I tried to create a generic RTree. Beginning was easy, tests of union() and 
intersect() was working fine. But I did not got search() working -- it gets a 
rtree parameter and a box, which both are generic. I tried with proc p() which 
compiles when one of the parameters is used, but not when both are present.

I have to admit that such a generic RTree is really hard for the compiler. 
Maybe I should use a non generic search box (with fixed high enough dimension) 
for search proc.
    # http://www-db.deis.unibo.it/courses/SI-LS/papers/Gut84.pdf
    # RT: range type like float, int
    # D: Dimension
    # M: Max entries in one node
    # LT: leaf type
      Dim = static[Natural]
      Ext[RT] = tuple[a, b: RT] # extend (range)
      Box[D: Dim; RT] = array[D, Ext[RT]]
      L[D: Dim; RT, LT] = tuple[b: Box[D, RT]; l: LT]
      N[D: Dim; RT] = tuple[b: Box[D, RT]; n: N]
      LA[M, D: Dim; RT, LT] = ref array[M, L[D, RT, LT]]
      NA[M, D: Dim; RT] = ref array[M, N[D, RT]]
      H[M, D: Dim; RT, LT] = ref object of RootObj
        parent: H[M, D, RT, LT]
      Leaf[M, D: Dim; RT, LT] = ref object of H
        a: LA[M, D, RT, LT]
      Node[M, D: Dim; RT, LT] = ref object of H
        a: NA[M, D, RT]
      RTree[M, D: Dim; RT, LT] = ref object
        root: H[M, D, RT, LT]
    proc newRTree[M, D: Dim; RT, LT](): RTree[M, D, RT, LT] =
      new result
    var rt = newRTree[50, 2, float, int]()
    proc union(r1, r2: Box): Box =
      for i in 0 .. r1.high:
        result[i]. a = min(r1[i]. a, r2[i]. a)
        result[i]. b = max(r1[i]. b, r2[i]. b)
    proc intersect(r1, r2: Box): bool =
      for i in 0 .. r1.high:
        if r1[i].b < r2[i].a or r1[i].a > r2[i].b:
          return false
      return true
    proc search[M, D: Dim; RT, LT](t: RTree[M, D, RT, LT]; b: Box[D, RT]) =
      #return newSeq[int]()
    proc p(t: RTree; s: Box) =
    var m, n: Box[2, int]
    m[0].a = 1
    m[0].b = 2
    m[1].a = 5
    m[1].b = 7
    n = [(a: 2, b: 3), (a: 3, b: 6)]
    echo union(m, n)
    echo intersect(n, m)
    #search(rt, m)
    p(rt, m)
    $ nim c rtree.nim
    rtree.nim(60, 2) Error: type mismatch: got (RTree[50, 2, system.float, 
system.int], Box[2, system.int])
    but expected one of:
    proc p(t: RTree; s: Box)

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