Re: Generics instantiate problems

2020-07-08 Thread mashingan
What I can understand that you need the lib's user should implement their own proc implementation right? Actually tables modules exactly does like that, when the user wants to use a specific object as the key, should implement `hash` and `==` so the object can be used as key. It's also catch-a

Re: getFileSize async and sync

2020-06-30 Thread mashingan
It's different because `AsyncFile` keeps its `fd` field private. The Windows one is using the version from `winlean` which actually wrapper for `GetFileSize` from win32. Also, windows has peculiarity of different handling whether the file handle is synchronous and asynchronous one. That's why i

Re: Control mouse in Windows

2020-03-24 Thread mashingan
Most viable option is using [winim]( and just searching on internet how to work with Win32 API. Another way is using available example in rosetta code [simulating keyboard]( and add/change some codes to

Re: How Seq work with objects ?

2020-03-22 Thread mashingan
> By removing something from the seq it needs to be reordered. ( shift elements > ) If you don't need the ordering, use [del]( Try the testing by choosing the span element randomly instead of pre-determined value. It will

Re: examples or documentation of Source Code filters

2020-03-22 Thread mashingan
I used it to generate Golang boilerplate source codes for my last job.

Re: FFI: how to avoid naming arguments in C functions

2020-03-08 Thread mashingan
$ c2nim --header gr.h gr.h(27, 25) Error: token expected: ; Run AFAIK, c2nim cannot read something with c custom macro. You can edit the header temporarily to remove that custom macro. In this case it's the `DLLEXPORT`.

Re: Some rant about nim

2020-03-02 Thread mashingan
just a genuine question > > Not null safe by default How compiler know whether the data is nil or not if the data for example taken from IO? Or is it adding the additional `if thedata == nil` in the code? But the checking still done in run-time right? Or is it just limited to data/object const

Re: Why whitespace?

2020-02-18 Thread mashingan
> What other arguments do they have against using tab? I got this from a tweet, just food for thought: > Remember, when you are read, you do not know you are dead. It is only painful > for others. It's the same when you use tabs and not spaces ;D

Re: How to split stderr/stdout of a subprocess?

2020-01-28 Thread mashingan
The streams implementation on Windows (FileHandleStream to be precise) didn't implement peekDataImpl, setPositionImpl and getPositionImpl hence it crashed because the streams module accessing nil implementation. I actually fixed this (not PR-ed it yet tho, maybe already fixed in devel too, have

Re: Looking for someone to continue Nimmongo!

2020-01-28 Thread mashingan
[]( there, added for limited elementary functionalities for GridFS. Unfortunately I never intensively used mongo except for simplest CRUD and those GridFS features only tested on Windows, very likely you nee

Re: How to split stderr/stdout of a subprocess?

2020-01-21 Thread mashingan
perhaps like this #include int main() { fprintf(stdout, "This is from hello to stdout\n"); fprintf(stderr, "This is from hello to stderr\n"); return 0; } Run and our nim file import os, osproc, selectors when defin

Re: How to upload large files efficiently and quickly with Jester?

2020-01-21 Thread mashingan
> it seems there is a offset error in the code (files are not identically but > shifted by some bytes at certain offsets) This is quite tricky to find out, TBH. I tried running it on windows and debian (in virtual box) and using chromium and firefox (both on windows) and it gave the correct fil

Re: How to upload large files efficiently and quickly with Jester?

2020-01-19 Thread mashingan
Uploading file has been tricky, but thankfully nowadays there's websocket to send blob. Here's example how to send a file. import os, jester, asyncdispatch, htmlgen, asyncfile, asyncstreams, streams import strutils import ws, ws/jester_extra settings: port = Po

Re: How to upload large files efficiently and quickly with Jester?

2020-01-18 Thread mashingan
It seems the problem is elsewhere, not on how writing it to file, whether sync/async file write. Idk what to tweak on Jester to support larger chunk processing. As for example on writeFromStream (not actually solving the problem tho): routes: post "/upload": var f: As

Re: Using Nim without garbage collection.

2020-01-18 Thread mashingan
spammer? [](

Re: How to upload large files efficiently and quickly with Jester?

2020-01-18 Thread mashingan
try to use [writeFromStream](

Re: Why does this proc have side effects?

2020-01-16 Thread mashingan
rand proc has side effect.

Re: Naming conventions - need leading underscore

2020-01-16 Thread mashingan
Having _ as initial variable name only acts as visual cue, it's not related to readability or anything. Having clear/distinct/helpful/noisy visual cues doesn't change the fact whether the code is well written or not. What actually helpful is good structure and sane APIs. Whatever the variable

Re: Check if a procedure exists for a given type at compile time

2020-01-12 Thread mashingan
Same case [](

Re: Is there a default initializer that can be overloaded?

2020-01-11 Thread mashingan
> Error: overloaded 'initElement' leads to ambiguous calls You tried to overload using generic but actually proc overload usually done with argument types. When you defined generic, it's actually creating overload proc based on argument type, for example proc add[T: SomeInteger](a,

Re: I wrote some nim code that works, but I don't understand how/why it works.

2020-01-11 Thread mashingan
> template/generic instantiation of + from here This means + is generic and the real operation/error is elsewhere. Error: type mismatch: got but expected one of: iterator items[T](a: seq[T]): T first type mismatch at position: 1 required type for a: seq[

Re: Is there a default initializer that can be overloaded?

2020-01-11 Thread mashingan
> I have to provide an initElement proc in the generic module in order to > compile foo[T] (line #10). That's the reason there's a forward declaration of > initElement (line #7). I tried your code, removed the forward-declaration and fixed your initElement definition and it's working fine.

Re: Accessing selectors from dispatcher ? why?

2020-01-11 Thread mashingan
[getIoHandler]( will returning IOCP Handle on Windows or [Selector[AsyncData]]( on Unix

Re: Is there a default initializer that can be overloaded?

2020-01-10 Thread mashingan
If I understand you correctly, you wanted the client/user of the module to provide their own initElement proc of their type, didn't you? In that case, you're able to ensure the compiler to check whether the user provide their own initElement using [compile](

Re: Walking trees without recursive iterators

2020-01-06 Thread mashingan
> If Nim has setjump/longjump features (I've just found them in segfaults > library!), I could change that pattern to write two coroutines, consumer and > producer. There's [coro]( module in case you didn't realize it. > Is there a standard way to resume

Re: "Returning" a proc from a template

2020-01-06 Thread mashingan
> /usercode/in.nim(25, 15) Error: type mismatch: got >From this message is quite clear that your template didn't return the untyped >as unchecked proc. >From your template definition, you just defined a proc that only available >within that template scope and you didn't return anything. Simply

Re: Safe access operator - how could this be done?

2019-12-30 Thread mashingan
This immediately leave the proc when across something nil template safe(obj: typed, field: untyped): untyped = if obj.isNil: return `obj`.`field` type MyNullObj = ref object x: int proc main = var nullobj: MyNullObj

Re: Using a Case Statement inside a template

2019-12-29 Thread mashingan
Very likely the of-branch cannot evaluate iterator and/or template. The `..<` not defined as proc, the workaround is template test(v: typed) = case v of low(int) .. pred(5): echo "under 5" else: echo "5 or above" Run

Re: hello world issues

2019-12-28 Thread mashingan
> Now what if I wanted to create 32-bit-executable? In your current cmd session, invoke `set PATH=d:\your-mingw32-i686-path-bin;%PATH%` , this way the mingw32 32bit will be prioritized.

Re: cast ptr ptr to Nim array

2019-12-27 Thread mashingan
> And good comments everywhere. That's from Ffmpeg header files comment :D , it's preferable to refer the c header file directly as the header also written with documentation there. > and sometimes there are misspelled variable ... This very likely because of `:%s/_t//g` :P , I'll fix whenever

Re: Error: 'solve' doesn't have a concrete type, due to unspecified generic parameters.

2019-12-27 Thread mashingan
Information of `T` and `V` already available from parent function so your iterator doesn't have to generic. Also, if a function cannot infer from argument, the workaround is that you have to be explicit. proc allExactCover*[T, V](constraints: Constraints[T, V]): iterator (): Soluti

Re: cast ptr ptr to Nim array

2019-12-26 Thread mashingan
This worked in [my example here]( var streams = cast[ptr UncheckedArray[ptr AVStream]](pFormatContext[].streams) Run I had issues with that too but I fixed my [FFMpeg binding](

Re: Distinct for indices, is it good library Api?

2019-12-25 Thread mashingan
> What do you mean? If I understand correctly, you defined the Node with information of incoming / outgoing Edge type Node*[N] = object ## The graph's node type. weight*: N ## Associated node data. next: array[2, EdgeIndex] ## Next edge in outgoing and inco

Re: Distinct for indices, is it good library Api?

2019-12-25 Thread mashingan
IMO, It's not worthy to make it distinct, moreover, you should use generic instead of int for nodes label. Unrelated to the question, you should keep the Node definition is literally as a node, and keep Edge definition is the connection from Node1 and Node2. The array of two nodes index for inc

Re: Problem with C interop/X11 bindings

2019-12-23 Thread mashingan
> there is no nil, it reports wrong size. I remember something when doing ffmpeg c binding. At first I wrote the binding without adding the header pragma, and just simply importc pragma only. In the c header file, that particular object actually internal struct that isn't included in dev header

Re: Object Variants and redefinition of labels or reusbility of field names

2019-12-22 Thread mashingan
Another workaround type # The 3 notations refer to the same 3-D entity, and some coordinates are shared CoordinateSystem = enum csCar, # Cartesian(x,y,z) csCyl, # Cylindrical (r,φ,z) csSph # Spherical(ρ,θ,φ) Coordinate

Re: Object Variants and redefinition of labels or reusbility of field names

2019-12-22 Thread mashingan
workaround import strformat type # The 3 notations refer to the same 3-D entity, and some coordinates are shared CoordinateSystem = enum csCar, # Cartesian(x,y,z) csCyl, # Cylindrical (r,φ,z) csSph # Spherical(ρ,θ,φ)

Re: Problem with C interop/X11 bindings

2019-12-22 Thread mashingan
Idk too, but try to wrap the functionality in some proc like main or anything and just call that proc. Another thing, you can always use gdb to check each variable which one has nil.

Re: How to use private variables when you put all types in one module

2019-12-19 Thread mashingan
> And i dont want to mix the implementation code with type declaration code. I > need to split as much code as possible. In different modules or in different files? If in different modules, as for now, everything exported are visible to other modules that import it. If it's only needed in diff

Re: How to use private variables when you put all types in one module

2019-12-19 Thread mashingan
If you need to access the field from other modules, then it's literally not private anymore. If you have specific function that have to work with that private field, then implement it in that common module and have that function exported. If you want to have read only for that specific field, i

Re: how to create a generic type with constraints?

2019-12-18 Thread mashingan
Checking with [compiles]( should enough when compiles(hash(a)): # a is the T object doWith(a) else: {.error: "need hash implementation of " & T.type.} Run It's checked during compile-time.

Re: What’s your favorite programming language and why?

2019-12-18 Thread mashingan
Same here, love Erlang's philosophy too :D

Re: Force mutable Seq returns

2019-11-19 Thread mashingan
Perhaps you're looking for [var return type]( ?

Re: What is the difference between "writeFile" and "newFileStream" and "write"?

2019-11-09 Thread mashingan
AFAIK, `Stream` is usually when you're dealing with bytes; whether opening binary files, or reading/writing network bytes stream, or reading/writing bytes to file etc. Especially for writing bytes, just like in the example.

Re: Creating a type that is a non-contiguous subset of char?

2019-10-30 Thread mashingan
since b is declared as WASDLetters , it's inferred so. But since it's WASDLetters you won't be able to ord(b) and it's detected during compile-time checking.

Re: More elegant way to "invert" a table (hash map, dictionary)

2019-10-30 Thread mashingan
Dunno if more elegant or not, but you can try using mapIt import tables, sequtils var int2str = {0: "Zero", 1: "One", 2: "Two", 3: "Three"}.toTable var str2int = toSeq(int2str.pairs).mapIt((it[1], it[0])).toTable Run

Re: How to write a shared(static in c++) proc in a type ?

2019-10-26 Thread mashingan
proc in Nim is static

Re: Newbie question: downloading multiple files using async httpclient

2019-10-11 Thread mashingan
Yes, it's whether you to wait with asyncCheck or go with future.failed is up to application. But the idea is same.

Re: Newbie question: downloading multiple files using async httpclient

2019-10-11 Thread mashingan
the problem that the client cannot be shared to other download import httpClient, asyncdispatch proc download(url: string): Future[string] {.async.} = await newHttpClient().getContent(url) } proc downloadAll(urls: seq[string]) {.async.} = var asyncr

Re: httpClient url with the spaces

2019-10-05 Thread mashingan
[encodeQuery]( How to get the documentation based on keyword/name? 1. Open [the index]( page. 2. Search the page there with `encodeUrl`. 3. See available procs

Re: Newbie experience with the documentation

2019-09-28 Thread mashingan
Trick to find all procedures that return SomeType: `:) SomeType`

Re: Confusion on implicit integer conversion.

2019-09-10 Thread mashingan
_tldr; if the size of integer is important, always opt to explicit conversion_ * * * you can define your own `+` operator for your case proc `+`(x: uint16, y: uint32): uint32 = x.uint32 + y Run But then the definition then become tedious if you have to define another

Re: Jester question: passing gcsafe variable into routes

2019-08-30 Thread mashingan
Played the idea of pool connections and wrote some example in [gist here](

Re: Need debugging help

2019-08-26 Thread mashingan
Can you try changing [line 236]( with `var sr = SequenceRecord()` ? I'm not sure but maybe what you're doing is scope-escaping memory? That `var sr: SequenceRecord` only available in the stack and it got destroyed after you co

Re: asyncnet and reading from multiple socks

2019-08-24 Thread mashingan
> send connect three sockets and read from each of the asynchronously? like this? import asyncnet, asyncdispatch, strutils, random proc genAddr(): string = randomize() var ip0 = rand(1..255) ip1 = rand(255) ip2 = rand(255)

Re: getFilePos - inconsistent output

2019-08-17 Thread mashingan
Consider using FileStream for reading and writing binary file.

Re: Erroneous values returned from Nim’s C foreign function interface.

2019-07-31 Thread mashingan
I'm not sure but after I see in your wutilc char buffer[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; char *get_from(...) { \\ return buffer; } Run I guess it's the problem with global variable; you should change the c api too void *get_from(struct

Re: D templated codeblocks

2019-07-14 Thread mashingan
> (calling again with the same type param does not create a new code block) This doesn't seem good idea.

Re: dynamic lib works properly when interfacing with python, fails with nim

2019-07-09 Thread mashingan
Try `cdecl` calling convention or others like mentioned in [manual page](

Re: CORS in Jester

2019-07-09 Thread mashingan
Maybe your client-side hit with pre-flight request.

Re: What prevents you from using Nim as your main programming language?

2019-06-27 Thread mashingan
> What prevents you from using Nim as main proglang Job, I still cannot win struggling fight against fate as corporate-slave :3 > I have used Nim for many small experiments, but the main reason why I am not > using Nim as my main programming language is that it is not popular enough. This is a

Re: Simple coroutine like Python generator send()?

2019-06-19 Thread mashingan
Read about iterator in [manual]( [playground]( proc countTo(maxi: int): iterator(x = 1): int = result = iterator(x = 1): int = var i = 0 whil

Re: How to parse the timezone from a date/time string to a `TimeZone` type variable?

2019-06-07 Thread mashingan
> I don't understand why the implicit local() inzoning is done if the input > string specifies the time zone explicitly I think the problem is in stdlib in C only provided `gmtime` and `localtime` []( CMIIW, since I ha

Re: How to parse the timezone from a date/time string to a `TimeZone` type variable?

2019-06-07 Thread mashingan
> What's confusing to me is that I tried about the same approach as yours but > without using the sugar =>, and it didn't work because it failed to compile > because the newTimeZone needed gcsafe proc args. You're capturing `string` which is not gc-safe, in my case I just get the integer value

Re: How to parse the timezone from a date/time string to a `TimeZone` type variable?

2019-06-07 Thread mashingan
something like this import times, strutils, sugar let dtStr = "2019/06/06 18:17:43 +02:00" dt = parse(dtStr, "/MM/dd HH:mm:ss zzz") myM10 = newTimezone("M-10", (x: Time) => ZonedTime(utcOffset: Hours.convert(Seconds, 10), time: x), (x: Time) =

Re: How to parse the timezone from a date/time string to a `TimeZone` type variable?

2019-06-06 Thread mashingan
> The dtStr is what I get by parsing something else. I don't know the target > timezone beforehand. The dtStr example just happens to be UTC.. the timezone > in it could even be +01:30.. I don't know that beforehand. I see, what you want is the datetime as it is with its original timezone. The

Re: How to parse the timezone from a date/time string to a `TimeZone` type variable?

2019-06-06 Thread mashingan
there's [utc]( proc for what you want import times let dtStr = "2019/06/06 18:17:43 +00:00" dt = parse(dtStr, "/MM/dd HH:mm:ss zzz").utc echo dt Run

Re: Trouble when splitting in a CLI application

2019-05-29 Thread mashingan
parseopt of course can extract the argument too import parseopt let cmdline = "config create \"a configuration\"" var opt = initOptParser(cmdline) for kind, key, val in opt.getOpt(): case kind of cmdArgument: echo "argument: ", key else:

Re: about Nim compiler parameters

2019-05-28 Thread mashingan
> -d:ssl This is same with `--define:ssl` , two hyphens is long option while single hyphen is short option. This `--define` option is to define a compile-time variable ala `#DEFINE` in C for example you define 'goThisWay' when compiling then you can use it in code when defined(goT

Re: Is there a 'protected' or module-local scope modifier?

2019-05-26 Thread mashingan
elaborate example case please.

Re: Metaprogramming and wrapping C libraries

2019-05-20 Thread mashingan
also you can use [quote]( proc which easier to use macro compileFiles(path: static[string], files: untyped): untyped = result = newStmtList() for f in files: let file = newLit(path & $f) re

Re: Nim false redefinition error

2019-05-19 Thread mashingan
try remove nimcache folder

Re: Thread and socket functions issue

2019-05-18 Thread mashingan
compile with option `--threads:on`

Re: Conditional compilation in imported module based on constant?

2019-05-10 Thread mashingan
> Can I specify binary-specific defines for the nimble build process? You can specify which kind of binary built with nimble task. See [here]( You can also make a config file specific to your nim file so the name is _yourfile.nim.cfg_ and put

Re: New to Nim, Made Something to Feed It

2019-05-07 Thread mashingan
> I’ve used the to(type) macro in other code, but is there a reason to use it > over getStr()? Well, it's convenience, because most of times it's unwieldly to get all the fields one by one

Re: New to Nim, Made Something to Feed It

2019-05-07 Thread mashingan
Welcome :) Additional info, you can use [to]( macro to simplify conversion from _JsonNode_ to specified type ;)

Re: Nim vs D

2019-05-04 Thread mashingan
perhaps what you want is [quote]( proc?

Re: WideCString -> seq conversion

2019-04-25 Thread mashingan
Have you tried of `runes` in `unicode` module? It's template that to convert `string` to `seq[Rune]`

Re: Nimongo comparison (i.e. $gt) queries

2019-04-23 Thread mashingan
> `"{$gt:10}".toBson` This is string, not bson embedded object, what you need is let query = %{ "temp": { "$gt": 10 } } Run

Re: Not-so-distinct types

2019-04-18 Thread mashingan
If the mapping is fixed, you can use [subrange]( types. Although the base type is same, you can define like type Row1 = range[ 0 .. 71 ] # assuming row has 72 bytes Row2 = range[ 72 .. 143 ] Run

Re: Not-so-distinct types

2019-04-18 Thread mashingan
Is [distinct]( not what you need? You can define the needed operations from its base type using `borrow` pragma so you don't have to cast/coerce every time you use it Also, I did what @cdome suggested, defining `converter` s and it works

Re: pegs module: how to use captures in enter/leave procs?

2019-04-16 Thread mashingan
Haven't tried the event parser, but if only capturing the needed text I usually use `find` proc var buffer = newseq[string](10) # crash if the seq not enough if example =~ grammar: discard example.find(grammar, buffer) echo buffer # will print # ["1", "2"

Re: Is allowing non-matching types for assignment overloading in the development timeline?

2019-04-13 Thread mashingan
Perhaps like this type IntAp = object setInts: array[0 .. 2, int] converter toIntAp(n: int): IntAp = let ints = [n, 0, 0] IntAp(setInts: ints) let n: IntAp = 5 Run

Re: Nim vs V language

2019-04-02 Thread mashingan
My (insignificant) 2cent ;) > V and Nim are very different. One of V's main philosophies is "there must be > only one way of doing things". This results in predictable, simple, and > maintanable code. This is fallacy. Bad written code is bad, no matter what syntax is. The only thing that make

Re: How to compile and run a Nim program on the Android?

2019-03-30 Thread mashingan
try more the recent post [](

Re: How to compile and run a Nim program on the Android?

2019-03-29 Thread mashingan
Your phone must be root-ed to do that.

Re: Please tell me about jester's "tmpl" files.

2019-03-15 Thread mashingan
It's known as source-code filter and you can read the documentation [here]( > Can I re-render the page of tmpl without having to re-compile nim. You can't, cmiiw.

Re: What is the best way to run a nim program as daemon?

2019-03-11 Thread mashingan
handle with [setControlCHook]( proc

Re: What is the best way to run a nim program as daemon?

2019-03-11 Thread mashingan
I usually make the executable as service using [this reference](

Re: Query Filepath for owner and group ID or name

2019-03-01 Thread mashingan
using [fstat]( ? import posix var f = open "/home/jacobsin/test.txt" var s: Stat discard fstat(cint f, s) Run

Re: Config file location for loadConfig

2019-02-27 Thread mashingan
There's [getAppDir]( proc

Re: Noob question: proper way to read binary files byte by byte

2019-02-27 Thread mashingan
memfile is basically loading all content to memory, cmiiw

Re: Noob question: proper way to read binary files byte by byte

2019-02-24 Thread mashingan
use [atEnd]( to check whether it's ended or not and use [getPosition]( for its current position. import os, streams var fs = newFileStream(paramStr(1), fmRead)

Re: std::pair, std::make_pair, std::find, std::distance in Nim?

2019-02-22 Thread mashingan
You can iterate and check manually like var intpair = newseq[(int, int)]() texture: int lightmap: int for thepair in intpair: if thepair[0] == texture and thepair[1] == lightmap: doSomething((texture, lightmap)) Run or you can us

Re: Convert string to char

2019-02-21 Thread mashingan
You can't generically represent `string` as `char`, but for your specific case, you can do it like this: import options proc chr(s: string): Option[char] = if s == "\\n": some('\n') else: none(char) let nlinerepr = r"\\n".chr if nlinerepr.isSome:

Re: Screencast Series Ideas

2019-02-16 Thread mashingan
> I always get tripped up on "damn, this is all classes and objects, how to I > do the same thing in Nim?" You need to change the perspective of the definition from AS to HAS, but `ref object of` is kinda AS too, cmiiw. Thanks for link video btw :) @ryuukoposting , 1st video is nice, waiting fo

Re: template does not create methods?

2019-02-16 Thread mashingan
Change the return template from `int` to `untyped` . I usually think `untyped` as `unchecked` for easy understanding but let's wait for other to explain better ;)

Re: Fuzzy matching on table keys

2019-02-12 Thread mashingan
Add `hash` function and equality operator `==` for custom key. import tables, hashes type Fn = proc (args: varargs[string]): int FnSignature = tuple name: string arity: int argTypes: seq[string] proc hash(fns: FnSignature): Hash =

Re: How to "install" a newly built Nim on a directory?

2019-02-10 Thread mashingan
import std/math

Re: gladloadgl

2019-02-09 Thread mashingan
your `gladLoadGL` definition is `proc gladLoadGL(load: proc): bool` but you invoked `gladLoadGL()` without argument

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