Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-11-02 Thread Peter58
Hi Ward... Good Job ! I'm interesting to use it (or perhaps wnim...) What's the way to change the default icon of the main window ? (and put one of mine...) - Thanks :-)

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-10-05 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> I am starting to write some beginner tutorial for wNim It is great that there is some progress with your Windows GUI. How do you manage memory resources? I have seen no manual free() in your example code, so I assume that you have implemented finalizers like I did for GTK, using GC_ref() and

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-10-05 Thread torarinvik
A tutorial would be awesome! What language do you speak? It could be translated with google translate, and then another member could improve the english if it needs to.

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-10-04 Thread Ward
I am starting to write some beginner tutorial for wNim in github's wiki page. However, since English is not my mother tongue, I don't have any experience to write a tutorial in English. I would be thankful for any help.

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-09-06 Thread Ward
Here has some discussion about it. [](

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-09-05 Thread dponyatov
`requires "nigui"` works portable

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-09-05 Thread dponyatov
> How much work would it be to port wNim to other operating systems?

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-09-05 Thread dponyatov
How can I speed up wNim projects build? Hello.nim only with empty main Frame window spends too much time in every build, maybe some options available to disable unneeded components and optimizations.

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-08-12 Thread Araq
How much work would it be to port wNim to other operating systems?

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-08-11 Thread Rinzwind
wListCtrl virtual mode support would be nice and needed in some cases. [](

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-08-11 Thread Neil_H
Excellent :-)

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-08-05 Thread Ward
Print dialog is added as you wish, and more (page setup dialog, printer support, region and shaped window, high DPI support, etc).

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-07-21 Thread Neil_H
One is a string and the other is a constant, so when its compiled I (think) the constant will be converted to the colors value. I guess what is needed is a way to convert the string into a constant on the fly, then you would only need the string in the list. There must be a way to do that?

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-07-20 Thread oyster
offtopic, in the table, there are very long list like "a":a ("wAquamarine": wAquamarine). Is there an concise way to write it?

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-07-20 Thread Neil_H
That's cool, yep add it to the examples I think actually seeing the colors visually (why I wrote it) will always be better than just seeing the color as text.

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-07-19 Thread Ward
I like your idea. I modified it by using table to store the name and color. []( I am considering to add this code to wNim's examples :-)

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-07-19 Thread Neil_H
A little app to display wNim commonly used colors…. forgive any bad code, I only started learning Nim a month back so feel free to change it, make it better etc :-) # Displays a window with all the commonly used wColor constants # Its only been designed for full screen (1920 x 1080) use, it wil

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-07-17 Thread Neil_H
wFontDialog tested, and its brilliant keep up the great work and don't forget the Print Dialog ;-)

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-07-17 Thread Ward
@Neil_H: Added several class, including wFontDialog. Check out the lastest version. @mratsim, @mratsim: Thanks a lot.

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-07-15 Thread miran
@Araq: > Any chance we can get this covered by "important_packages"? @Ward: > Excuse me, I don't know how to do or what to do. @mratsim: > You don't have much to do. ...because I'll do it for you ;) I've pushed it to my branch and now we just need to wait and see if Appveyor can successfull

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-07-15 Thread mratsim
You don't have much to do: Add your package here: []( If it requires

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-07-14 Thread Aiesha_Nazarothi
I agree, best GUI lib for Nim right now. (much better than nodeJS' Proton Native, .NET WinForms and PureBasic Dialog to name some)

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-07-14 Thread Ward
Excuse me, I don't know how to do or what to do.

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-07-14 Thread Araq
Any chance we can get this covered by "important_packages"?

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-07-14 Thread Neil_H
Great news, keep up the good work, thanks

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-07-14 Thread Ward
I'm working on it.

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-07-14 Thread Neil_H
Any chance we will get a dialog to pick Fonts and possibly a Print dialog? Both of which are standard windows dialogs without both of these it wont be really possible to create good windows applications.

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-03-04 Thread Ward
Introducing a major update for wNim: [autolayout]( Thanks to nim's powerful metaprogramming features. Now wResizable (superclass of wWindow) object can use autolayout module to parse [Visual Format Language](

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-01-12 Thread zolern
My bad, I am using 32-bit Nim only and never tested wAppbar under 64-bit. I will be glad to receive your pull requests

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-01-10 Thread Ward
Thanks for your comment. I am glad that someone like winim and wNim. BTW, I cannot compile your code under x64 mode. It seems need some type conversion. I can add some pull request later. (x86 mode, aka --cpu:i386 is ok).

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-01-10 Thread Fick1995
This is great thank you for sharing. :)

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-01-10 Thread juanv
The compilation times with wNim are very long. How can I improve this?

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-01-04 Thread Prohyon
Awsome !!!

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2019-01-04 Thread zolern
@Ward, thanks to your absolutely amazing libraries (wNim and winim) I was able to create my wAppbar component (pretty important part of UI for my current project). It was interesting trip - deep in Windows GUI, in Nim and in wNim. Actually it was much more difficult to deal with that specific Wi

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2018-12-17 Thread oyster
thanks, but I will embed the grid in the GUI which has other controls, so I think ZeeGrid is not the solution. BTW, I think nim is still too young in its modules to fit my work. Maybe I made an impatient decision to learn and try to replace python yet.

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2018-12-16 Thread Ward
I have no plan to add it for now. However, [ZeeGrid]( may be a solution.

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2018-12-15 Thread oyster
can we use something like wx.grid or wx.lib.mixins.listctrl now for a ms-Excel-like datasheet app?

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2018-09-13 Thread anta40
Ah thank you. I just tried building some examples. The [demo.nim]( when compiled, results in 600 something KB exe. Nice :)

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2018-09-13 Thread Stromberg
Thanks a lot for this and the winim libraries, a joy to work with :)

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2018-09-13 Thread kcvinu
@Ward, Let me try. :)

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2018-09-12 Thread Ward
@kcvinu You miss wPanel. See [wFrame](, [wPanel](, and examples. @anta40 You miss --nilseqs:on. See [changelog](

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2018-09-12 Thread anta40
I couldn't get your hello world compiled: Hint: winsvc [Processing] Hint: virtdisk [Processing] Hint: winsock [Processing] Hint: wincrypt [Processing] C:\Users\Phincon\.nimble\pkgs\winim-2.4.4\winim\winstr.nim(281, 8) Error: usage of 'isNil' is a user-defined error

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2018-09-12 Thread kcvinu
@ward, I have a question. In win32 api, we can easily fix the location and size of a control. But in your guiLib, i cant set the button's size and location properly. The button is somewhat docked in the whole window. i.e., assume that i set the button size to (120, 50) and location to (50, 50),

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2018-09-10 Thread kcvinu
@Ward, Unstalled successfully. Just tested your sample code. Great !. Compiled with "release" flag and get an exe with 352 kb. A simple window. Now, i am planning to study your GUI library as i am interested in Windows gui programming. My previous experience with "win api & gui" is with FreeBasi

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2018-09-10 Thread zolern
Awesome work! I will try it in my next project

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2018-09-09 Thread crowfall
Hi @Ward. Thanks for the awesome lib. Did you by any chance look at the Go library that does the same (lxn/walk) ? I am wondering how feature complete is yours compared to the Go one.

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2018-09-09 Thread Ward
You can follow the instruction "Install without git" on github website.

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2018-09-09 Thread kcvinu
@Ward, Thanks for the reply. I think, in order to use WM_CREATE, one need to use CreateWindowEx and other related functions.

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2018-09-09 Thread kcvinu
@Ward, Do i need to git installed in my pc to install this lib ?. My cmd says that "Error : 'git' not in PATH" What to do ?

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2018-09-09 Thread Ward
In wNim, all controls are subclassed internally, so you are right, you can **use all type of events(aka windows messages) in all type of controls**. For example: let button = Button(panel, label="Button") button.WM_LBUTTONDOWN do (event: wEvent): # do something. ev

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2018-09-09 Thread Ward
examples/menu.nim demonstrate the usage of menu and menubar. wNim support menu with icon even under Windows XP (If your are interesting, it deals with WM_MEASUREITEM and WM_DRAWITEM in wFrame.nim).

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2018-09-09 Thread jlp765
If I recall rightly, winim didn't include menubar functionality. Can you include that in your demo?

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2018-09-09 Thread kcvinu
Cool.. ! Is it possible to use all type of events in all type of windows controls ?

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2018-09-09 Thread twetzel59
Nice! I'm a Linux user, but we definitely need some more love for Windows, too. This might be far fetched, but has anyone considered using the common functionality between this library and GTK+ 2/3 to make a cross platform toolkit?

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2018-09-09 Thread twetzel59
OH, and I'm loving the DSL for the layout. Awesome!

Re: wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2018-09-09 Thread LeuGim
Very much thanks!

wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework

2018-09-09 Thread Ward
Hello, everybody. Happy to introduce my new project- [wNim]( It is a Windows GUI Framework based on my own [Winim]( library. I started this project because I wanted to test and prove the winim library. As time goes on, it is full