Re: Reverse engineering of code into UML diagrams

2019-10-19 Thread juancarlospaco
`nim genDepend file.nim` Not exactly the same but not too far.

Re: Nim for enterprise software development

2019-10-19 Thread sky_khan
Latest versions of postgresql are 64bit only. So, you need to use 64bit version of Nim. Also libpq.dll is not enough because it depends some other dlls in it's installation. So you better add "bin" folder of postgresql's installation to PATH environment variable.

Re: Reverse engineering of code into UML diagrams

2019-10-19 Thread treeform
I am sure you can do that. You probably want to import compiler package parse the AST that way. You probably want to start with nim pretty: []( Site note: UML is

Re: Nim for enterprise software development

2019-10-19 Thread vonH
Has anyone thought of using Nim with Lazarus LCL or Delphi's VCL? That is what Borland did with C++ Builder, an integration of the VCL with C++. To me that seems much easier than writing whole packages to match the libraries for the LCL/VCL

Reverse engineering of code into UML diagrams

2019-10-19 Thread domogled
Hello, why I can parse source codes into ast. Not at compile time. I can create a static code analyze a draw to UML or others. thanks

Nim source files (program.nim) shown as MATLAB or x-python

2019-10-19 Thread monacci
Under XFCE 4.14, using Thunar 1.8.9, the mimetype of nim source files (program.nim) is incorrectly shown as "MATLAB file". It shows an icon totally unrelated to Nim. On the terminal, the command file --mime-type program.nim Run yields program.nim:

Re: netcdf for nim

2019-10-19 Thread Vindaar
Up to right now I didn't even know of grib2 files. I need to read up on what kind of file format that is first. I suppose it's based on HDF5 files, too? If it is, I should think we should be able to make it work. Regarding other nimhdf5 users: I'd love to be corrected, but as far as I'm aware

Re: similar language

2019-10-19 Thread siloamx
V looks promising but probably it will be usable after some years of development. It has really huge memory consumption during base64 and json encoding (memory leak?)

Re: Nim for enterprise software development

2019-10-19 Thread siloamx
Sqlite works like a charm with Nim on Windows but I was not able to connect to Postgres database at all. Compiler complains about some dependencies (libpg). I've put libpg in the app folder, but the compilation failed too. Sqlite is not scalable. I need to use a server database.

Re: Nim for Beginners Video Series

2019-10-19 Thread Kiloneie
#18 is live at: []( Enumerators and 2D Arrays.

Re: Nim for enterprise software development

2019-10-19 Thread mikra
"enough for everybody" \- I am not sure about that. Oracle has still big audience in enterprise environment but yes - the blue elephant is hunting that big red thing :->

Re: I dunno what's so hard to understand about it.

2019-10-19 Thread Araq
The proper solution is to deprecate `csize` and that's what we will do. Breaking code nilly-willy wasn't required in order to fix/improve the situation and so that's why it was reverted. And yeah, sometimes I have the veto right but it's quite rare that I use it. I also don't understand the

Re: netcdf for nim

2019-10-19 Thread mikebelanger
Actually in doing some more research - I found that GDAL ( []( ) opens grib2s, and some kind of netcdf formats. Not sure if its the specific version you're looking for. Looks like somebody has already started writing headers for gdal in nim, too:

Re: I dunno what's so hard to understand about it.

2019-10-19 Thread Libman
> the project leader has a veto right over community I just want to emphasize this point. It's Araq's toy, he can do whatever he wants. Choosing to use his Nim is our voluntary choice. If someone's not happy, they can create a fork.

Re: similar language

2019-10-19 Thread Libman
[Kostya's benchmarks]( is finally back to life, and they just added Vlang. I don't know the details, but the current results are hilarious!  While we're on the subject of joking about other languages, [much D lols on

Re: Nim for enterprise software development

2019-10-19 Thread Libman
"SQLite for single-user apps and PostgreSQL when you need it" ought to be enough for everybody.

Re: netcdf for nim

2019-10-19 Thread mikebelanger
I'd like to bump this just because I'm also interested in working with kind of thing. In my case, I'm interested in opening .grib2 files. I know the netcdf4 python wrapper can do it - but if I could work in nim, that'd be sweet :) I looked at the examples section in the HDF5 repo that Vindaar

Re: let dans tous ses états question about the future

2019-10-19 Thread JPLRouge
can we consider that it could exist a global "let" (variable static) but initialized only in the hand and only once in order not to have "var" in global

I dunno what's so hard to understand about it.

2019-10-19 Thread Black_Fox
Please, can we, common and not-that-brilliant people, get a better explanation for []( In my understanding, from that PR it seems that the project leader has a veto right over community. After some

Re: FOSDEM Call for Participation

2019-10-19 Thread roel
For practical help, I can join in (as I live in Belgium).

Re: Nim for enterprise software development

2019-10-19 Thread mikra
you will find some examples in the documentation for instance []( If you like to start with a relational db just choose sqlite. At the moment I am wrapping ODPI-C - it's almost done.You may take a look at: