converting C++ typedef to nim-lang

2022-12-20 Thread nospher
About C int to a pointer i only following the code :c. About cint/cfloat THANKS fixed <33

converting C++ typedef to nim-lang

2022-12-20 Thread sls1005
Try using `cint`/`cfloat` instead of `int`/`float`. Their sizes are usually not the same, which is easily to cause bugs. Also I cannot understand why to cast a C int into a pointer.

converting C++ typedef to nim-lang

2022-12-19 Thread nospher
I have this code in C++ works without problem. but when i transpiled to nim-lang i crashed all times. DWORD* floatingEnumInstance = *reinterpret_cast(base_address + 0x24FB358); typedef int(__thiscall* FloatingTextGetTextType)(DWORD* floatingEnumInstance,int textType);