Re: About include

2020-04-27 Thread gemath
Let's look at a minimal code sample which reproduces the compiler error:

template foo*(sFoo: untyped) =
  type A = object
str: string

  echo A(str: "hello").str


Type definitions inside a template are by default invisible to code from the 
instantiation scope (or gensym ed, see the manual chapter @Hlaaftana linked). 
`sFoo` comes from the instantiation scope, thus the error, which can be avoided 
by giving `A` an `{.inject.}` pragma.

When the definition of `A` is included instead, the `include` is apparently 
resolved after template substitution: `A` is not defined in the template body, 
but immediatly inside the instantiating context.

Re: About include

2020-04-27 Thread Stefan_Salewski
You are doing "interesting" things.

First, I can not remember having seen nested templates at all in Nim, at least 
I never used that construct.

And putting a include inside a template is also "interesting".

>From my memory an include should be identical to copying the content at that 

Re: About include

2020-04-27 Thread Hlaaftana

About include

2020-04-27 Thread spip
My understanding is that `include` is like `template` but for file: in-place 
code replacement, just like C `#include`. I broke my big file into small 
includes, and now inapprehensible errors pop up... This example presents the 
reverse of what I see with my code: big file compiling while includes don't.


  A = object
str: string

template conc(s1: A, s2: string): string =
  s1.str & s2



template foo*(sFoo: untyped) =
include myinclude

template bar(sBar: untyped) =
  echo "In bar"

echo "In foo"
echo "completed foo"

echo conc(A(str: "hello"), "world")


This compiles and outputs 

In foo
In bar
completed foo


Now, if instead of including the file, I copy its content replacing the 
`include myinclude`, to get **foo.nim**

template foo*(sFoo: untyped) =
type A = object
  str: string

template conc(s1: A, s2: string): string =
  s1.str & s2

template bar(sBar: untyped) =
  echo "In bar"

echo "In foo"
echo "completed foo"

echo conc(A(str: "hello"), "world")


It does not compile anymore, with `Error: undeclared identifier: 'A'`

What does `include` do exactly?

_Also as a side note, if you don 't declare the type ``A``, Nim compiler 
optimize the string concatenation and both versions compile..._

Re: NOOB: WINIM is causing my linker to throw an error ...

2020-04-27 Thread Araq
It's precisely what is going on and the fix could be something like `res2obj 
file.res` and link the `.obj` file instead.

Re: Nim goes multithreading, Pt. 2: SQLiteral

2020-04-27 Thread teroz
Sweet this is welcome and thoroughly appreciated . Keep em coming 

NOOB: WINIM is causing my linker to throw an error ...

2020-04-27 Thread RobertNio

I try to compile a little tool with CLANG (it works with the default compiler).

Apparently the file **winim-3.3.3\winim\lib\winimx64.res** or 
winim-3.3.3\winim\lib\winim64.res is the problem.

ANY object file (.o) after it will throw an error of:

> fatal error LNK1107: invalid or corrupt file: cannot read at

My guess is that the ".res" files are pre-compiled with a DIFFERENT compiler 
and thus my CLANG linker is "confused" ?

Any help /ideas ?



Ways to retain users to a mobile application

2020-04-27 Thread bellathomas
By the help of looking into data can help you evolve your mobile application 
based on use needs. Not only is it going to refine the application but help it 
deliver adept user experiences that are going to make a difference to the 
users. You must also keep in mind to hire a mobile app developer that has 
knowledge and understanding of mechanisms that contribute to building users. 
Through these mechanisms you can choose to send notifications to the users and 
remind them of your application. Are there any other methods to retain users? 

Re: Nim zmq binding and poll function

2020-04-27 Thread Clonk
Ah yes that was the cause of the problem.

I reported the bug here : 

I have a fork of nim-zmq where I added some examples, I can fix the problem and 
submit a Pull Request.

Re: Nim zmq binding and poll function

2020-04-27 Thread Araq
I updated my reply, your definition of `TPollItem` didn't match its C 

Re: Nim zmq binding and poll function

2020-04-27 Thread Araq
Something like this:

  TPollItem* = object
socket*: PSocket
fd*: cint
events*: cshort
revents*: cshort
poller*: pointer

proc poll*(items: ptr UncheckedArray[TPollItem], nitems: cint, timeout: 
clong): cint{.
  cdecl, importc: "zmq_poll", dynlib: zmqdll.}

template asUncheckedArray(a): untyped = cast[ptr 
UncheckedArray[typeof(a[0])]](addr a[0])

var a: array[2, TPollItem]
a[0] = TPollItem(socket: d1.s, events: ZMQ_POLLIN)
a[1] = TPollItem(socket: d2.s, events: ZMQ_POLLIN)

# Poll on 2 element starting at adress p1
var res : int = poll(asUncheckedArray(a), 2, 1)
echo res
if res >= 0 :
var res1 = bitand(p1.revents, ZMQ_POLLIN.cshort)
var res2 = bitand(p2.revents, ZMQ_POLLIN.cshort)
echo "res1:", res1, " && res2:", res2


Nim goes multithreading, Pt. 2: SQLiteral

2020-04-27 Thread Allin
Topic of previous post was StashTable, a thread-safe in-memory key-value store. 
I have added more tests to it to ensure soundness of data structure. StashTable 
will be available at Nimble central repository as soon as nimble gate-keepers 
will accept my pull request.

But in-memory data is usually not enough. Today I'm happy to announce 
SQLiteral: a multithreading SQLite API for Nim, at 

It's a tasteful mixture of Nim code, SQLite pragmas and other ingredients to 
combine following features "in parallel":

  * Parallel access, using WAL mode
  * Avoids possibility of SQLITE_BUSY
  * Supports optimize and vacuum
  * Prepared statements, prepared for you at open and finalized at close
  * All statements can be logged with parameters substituted
  * Bind statically to sqlite3.c of your choice
  * Proper typing, as seen in tiny_sqlite by gulpf
  * And more...

In forthcoming part 3, the topic will be a multithreading integrated HTTP/1.1 + 
WebSocket v13 server, implemented on top of the new Weave runtime. Stay tuned!

Nim zmq binding and poll function

2020-04-27 Thread Clonk

I'm trying to use the poll function of the ZMQ (version 4.2) binding. In C (and 
C++) you just pass an allocated array of zmq_pollitems_t and the length.

I tried doing the Nim equivalent :

var p1  = cast[ptr TPollItem](alloc0(2*sizeof(TPollItem)))  # Allocate 
memory for 2 TPollItem object
var p2 = cast[ptr TPollItem](cast[int](p1) + cast[int](sizeof(TPollItem))) 
# Get the start adress of the second object
p1[] = TPollItem(socket: d1.s, events: ZMQ_POLLIN) # Write first in the 
memory adress
p2[] = TPollItem(socket: d2.s, events: ZMQ_POLLIN) # Write second object in 
the memory adress
var res : int = poll(p1, 2, 1)
echo res
if res >= 0 :
var res1 = bitand(p1.revents, ZMQ_POLLIN.cshort)
var res2 = bitand(p2.revents, ZMQ_POLLIN.cshort)
echo "res1:", res1, " && res2:", res2


But it only works for the first TPollItem (i can swap the socket used in the 
TPollItem so I know it's not a connexion problem) and I never get a POLLIN flag 
set in p2.

Also, on the same subject, the Nim pollitem are defined as follow : 

  TPollItem*{.pure, final.} = object
socket*: PSocket
fd*: cint
events*: cshort
revents*: cshort
poller*: pointer

proc poll*(items: ptr TPollItem, nitems: cint, timeout: clong): cint{.
  cdecl, importc: "zmq_poll", dynlib: zmqdll.}


What is the pointer poller ? In C it is just defined as a struct : 

typedef struct
void* //socket//;
int //fd//;
short //events//;
short //revents//;
} zmq_pollitem_t;

int zmq_poll (zmq_pollitem_t *items, int nitems, long timeout);


Re: Automated Nim Packages Security Audit

2020-04-27 Thread federico3
> malicious actor can always check if it's being run under some tool like this

Yes, or simply leave a vulnerability around that can be later exploited.

Re: Just a VSCode question

2020-04-27 Thread JPLRouge
With the latest freshness ... It gets better

I read a lot of fixes on GIT

Re: Just a VSCode question

2020-04-27 Thread nais314
i have no such issues. i am using the visual-studio-code-bin package - there is 
a vscode-OSS, and a vscode-git package,, and maybe an appImage exists for 
download too. later i used the appImage, and tried the others, but ...code-bin 
worked for me the best. :-? ((maybe a HW issue?))

Re: Idea: Nim Online Conference

2020-04-27 Thread miran
Also, if you would like to give more than one talk, that is entirely possible — 
just fill [the form]( multiple times.

Re: ggplotnim - pretty native plots for us

2020-04-27 Thread mantielero
@Vindaar, I am working on doing some bindings to 
[gr-framework]([](\)). My 
bindings are not mature, but I believe it could be a better option that using 

I have created both animations, images, ... in both windows and pictures.

It could be a better way to abstract the backend.

One of the main problems I am facing is documentation.

Re: ggplotnim - pretty native plots for us

2020-04-27 Thread Vindaar
Sorry about that. When I started writing this I had no idea cairo would be such 
a pain on Windows.

There's an issue about it here: 

I haven't updated the README yet, mostly because I don't have a good solution 
either yet. The easiest for me on a practical level was to just install emacs 
and add it to my PATH (which is I guess equivalent to you using the Inkscape 

I guess I can think about either adding working versions of the required 
libraries to the repository for windows (at least win64) or a script which 
clones the cairo repository and builds it locally. I haven't built cairo 
locally yet, so I don't know if it works well.

Now regarding your actual question. If you want to ship a program, which uses 
ggplotnim internally, you have to do what people do on Windows as far as I 
know: bundle all required DLLs with the program.

The other alternative would be a static build of cairo. I'll see what I can do 
to improve the situation. Thanks for the input!

Re: ggplotnim - pretty native plots for us

2020-04-27 Thread didlybom
Do you have instructions on how to properly package a program that uses this 
library? I managed to get ggplotnim working on my windows system, but it was 
harder than I’d like. I downloaded the gtk libraries and placed them on the 
executable folder but that did not work. In the end what worked was copying the 
dll of another gym based program (Inkscape) into the ggplotnim-based 
executable. It’s be nice if the library came with some tool that helped you 
collect the libraries it needs or if there was a way to create stand-alone 