Re: Nim Language group in London

2019-02-25 Thread Libman
This would be a good question category for next year's [Community Survey]( * In which [major]( world city are you

Re: Replacement for "<" in array ranges?

2019-02-25 Thread Araq
> Be aware of Djikstra's opinion on ranges: > > []( Oh not that again. Exclusive ranges ONLY work when you have a sentinel value that shouldn't be

Re: Problem getting the element type of a generic container

2019-02-25 Thread mratsim
Regarding lazy ranges, @timotheecour was interested in implementing D ranges in Nim, see []( I often struggled with the same need, Nim offers genericHead

Re: Replacement for "<" in array ranges?

2019-02-25 Thread miran
Use this: array[MSA_BASE_GROUP_LEN, align_tag_col_t] Run

Replacement for "<" in array ranges?

2019-02-25 Thread cdunn2001
(This is difficult to search for, so I thought I should ask the question.) I see this warning: .nim(101, 23) Warning: < is deprecated [Deprecated] base*: array[0 ..

Re: Problem with templates in multiple files

2019-02-25 Thread cdunn2001
This turned out to be an unrelated problem. However, I did find a problem with relative imports here: []( That one is easy to work around, and might be a mistake by the user anyway. But I do wonder how

Re: [Review request] for rosetta code challenge "Lexical Analyzer"

2019-02-25 Thread Araq
Sadly I cannot maintain it much, but shameless plug ahead: []( Lexim compiles regular expressions into no-overhead Nim matching code and can be used with lexbase.

Re: Problem with templates in multiple files

2019-02-25 Thread Araq
I'd love to help but I need more information. What version of Nim do you use? 0.19.9 has a known bad regression wrt `gensym` in templates that we're working on but 0.19.4 should not be affected.

Re: Nim Language group in London

2019-02-25 Thread cdome
Interested as well

Re: defining `==` breaks Option

2019-02-25 Thread Araq
Not sure if it is right or wrong, Option lifts its equality from the user supplied one because that's generally the right thing to do. But please report this issue on github so we can track its progress/conclusion.

Re: Library isolation (diamond dependencies)

2019-02-25 Thread Araq
@yglukhov Still better than nothing and one can always align the C file versions. @CavariuX Edit `compiler/extccomp.nim` (External C compiler invokations).

Re: Library isolation (diamond dependencies)

2019-02-25 Thread yglukhov
Nimx also uses it's own [inlined version of stb_image](, but it inlines it with `#define STB_IMAGE_STATIC`, so that C symbols remain hidden, and only nim symbols are visible and get their proper mangling. The most proper way

Re: [Review request] for rosetta code challenge "Lexical Analyzer"

2019-02-25 Thread leorize
I've spent sometime making the `lexbase` version: []( This beast has ~310 LoC, so it's just ~100 LoC more than your `re` version :) After writing mine, I noted a few