Automated Nim Packages Security Audit

2020-04-25 Thread juancarlospaco



More fresh data coming up everyday.


Re: NOOB: Few simple questions ...

2020-04-25 Thread Hlaaftana
> How to I CONVERT a set -> string or array of string

If you mean like toString, the ` `$` operator 
 is mainly used.

Re: NOOB: Few simple questions ...

2020-04-25 Thread juancarlospaco

import sugar
let seto = {1, 2, 3}
let seqo = sugar.collect(newSeq):
  for item in seto: $item
echo seqo


let seto = {1, 2, 3}
let seqo2 = block:
  var lst: seq[string]
  for item in seto: lst.add($item)
echo seqo2


Theres also `sequtils.toSeq`. Depending the use case it can be improved for 

On Nim "methods" are like free floating functions, I dont think is possible to 
list all of them, because you can create custom ones, and theres functions that 
can take `any` or `T`, return `auto`, etc.

If you want like an index to see which functions are on stdlib available, then 
CTRL+F on 

Re: import vs include

2020-04-25 Thread spip
> I suppose that if I import bar.nim in multiple files, I would get types 
> redefinitions.

>From a quick test, it does not seem to occur.

Re: Help understanding simple string pointer indexing example

2020-04-25 Thread cumulonimbus
Disclaimer: Based mostly on my C++ experience with this kind of problem, did 
not run into it with Nim and can't test this second.

> If you're including other people code in your project you just have to trust 
> them in the same way you trust it to work.

Linus Torvalds has said more than once that "security bugs are not special, 
they are just bugs that have security implications" (paraphrasing from memory), 
and I think he's right - the reason we (in general) care more about them is 
that rather than producing a wrong answer or no answer at all, they allow a 
determined malicious actor to willfully do disproportional damage.

To put this in concrete terms, instead of `foo(x)`, assume it's `draw(x)` \- 
Library A deals with drawing on a canvas, and Library B deals with drawing 
money from a bank account; for whatever reason, Library A's `draw[T](x:T)` is a 
template that can draw anything that can be converted to a string. and Library 
B's previous version did NOT have a `draw(x:money)` (it only had a 
`transfer(x:money)` proc), but now it does.

There is no malicious intent on the part of any library author (indeed, the 
library authors don't know each other or the user or the main program that uses 
those libraries), but a malicious user can cause money to be drawn from the 
account by triggering an action that needs to draw some money value on the 

This example is a bit contrived and colorful (and based on one of 
Stroustroup's), but not so far fetched; You could have an `execute(x:T)` 
template that does a well defined, well secured thing -- and then another 
library adds `execute(x:string)` that shells out and executes a command line. 
Or -- much harder to catch -- the new proc has the same functionality as the 
old one it overrides, but implemented in a different way that overall creates a 
TOCTOU or race condition or otherwise harms integrity.

I didn't have time to try these in Nim (maybe most cases already have a 
warning), I have encountered something similar (not security related, just 
plain old bug) with C++ templates, which is just one of the reasons I've 
avoided C++ for more than a decade.

It should be possible to warn that "import B specializes template from A but 
they are not related" or something like that, I think - e.g. if both a concrete 
and a template definition match at a call site, then the template definition 
must be known at the concrete definition's site or something like that.

Re: Nim's strutils.split() slower than Python's string split()?

2020-04-25 Thread krtekz
All my tests were done by redirecting stdout to /dev/null, so the performance 
of terminal doesn't matter.

Re: import vs include

2020-04-25 Thread spip
> When you really love to write ptr cuint) and cast[ptr cuint](addr 
>, I am not sure if Nim is such a good choice :-)

I simulated the call to an external API having that signature...

Re: Nim's strutils.split() slower than Python's string split()?

2020-04-25 Thread adnan
I was under the impression that Linux terminals usually flush on newlines 
regardless. There's a chance that the main performance benefit you are gaining 
is not from splitting the strings and using the split iter instead. I could be 

Re: Number of items in a tuple

2020-04-25 Thread mantielero
Thanks guys. 

Re: Nim's strutils.split() slower than Python's string split()?

2020-04-25 Thread ksandvik
You could also concatenate all entries to a string variable and then do a 
single writeLine to avoid I/O traffic -- a classic optimization technique.

Re: Nim's strutils.split() slower than Python's string split()?

2020-04-25 Thread cblake
Locking can indeed slowdown output as can exception handling and is unnecessary 
for single-threaded output and the exceptions may be unhelpful if there is 
nothing you can do on out of space errors. If you are on Linux/glibc then you 
can also just use `fwrite_unlocked` directly as in `cligen/osUt.nim:urite` or 
`cligen/mslice.nim:urite` as shown in the `examples/cols.nim` program in 

Re: NOOB: Few simple questions ...

2020-04-25 Thread Stefan_Salewski
For the first question I have no idea what you mean.

For the second, Nim has no classes, so there are no methods coupled closely to 
objects. But for the fields of objects, there are various fields and fieldPairs 
iterators, see


Re: import vs include

2020-04-25 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> I suppose that if I import bar.nim in multiple files, I would get types 
> redefinitions.

I don't think so, but please let me know.

And thanks for your example, I have to mention that for objects it can be 
necessary to export fields too.

With imports the really fun part is cyclic imports. We have forum posts about 
that, I have to add that also to the book.

When you really love to write ptr cuint) and cast[ptr cuint](addr, I am not sure if Nim is such a good choice :-)

Re: Create type with macro that depends on other types in a type block

2020-04-25 Thread enthus1ast
Got it! :)

at first i dumped the ast:

World {.dumpAstGen.} = ref object
guids: GUID
storeHealthAble: Store[CompHealthAble]
storeDrawAble: Store[CompDrawAble]
storeNameAble: Store[CompNameAble]


this works because the ast that generates this type is passed to the 
dumpAstGen. Then i copied the ast into a new macro and added my generation 
code. The only thing was that i had to put Components into its own type 

  Component = enum
DrawAble, HealthAble, NameAble, FOOAble

macro genWorld(left: typed, componentEnum: untyped) =
  var typeTree = newNimNode(nnkRecList)
  typeTree.add nnkIdentDefs.newTree(
  for component in Component:
typeTree.add nnkIdentDefs.newTree(
  newIdentNode("store" & $component ),
newIdentNode("Comp" & $component)
  return nnkTypeDef.newTree(

# another type section
World {.genWorld: Component.}


Re: NOOB: Few simple questions ...

2020-04-25 Thread dawkot
sugar.collect can be used to convert between different collection types.

NOOB: Few simple questions ...

2020-04-25 Thread RobertNio
Hi, I am just getting started with NIM ...

Q: How to I CONVERT a **set - > string or array of string**? ... is there a 
GENERIC method, which most object have ?

Q: Is there a way to find out the methods / variables of an object? ... eg. 
object **.list** ... similar to object.type

Thanks for any help / advise


Re: import vs include

2020-04-25 Thread spip
Thanks @Stefan_Salewski. I was to answer that all my types are public but I 
checked one last time before posting and I found that one type was not!

I still had compilation errors. For instance with


  Version* = object
major: uint
minor: uint
build: uint
revision: uint



import bar
#include bar

func getVers(major, minor, build, revision: ptr cuint) =
  ## Values provided by external API
  major[] = 1
  minor[] = 1
  build[] = 1
  revision[] = 1

func getVersion*: Version {.inline.} =
cast[ptr cuint](addr result.major),
cast[ptr cuint](addr result.minor),
cast[ptr cuint](addr,
cast[ptr cuint](addr result.revision)

func `$`*(version: Version): string =
  ## Stringify the version under the usual pattern
  ## ````
  result = $version.major & '.' & $version.minor & '.' & $ & 
'.' & $version.revision

echo "Version=" & $getVersion()


The error is `expression has no address; maybe use 'unsafeAddr'` on line 
`cast[ptr cuint](addr result.major),` in VisualStudio Code.

But running `nim check foo`, I can see that there are previous errors and it is 
due to the fact that `Version` fields are not made public. Changing `Version` 
to the code below solved the problem and `import` can be used.


  Version* = object
major*: uint
minor*: uint
build*: uint
revision*: uint


Now it becomes a different problem of information hiding. Do I want to have 
these fields visible by users? Are there problems using `import`? I suppose 
that if I import `bar.nim` in multiple files, I would get types 
redefinitions... I have to balance the advantages of both solutions.

Re: Help understanding simple string pointer indexing example

2020-04-25 Thread doofenstein
> Yes, this can become a security problem in some cases to inject unwanted 
> behaviours in existing code.

before considering this "security concern", consider the fact that if I wanted 
to anything harmful I could just write this into my module:

  staticExec("rm **/*.*")


and then importing is enough to delete some files (if I got the syntax 
correctly :) )

If you're including other people code in your project you just have to trust 
them in the same way you trust it to work.

Re: import vs include

2020-04-25 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> I don't understand what import really does. When you use import, then you 
> have to mark the symbols which you want to import by export markers asterisk.




Re: Help understanding simple string pointer indexing example

2020-04-25 Thread spip
Replying to myself...

In order for Alice to prevent such situation, she could force herself to 
enforce full module prefix in proc calls with [module qualified 

from A import nil
from B import nil


That way, she can control her use of A and B features at the expense of more 

import vs include

2020-04-25 Thread spip
I have a big file `foo.nim`. I split it putting all types from `foo.nim` in a 
`bar.nim` file.

Now `foo.nim` does not compile anymore


import bar

# procs...


while this version with include does


include bar

# procs...


I don't understand what `import` really does. For me, it was like importing 
symbols by a linker and I don't understand why both versions don't compile.

Create type with macro that depends on other types in a type block

2020-04-25 Thread enthus1ast
I create a type in a macro which depends on other type ( i create the World 
type) The issue is that the world type depends on other types (Store and 
Entity) which are in the same typeblock. It seems that i cannot call the create 
macro inside the type block to create the type. When i call the gen macro above 
or below the type block there are types missing. Any idea how i can do this?

  #  i want to create the world type
  World = ref object
guids: GUID
storeHealthAble: Store[CompHealthAble]
storeDrawAble: Store[CompDrawAble]
storeNameAble: Store[CompNameAble]
  Entity = object
id: GUID
world: World
  Store[T] = Table[Entity,T]
  # Following for completeness.
  Component = enum
DrawAble, HealthAble, NameAble


the type creation macro which creates World:

macro genWorld() =
  var typeTree = newNimNode(nnkRecList)
  typeTree.add nnkIdentDefs.newTree(
  for component in Component:
typeTree.add nnkIdentDefs.newTree(
  newIdentNode("store" & $component ),
newIdentNode("Comp" & $component)
  result = nnkStmtList.newTree(


Re: Nim's strutils.split() slower than Python's string split()?

2020-04-25 Thread krtekz
See updated code above

Re: Nim's strutils.split() slower than Python's string split()?

2020-04-25 Thread kaushalmodi
@krtekz Awesome! Also make sure you share your optimized final code here for 
anyone who ends up on this thread in future :)

Re: Nim's strutils.split() slower than Python's string split()?

2020-04-25 Thread Araq
Also try `--gc:arc --panics:on`

Re: Nim's strutils.split() slower than Python's string split()?

2020-04-25 Thread krtekz
Just found out something people haven't mentioned yet (or I missed it?). 
According to 
`echo` is equivalent to a `writeLine` and a `flushFile`, so each time I call 
`echo` it flushes the output, which is not necessary. After I replaced `echo x` 
in my code with `writeLine(stdout, x)`, it helped quite a bit.

Using using split iterator instead of assigning split() return to a variable 
helps too. 

Re: Nim's strutils.split() slower than Python's string split()?

2020-04-25 Thread adnan
In Rust, sometimes the biggest performance overhead is repeated locking of 
stdout. To avoid it, one would lock the stdout before the loop. I wonder Nim 
requires locking as well.

let mut out = File::new("test.out");
let mut buf = BufWriter::new(out);
let mut lock = io::stdout().lock();
writeln!(lock, "{}", header);
for line in lines {
writeln!(lock, "{}", line);
writeln!(buf, "{}", line);
writeln!(lock, "{}", footer);
}   // end scope to unlock stdout and flush/close buf


Re: Questions about templates parameters

2020-04-25 Thread gemath
> Perhaps we should have a reference to Lazy type resolution for untyped in the 
> Templates and Macros sections.

That's right, missed that one. Maybe `untyped` and `typed` should even get 
their own subsection under "Special Types".

> Can you find what the following code will print?

I made a guessing game out of the code by adding `discard readline(stdin)` 
before every template invocation and I got one wrong: for some reason, I 
thought that `typed{lit}` would win over `int` for an integer literal 
parameter. Would be nice to have such little "quiz programs" in the tutorial, 
compiled to JavaScript.

Btw., the main reason I could give the longish reply further up is that I tried 
the exact thing you did ("saving" template parameters) before understanding 
templates and macros. Wasted a lot of time with frustrating trial-and-error 
back then instead of just asking. These questions help other people, too.