80
(Crossposting these tips as they seem equally relevant here...) Without diminishing the importance of better "out of the box" tooling for Nim, here are some tricks that have improved my experience a lot: * This plugin for VSCode allowed me to make a "Step Over" command that works like you'd

Trouble with Nim debugging in VS Code

2023-02-16 Thread jmgomez
I get what you are saying but it's orthogonal to the thread. I still dont get how it is related to debug symbol being mangled

Trouble with Nim debugging in VS Code

2023-02-16 Thread UxDnz0
I'm sorry but it's somewhat incredible how much noisy talk there can be dancing around the very simple facts: """ Nimsuggest while perhaps not being bottomlessly feature rich has the exact right QnA design architecture to be integrative and holisitc with more PR's IC is a cool goal as it

Trouble with Nim debugging in VS Code

2023-02-16 Thread jmgomez
I dont see how IC will help with debugging. IC should help with suggestions since they will be cached/stored in those nimrod files

Trouble with Nim debugging in VS Code

2023-02-15 Thread Clonk
Yes, tooling overall needs improvement but AFAIK it was on the roadmap behind "incremental compilation" which was supposed to arrive after --mm:orc by default and 2.0 migration. So it might just be a question of time and manpower.

Trouble with Nim debugging in VS Code

2023-02-14 Thread auxym
Agreed. The debugging situation is not great and a large part of the whole poor tooling situation. Out of curiosity, C++ does name mangling too IIRC? How is that handled by gdb? Is it possible to map the non-mangled symbols in the DWARF data?

Trouble with Nim debugging in VS Code

2023-02-14 Thread jmgomez
This, after NimSuggest/intellisense is the biggest issue on Nim's tooling turning people away. Not sure where the fix would go TBH. Does it require the compiler to do something additional on the emitted symbols? Maybe to dont mangle or remap them to something the debugger can understand if in

Trouble with Nim debugging in VS Code

2023-02-12 Thread RolandMunsil
Sorry for taking so long to reply - I just tried this, and still have the same problem: . The full command I'm using is `nim c --debugger:native --stacktrace:on -d:useMalloc --mm:orc {filename}`. I'm using the CodeLLDB extension for VS Code, it's possible that's

Trouble with Nim debugging in VS Code

2022-12-19 Thread Clonk
Debugging with the compile time switch : `--debugger:native --stacktraces:on -d:useMalloc --mm:orc`; I haven't had any issues using GDB and Valgirnd (at least no more than I would have had for a similar C++ program).

Trouble with Nim debugging in VS Code

2022-12-19 Thread doofenstein
it's a bit of an unfortunate thing to say, but it's not going to get much better than this. If you haven't been using --debugger:native already, that does makes some things like breakpoints work atleast in theory. Though if you have ever debugged C++ code, you know that when turning on the

Trouble with Nim debugging in VS Code

2022-12-19 Thread Clonk
Do you compile with --debugger:native ?

Trouble with Nim debugging in VS Code

2022-12-17 Thread RolandMunsil
Hello, I'm trying to get debugging set up for Nim in VS Code. I'm using this VS Code extension: and I followed the instructions listed on that page, except for installing lldb (since gdb seems to be already installed and