Re: Custom default for type

2020-04-02 Thread moigagoo
Thanks for the clarification!

I always thought the RFC was about the fancy syntax for default values, not the 
fundamental ability to set them; that I assumed had been possible somehow.

Oh well, I'll use an explicit init proc then.

Re: Vapoursynth - optimization

2020-04-02 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> At this stage I can only recommend NOT to use VapourSynth.nim. It is too slow

Please note that your first task would be to make it work with default refc GC 
and with arc GC.

\--gc:none was only suggested for tests, as you reported that it crash with 
refc GC.|   
For performance you would never use a seq[seq] for your filter matrix, but a 
continues block of memory which lives in the cache permanently. And you would 
like to use SIMD instructions. For SIMD you may try to code it manually, I 
think we have a simd module provided by mratsim, or you would write Nim code 
that can be converted by the Nim compiler in something for which the C compiler 
can apply SIMD instructions.

Re: Custom default for type

2020-04-02 Thread spip
  * RFC #49: [Enforce initialization in more contexts / everywhere / up to 
  * RFC #172: [dependent types, restricted types or generalization of the range 

There's a similar problem when you define a range type whose default value is 
not in the range.

Re: Nested list comprehension

2020-04-02 Thread cdunn2001
I don't see "collect" used in that comprehension module at all. Also, 
**comprehension** is slightly broken with nim-1.0.0. I haven't tried nim-devel 
yet. (I can only use official releases at work.)

Looking for a new home for Nimz3

2020-04-02 Thread zevv
Some time ago I made a little Nim binding and DSL around the Z3 theorem prover, 
which can be found at 

I made this mostly for fun and learning purposes, but never got to properly 
maintain or document it. Nimz3 has recently be picked up by Araq for the new 
"DrNim" project, and I start getting some issues and pull requests on the repo 
as well.

Unfortunately I currently lack both time and motivation to give this package 
the love it deserves, so I'm looking for someone who wants to adopt to prevent 
it from gathering dust and unanswered github issues.

Re: Custom default for type

2020-04-02 Thread Hlaaftana
I understand the question. You can't override how a type is initialized in Nim

Re: Custom default for type

2020-04-02 Thread juancarlospaco

Not sure if I understand the question tho.

Re: Nim Bugs

2020-04-02 Thread juancarlospaco
New version of nimbug with improvements from user feedback, feel free to give 
it a try. :)

Custom default for type

2020-04-02 Thread moigagoo

How do I set a default value for a type that doesn't have any? For example, an 
object or DateTime?

I know there's `default` proc that gets the default value for a given type but 
I couldn't figure out how to use it.

Re: Vapoursynth - optimization

2020-04-02 Thread mantielero
At this stage I can only recommend NOT to use VapourSynth.nim. It is too slow 
(not because of nim, but I cannot find out why).

Testing the convolution filter in Python:

import vapoursynth as vs
core = vs.get_core()
clip = core.std.BlankClip(format=vs.GRAYS, length=10, fpsnum=24000, 
fpsden=1001, keep=True)
clip = core.std.Convolution(clip, matrix=[1,2,1,2,4,2,1,2,1])


So I get:

$ vspipe test.vpy /dev/null
Output 10 frames in 26.73 seconds (3740.91 fps)

My version:

import ../vapoursynth
import options



$ nim c -f --gc:none -d:release -d:danger modifyframe
$ time ./modifyframe

sys 0m1,997s

which is: 2640.47fps

On the other hand you can create your own filters. In that regard, I have 
managed to apply a simple Gauss filter to 10frames in:

$ time ./modifyframe

sys 0m5,422s

which is 198fps. Way too slow when compared with the C++ version.

Re: Problems with var return type

2020-04-02 Thread Hlaaftana
> Is it just not possible to wrap a var in an Option?

Yep, it's not possible to put `var T` fields in objects (though it might be 
possible in the future). The compiler does allow putting them in tuples though 
it doesn't behave very well (what if you don't initialize the var T?).

Problems with var return type

2020-04-02 Thread misu
I am not sure that I am understanding how the var return type work, I have this 

proc findComponent*(e: var Entity, T: typedesc): Option[var T] =
for c in e.components.mitems:
if c of T:
result = some(T(c))
result = none(var T)


I am trying to find a component in e, then return an var of that component, I 
get this error: 

Error: type mismatch: got  but expected 
'Option[var None]'


What does the `var None` in the return type mean? Is it just not possible to 
wrap a var in an Option?

Re: Announcement: The Nim compiler is rewritten in Python with some modules optimized in C

2020-04-02 Thread RedFred
You had me there for a few minutes @Araq, fair play :)

Re: Announcement: The Nim compiler is rewritten in Python with some modules optimized in C

2020-04-02 Thread JPLRouge
today I don't eat fish (lol) on April 1st

rewrite all that in Python ... and why not in gwbasic with the one 
opening on the assembler

NRE documentation inconsistency?

2020-04-02 Thread readysloth
Hi all

I have a big PCRE regex, that have conditional named groups. I want to 
reference all of the groups, even if match didn't occur and handle it on my 
side with simple if or something like this.

As nre [documentation]( states: captures[]: 
string the string value of whatever was captured at that id. If the value is 
invalid, then behavior is undefined. If the id is -1, then the whole match is 
returned. If the given capture was not matched, nil is returned. 

"abc".match(re"(\w)").get.captures[0] == "a"
"abc".match(re"(?\w)").get.captures["letter"] == "a"
"abc".match(re"(\w)\w").get.captures[-1] == "ab"


I can do that and get nil, if pattern was not matched. But actual nre code 
contains this: 

func checkNamedCaptured(pattern: RegexMatch, name: string): void =
  if not (name in pattern.captureBounds):
raise newException(KeyError, "Group '" & name & "' was not captured")


func `[]`*(pattern: Captures, name: string): string =
  let pattern = RegexMatch(pattern)
  checkNamedCaptured(pattern, name)
  return pattern.captures[pattern.pattern.captureNameToId[name]]


Which throws error if named group was not matched. 

Re: Natural language processing

2020-04-02 Thread xflywind
You can also find examples in: 

Re: Template - how to prefix a function's name

2020-04-02 Thread Vindaar
Oh yes, I could have made that more clear.

Indeed, the default type is untyped. Both for the arguments as well as the 
return type.

And yes, untyped is required to make this work. Essentially untyped is just 
considered as a raw Nim identifier (nnkIdent in macro terms). If you used 
string as an argument, the compiler would understand that as a string at 
runtime. Since the name of the generated proc / etc. has to be known at compile 
time of course, this wouldn't work.

You _can_ (although I don't think with a template) hand a static string, which 
is a string known at compile time and extract an identifier from the string. 
But unless you do more complicated macro things where you might want to 
calculate names of procs you want to generate, this won't be much different 
than just handing a raw identifier.

An example:

import macros

macro genproc(prefix: static string): untyped =
  let procName = ident(prefix & "World")
  result = quote do:
proc `procName`() = echo "Hello world"

genProc("hello") # works, string literal is static

const foo = "alsoHello"
genProc(foo) # a const string is known at CT

# and also
proc getName(): string =
  result = "finalHello"

var bar {.compileTime.}: string
static: bar = getName() # some CT computation
