Recently someone complained about gintro not working well with latest Nim 
devel. Well not too surprising due to a few breaking changes.


I have just tried to try it with latest devel -- do not yet see the gorge 
issue, but can see this minor problem when compiling gintro/glib.nim
      TestTrapFlag* {.size: sizeof(cint), pure.} = enum
        ignoreThisDummyValue = 0
        #ignoreThisDummyValue1 = 1
        #ignoreThisDummyValue2 = 2
        #ignoreThisDummyValue3 = 3
        #ignoreThisDummyValue4 = 4
        #ignoreThisDummyValue5 = 5
        #ignoreThisDummyValue6 = 6
        silenceStdout = 7
        silenceStderr = 8
        inheritStdin = 9
      TestTrapFlags* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = set[TestTrapFlag]
    $ nim c t.nim
    Hint: used config file '/home/stefan/Nim/config/nim.cfg' [Conf]
    Hint: system [Processing]
    Hint: t [Processing]
    t.nim(15, 46) Error: ordinal type expected

For Nim <= 0.18 it was necessary to have ignoreThisDummyValue = 0 to be 
compatible with intended C flags. Now it seems not to compile any more due to 
the holes. When I add all the commented dummy bits it seems to compile again. 
Do I have to fix the generator script to add all that dummy values for all the 
related gtk3 flags?

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