Re: Perfecting Nim

2018-04-25 Thread mikra
Hi all, still a nim-noob but I enjoy writing code in Nim. Nim is great and I use it both for non-os and os environments. Please don't purge the range-types; they are super useful and every serious language should have it. In my eyes the dead-code elimination feature within Nim is unneccesary;

Re: Problems with Bounty Source

2018-04-25 Thread Krux02
You should put the problem you are describing in the title.

Re: Float should be 32 bit, 2x performance just by changing the defaults

2018-04-25 Thread Krux02
This discussion is pointless and triggers too much attention. `sizeof(float)` won't change. if you want 32 bit float use float32.

Re: Perfecting Nim

2018-04-25 Thread Krux02
I haven't been on the forum for quite a while, just the chat and I would also like to put my wishlist of things to remove here. * the range type. Well just use `type range[low,high: static[int]] = distinct int` No need for this to be a language feature * arrays with a size that is not an

Re: Perfecting Nim

2018-04-25 Thread cblake
Patching the stdlib to use concepts where it makes sense instead of `openArray` is also a fine idea. It's really used a lot -- (`algorithms`, `strutils`, `sequtils`, `random`, `stats`, etc.). `Iterable` & `Indexable` concepts make sense to me as a decomposition for all those interface

Re: Perfecting Nim

2018-04-25 Thread mratsim
`openarray` as a concept was raised here: []( but in light of the discussion for memRanges/slices/pointer+len/span that happened here: > * >

Re: Perfecting Nim

2018-04-25 Thread Araq
> Default Not Nil (and cleaning up the associated initialization that springs > from this). Newbies always get caught with a seq that hasn't been > initialised. If you want nil, be explicit about it. The better solution for today's Nim is to remove `nil` from seqs. Internally `@[]` can be

Re: Perfecting Nim

2018-04-25 Thread Araq
> has the idea of openArray being a concept been considered? It seems to make > sense - an array has a set of properties that concept describes well: > indexable, len, etc Certainly, but I want to keep `openArray` and turn into borrowed array slices. The borrowing aspect is hard to achieve

Re: Perfecting Nim

2018-04-25 Thread Araq
Well it's time we talk about what v1 should be about. In my opinion v1 should be today's Nim with features that don't work well put behind the `{.experimental.}` switch or removed altogether. Oh and of course we should remove the already deprecated stuff. But the goal should be to keep much of

Re: Problems with Bounty Source

2018-04-25 Thread alfrednewman
Opencollective is also an option. (Got issues with Bounty Source too)

Re: Perfecting Nim

2018-04-25 Thread jlp765
Default `Not Nil` (and cleaning up the associated initialization that springs from this). Newbies always get caught with a seq that hasn't been initialised. If you want `nil`, be explicit about it.

Re: Perfecting Nim

2018-04-25 Thread cblake
While excess can be bad, and there are inconsistencies that should be repaired, I think a "batteries included" stdlib is a good thing. E.g., the recent `enumerate` for loop macro in `tests/macros/tforloop_macro1.nim` should probably be in `lib/pure/sugar.nim`. I think the duplication (`re` and