Re: recvmsg on AsyncSocket

2019-11-25 Thread mp035
File descriptors (in unix) are only unique to the process, they are not 
meaningful when passed between processes. They are however meaningful when 
passed to a child process created by fork(). Please see 

Re: Cryptic error message relating to procedure type mismatch

2019-11-25 Thread mp035
Done, and solved, thank you.

Re: FOSDEM CfP deadline is 26/11/19

2019-11-25 Thread dom96
Submitted 3 talks:

  * Nim - A walk-through of a new emerging language
  * Async await in Nim - A demonstration of the flexibility metaprogramming can 
bring to a language
  * Karax - SPAs in a compiled systems programming language

I'm quite proud of my abstract for the first one, the others I threw in as a 
backup. Hoping the first one is picked :)

Re: "out of memory" when creating new Thread inside sharedTable lock

2019-11-25 Thread c0ntribut0r
Thanks for testing it!

I tried different combinations for writing thread instance to sharedTable. 
Seems that creating temporary variable may help, but other cases simply don't 

import sharedtables
import strformat
import os
import typetraits

type ThreadInfo = object
  thread: Thread[void]

var threads: SharedTable[string, ThreadInfo]

proc threadEntrypoint() {.thread.} =
  while true:
echo "OK"

when isMainModule:
  let key = "key"
  # 1) works (well, if it didn't work nim would worth nothing)
  var value = ThreadInfo()
  # 2) illegal storage access
  threads.withKey(key) do (key: string, value: var ThreadInfo, pairExists: 
var bool):
if pairExists:
  raise newException(ValueError, "Thread with this name was already 

value = ThreadInfo()

pairExists = true
  # 3) works
  threads.withValue(key, value) do:
echo "Value already exists"
var info = ThreadInfo()
threads[key] = info
  # 4) hangs forever
  threads.withValue(key, _) do:
echo "Value already exists"
threads[key] = ThreadInfo()


Strange Crash

2019-11-25 Thread Stefan_Salewski

Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/stefan/pet2/pet.nim(717) pet
/home/stefan/pet2/pet.nim(714) test
/home/stefan/pet2/pet.nim(683) newDisplay
/home/stefan/.nimble/pkgs/gintro-#head/gintro/gio.nim(24220) run
/home/stefan/pet2/pet.nim(584) scrollEvent
/home/stefan/pet2/pet.nim(518) updateAdjustmentsAndPaint
/home/stefan/pet2/pet.nim(479) paint
/home/stefan/pet2/pet.nim(434) draw
/home/stefan/pet2/pet.nim(334) drawSelected
/home/stefan/.nimble/pkgs/gintro-#head/gintro/cairoimpl.nim(243) popGroup
/home/stefan/Nim/lib/system/gc.nim(440) newObj
/home/stefan/Nim/lib/system/alloc.nim(777) rawAlloc
SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)


I get this in a drawing app rarely. I assume that it is not really GC related 
but a bug in my own code, maybe the GTK/Cairo bindings. My code may damage some 
data structures of GC. 

Re: "out of memory" when creating new Thread inside sharedTable lock

2019-11-25 Thread enthus1ast
your example works for me (on win10, Nim Compiler Version 1.1.0 [Windows: 

Re: asyncftpclient troubles

2019-11-25 Thread enthus1ast
You have to specify a password for anonymous login.

This works for me:

import asyncdispatch, asyncftpclient
proc main() {.async.} =
echo "trying to connect..."
var ftp = new_async_ftp_client("", user = 
  pass = "in ancients times i was an email :)")
await ftp.connect()
echo "connected"
var x = await ftp.send("pwd")
echo x



"out of memory" when creating new Thread inside sharedTable lock

2019-11-25 Thread c0ntribut0r
Hello guys! I need your help, cannot figure out wtf is going on here.

I made a minimal example which produces an "out of memory" error. The idea is 
simple: create a "spawn" proc which

  1. accepts a name (just a string)
  2. runs some dumb thread
  3. adds mapping to shared table: name -> thread

Since I use shared table, each thread can (safely, due to lock) access other 
thread information using thread's name.

Here is the code: 

import sharedtables
import strformat
import os
import typetraits

  ThreadName = string
  ThreadInfo = object
thread: Thread[ThreadName]
# ... and some other info (channel etc)

var threads: SharedTable[ThreadName, ThreadInfo]

proc threadEntrypoint(name: ThreadName) {.thread.} =
  echo &"Inside thread: name={name}"

proc spawn(name: ThreadName) =
  echo &"Spawning: name={name}"
  threads.withKey(name) do (key: ThreadName, value: var ThreadInfo, 
pairExists: var bool):
if pairExists:
  raise newException(ValueError, "Thread with this name was already 

echo &"withKey: name={key}"

value = ThreadInfo()
echo &"Creating thread: name={key}"
value.thread.createThread(param=key, tp=threadEntrypoint)
echo &"Created thread: name={key}"

pairExists = true

when isMainModule:


The output is really surprising, I cant google something similar and it's even 
not an exception:

Spawning: name=a
withKey: name=a
Creating thread: name=a
Created thread: name=a
out of memory


It's probably something related to shared table lock and spawning a thread 
during this lock (but im not sure). I tried different ways to fill that shared 
table with spawned threads but didn't succeed.

Re: onSignal closure memory violation

2019-11-25 Thread enthus1ast
Try this:

import os
from posix import onSignal, SIGINT

  App = object

template cleanup(app: App)  =

proc start*(app: App) =
echo "Exiting: ", sig
  while true:

var app = App()


Re: How to parallelize a for-loop

2019-11-25 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> love to know how to harness the multicore capability inside a for loop in Nim.

Have you already played with


But I think there may coming other ways eventually, I think using openMP is 
possible too, and PMunch and mratsim may be writing about this topic.

Re: Which is the fastest way to use a timer

2019-11-25 Thread Stefan_Salewski
The fact that the time of times module is not monotonic is a bit surprising for 
me -- well maybe when the user sets the wall time of his box? The fact should 
be noted in times module. But for all benchmarks done with times.getTime() I 
have never seen a negative delta yet. 

Re: recvmsg on AsyncSocket

2019-11-25 Thread AMIGrAve
Sorry to bump this but anyone here ever succeeded to pass a file descriptor 
through an ipc socket in nim async ? It seems to me that it's a common practice 
when writing servers and I'm surprised nim would not cover it.

Re: Which is the fastest way to use a timer

2019-11-25 Thread kcvinu
AFAIK, The "-" operator returns a Duration type when we use "x = a-b", where 
both a and b are monotimes. Then Can i use "x.seconds" or "x.nanosecond" ?

Re: Which is the fastest way to use a timer

2019-11-25 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> I cant find any timers on nim manual. But i found times module.

Why would you expect timers in the Nim manual? Nim is not a kind of virtual 
basic which may integrate all the user stuff into the language.

And when you have already times module, you may inspect its functions:


It is specified with ns resolution, and is often used for benchmark tests. Of 
course you use it with deltas, like t0 = getTime(), ... , echo "Elapsed:", 
getTime - t0. 

Re: Which is the fastest way to use a timer

2019-11-25 Thread kcvinu
<<< echo "Elapsed:", getTime - t0. >>> Hi, thanks for the reply. Instead 
printing, result, i would like to store the result in a variable. So what is 
the return data type of "-" operator ? a Time type ? If so can i use 

let x = getTime - t0
echo x.nanosecond


Re: Which is the fastest way to use a timer

2019-11-25 Thread kcvinu
Well, this code return error 

Re: Which is the fastest way to use a timer

2019-11-25 Thread kcvinu
@pmags, Thanks for the reply. Let me check. :) 

Re: Which is the fastest way to use a timer

2019-11-25 Thread pmags
Perhaps `std/monotimes` 
 might work for you.

Re: Advent of Nim 2019 megathread

2019-11-25 Thread Vindaar
I should participate again I guess. I fear I'll have even less time than last 
year though. We'll see!

Which is the fastest way to use a timer

2019-11-25 Thread kcvinu
Hi all, I need to measure the time difference of mouse down event and mouse up 
event. So I want to start a timer in the mouse down event and then in the mouse 
up event, i want to stop the timer and get the time difference. And i want the 
time difference in milliseconds or micro seconds. I cant find any timers on nim 
manual. But i found times module. Some on IRC chat suggest me to use "now()" on 
both events and get the difference. But what is the datatype of "now1() - 
now2()" ? Is that fast enough ? 

Re: Problem using sometable.keys() in this case

2019-11-25 Thread enthus1ast
keys is an iterator so either iterate over it with a for loop or use toSeq from 
the sequtils module

Re: How to parallelize a for-loop

2019-11-25 Thread adnan
I agree, however it would perform better if there were too many arguments 
(which is an edge case). Nonetheless I would love to know how to harness the 
multicore capability inside a for loop in Nim.

For reference here's the program in D:

import std.stdio : writeln;
import std.algorithm : splitter;
import std.range : chain;
import std.path : dirSeparator, pathSeparator;
import std.process : environment;
import std.file : exists;

pragma(inline, true) public void which(in ref string bin) {
foreach (path; environment.get("PATH", "").splitter(pathSeparator)) {
auto probe = chain(path, dirSeparator, bin);
if (probe.exists()) {


void main(in string[] args) {
if (args.length == 2) {
else {
version (par) {
import std.parallelism : parallel;

foreach (arg; args.parallel())
version (sng) {
foreach (arg; args)


$  gdc source/app.d -fversion=par -O3
$ time ./a.out $(ls /usr/bin)
// ...

$ gdc source/app.d -fversion=sng -O3
// ...
$ time ./a.out $(ls /usr/bin)
// ...


Advent of Nim 2019 megathread

2019-11-25 Thread miran
This Sunday, December 1st, will mark the start of the fifth edition of [Advent 
of Code](

Advent of Code is, to quote its author, _“a series of small programming puzzles 
for a variety of skill sets and skill levels in any programming language you 

The rules of AoC are quite simple. Starting from December 1st until Christmas, 
every day at 5 a.m. UTC a new task is released. The tasks consist of two parts, 
where second part is revealed after you solve the first part, and it is a 
continuation and/or variation of the first part. You don’t submit your code, 
just the result of your calculation.

The participation in AoC is free (although, if you like it, consider 
[donating](, all you need to do is log 
in with your Github, Google, Twitter, or Reddit account.

If you have never participated in AoC before or you want to prepare yourself 
for the start of the competition by solving some tasks, take a look at [the 
previous events](

# Nim leaderboard

We are organizing the official Nim [private 
leaderboard](, where you can 
compete against other Nim users. To join the Nim leaderboard, all you have to 
do is use `40415-c732e66e` code in the previous link.

If you are one of 120 (!) people who have joined this leaderboard last year, 
there's no need to do it again — you're already in.

# Misc

You can use this thread to post links to your AoC repositories, share your 
solutions, ask for help, discuss the tasks, etc. but have in mind these things:

1\. **SPOILERS** : Try to keep this thread as spoiler-free as possible: 
[r/adventofcode subreddit]( will have 
megathreads for each day and you can post there as soon as the global 
leaderboard is populated (and that is veeery quickly) — we would like to 
encourage you to share your Nim solutions there and showcase the beauty of Nim.

2\. **ASKING FOR HELP** : Feel free to ask for help either here or on Nim 
IRC/Gitter/Discord channel if you have some Nim-related problem, but have in 
mind that your snippets might contain spoilers for other who haven't solved the 
task yet — not everybody will be able to solve the tasks at 5 a.m. UTC. 
Consider waiting at least couple of hours before asking for help (in that time, 
try it some more to see if you can solve it by yourself :)).

3\. **HAVE FUN** : This is mandatory!

# Our AoC 2019 repositories

(this will be populated and continuously updated as people share links to their 

Re: Seq's and string with --gc:none

2019-11-25 Thread mratsim
Use --gc:destructors

Re: Seq's and string with --gc:none

2019-11-25 Thread drkameleon
I've just tried it, but the compiler emits a Error: system module needs: 
nimGCvisitSeq error

Seq's and string with --gc:none

2019-11-25 Thread drkameleon
Is there any way I can use sequences and strings _without_ a GC?

(basically, that's exactly what I'm doing - Nim doesn't complain at all - but I 
guess I'm leaking too much memory)

How do I manually allocate/deallocate a seq/string or whichever object for that 

Re: FOSDEM CfP deadline is 26/11/19

2019-11-25 Thread mratsim
Submitted 2 talks:

  * "Making multi-dimensional arrays first-class in Nim"
  * "Designing an ultra-low overhead multithreading runtime for Nim"

Re: Async loops & multi-processing

2019-11-25 Thread mratsim
You're mistaken, there is no OpenMP on OSX, Apple wants to force everyone to 
use Grand Central Dispatch (which as someone writing a multithreading runtime, 
must say that it's a fine library but not portable on Windows at the moment).

So if you're benchmarking on OSX you should get GCC or Clang from Homebrew.

To wait for all you can add `sync()` at the end.

To wait for some, unfortunately you must return a dummy value at the moment due 

So without further ado

import cpuinfo, times, math, threadpool

# Bench script

template benchmark(benchName: string, body: untyped) =
  # When multithreading, make sure to measure wall-clock time
  # If you use CPU time you might measure the cumulated CPU time on each 
  let start = epochTime()
  let stop = epochTime()
  let elapsed = stop-start
  echo "Wall time for ", benchName, ": ", round(elapsed, 3), " s"

# OpenMP

# Add OpenMP to compilation flags

# Nim native threading

template parallelChunks(start, stop: int, chunkOffset, chunkSize, threadID: 
untyped{ident}, body: untyped): untyped =
  ## In-place declare and define "chunkOffset" and "chunkSize"
  ## That corresponds to a slice of the start..stop range
  ## that will be processed on the same core
numIters = (stop - start)
numChunks = countProcessors()
baseChunkSize = numIters div numChunks
remainder = numIters mod numChunks
  # The following simple chunking scheme can lead to severe load imbalance
  # `chunkOffset`{.inject.} = chunkSize * threadId
  # `chunkSize`{.inject.} =  if threadId < nb_chunks - 1: chunkSize
  #  else: numIters - chunkOffset # remainder if 
division isn't exact
  # For example dividing 40 items on 12 threads will lead to
  # a base_chunk_size of 40/12 = 3 so work on the first 11 threads
  # will be 3 * 11 = 33, and the remainder 7 on the last thread.
  # Instead of dividing 40 work items on 12 cores into:
  # 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 7 = 3*11 + 7 = 40
  # the following scheme will divide into
  # 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 = 4*4 + 3*8 = 40
  var chunkOffset {.inject.}, chunkSize {.inject.}: Natural
  for threadID{.inject.} in 0 ..< numChunks:
if threadID < remainder:
  chunkOffset = start + (baseChunkSize + 1) * threadID
  chunkSize = baseChunkSize + 1
  chunkOffset = start + baseChunkSize * threadID + remainder
  chunkSize = baseChunkSize

block: body

# Benches

let maxLim = 1_000_000

proc doSth(i: int) =
  let k = i*2

benchmark "normal loop":
  for i in 1..maxLim:

# Don't interleave stacktraces, they require to allocate strings
# and OpenMP doesn't create a GC or would require "setupForeignThreadGc()"
{.push stackTrace:off.}
benchmark "parallelized OpenMP":
  for i in 1||maxLim:

type Dummy = bool
  ## Allow waiting on void spawns:

proc chunkedDoSth(chunkOffset, chunkSize: Natural): Dummy =
  ## A chunk is processed on the same core
  ## It returns a dummy calue so that we can wait on it
  for i in chunkOffset ..< chunkSize:

# Let's not use heap allocation for this, but we need to wrap in a proc
when defined(windows):
  proc alloca(size: csize): pointer {.header: "".}
  proc alloca(size: csize): pointer {.header: "".}

proc parNimSpawn() =
  var tasks: ptr UncheckedArray[FlowVar[Dummy]]
  tasks = cast[type tasks](alloca(countProcessors() * 
  # Transforming this into a nice "parallel_for" is left as an exercise to 
the reader
  parallelChunks(1, maxLim, chunkOffset, chunkSize, threadID):
# Spawn a task for each chunk
tasks[threadID] = spawn chunkedDoSth(chunkOffset, chunkSize)
  # Wait all
  for i in 0 ..< countProcessors():
let dummy = ^tasks[i]

benchmark "parallelized Nim spawn":


Re: How to parallelize a for-loop

2019-11-25 Thread mratsim
You should edit your post and add the code directly inside.

Here you are trying to parallelize command line arguments which seems to be 
directory paths to check if a file exist. This is IO-bound and your bottleneck 
will be your disk. Parallelizing this loop will probably slow your program down 
due to parallel overhead and also competition over the kernels limited file 

Re: env needs to be copied for closure

2019-11-25 Thread foldl
To add it into `system.nim` is not a good idea, `macros.nim` looks like a 
better place.

Here is the PR: 

Re: Cryptic error message relating to procedure type mismatch

2019-11-25 Thread lucian
the project has been updated recently, please pull the latest (which is version 