Re: Exporting json objects to Javascript, how can I make this code more terse?

2020-05-01 Thread juancarlospaco
Compile with `-d:danger` and put name on everything relevant with `{.exportc.}`.

Your code will probably go thru a Minifier anyways, so maybe better focus on 
tests and documentation.

Re: Exporting json objects to Javascript, how can I make this code more terse?

2020-05-01 Thread hiteshjasani
Some more research turned up a macro in jsffi that works the way I want. Here's 
the improved code.

import jsffi

  Person = ref object of JsObject
name: cstring
val: int
lang: cstring
  Rec = ref object of JsObject
name: cstring
val: int

let obj1 {.exportc: "obj1".} = Rec{
  friends: [
  val: 19,
  name: "wendy",
  lang: "nim"
  name: "sam",
  val: 21

var myobj1 {.exportc: "myobj1".} = obj1


Exporting json objects to Javascript, how can I make this code more terse?

2020-05-01 Thread hiteshjasani
I'm trying to create a json object that is exported and available to other 
Javascript libraries. Here's a trivial example below. The code below works, I 
can generate the js file, access the exported vars in the browser js console 
and it works with my other library.

But I wish it weren't so verbose. My real json objects will be much larger, 
more deeply nested and have many more variations in format. I really like the 
%* macro in the json module, but the js it generates is not in a format that 
other libraries can use.

How can this be improved?

import jsffi

# {
#   "friends": [
# {
#   "val": 19,
#   "name": "wendy",
#   "lang": "nim"
# }
#   ],
#   "name": "sam",
#   "val": 21
# }

proc makeObj1(): JsObject =
  result = newJsObject()
  result.val = 19 = cstring"wendy"
  result.lang = cstring"nim"

proc makeObj2(): JsObject =
  result = newJsObject()
  result.friends = [
  ] = cstring"sam"
  result.val = 21

var myobj2 {.exportc: "myobj2".} = makeObj2()


Re: RSS feed of doesn't work. Notification is stopping.

2020-05-01 Thread jiro4989
Thank you!!

Re: A pure Nim k-d tree

2020-05-01 Thread jlindsay
Thanks, I'll look into it.

Javascript browser backend: cannot include more than a single nim compiled source ?

2020-05-01 Thread mildred

I am getting strange errors when I include two Nim compiled programs in the 
same webpage. The scripts are separate, but if I include only one, it works. 
Including two of them and I'm getting strange errors in the JSON module, or 
malfunctions that are difficult to reproduce.

I'm thinking that maybe the script overwrite each other functions or variables. 
It's possible since in both scripts, I use the same Nim modules.

I'm also thinking that since now JavaScript modules landed in browsers, perhaps 
Nim could target a javascript module with export directives instead of a script 
to include inline on a webpage.

I'll investigate more, but the error shows on these pages (the first contains 
both examples and fails somehow):


Re: Typography update - now it can render 99% the Google Fonts ttf.

2020-05-01 Thread ksandvik
Amazing work! But FYI stacking is very common in Hindu/Sanskrit and Tibetan and 
other languages for rendering web pages, word processors and so on.

Re: Error: unhandled exception: paramCount is not implemented on Nintendo Switch [OSError]

2020-05-01 Thread lotzz
thanks i will do that

Re: Typography update - now it can render 99% the Google Fonts ttf.

2020-05-01 Thread jyapayne
This is amazing and I love it! Good work :)

Re: A pure Nim k-d tree

2020-05-01 Thread jlindsay
No, you're right, it allows for it to be adjusted at compile time. I don't 
think that I've ever seen a k-d tree library that allows for K to be set at 
runtime. I can't think of a use-case for this. For one, I would think it would 
come at a large performance hit.

Re: A pure Nim k-d tree

2020-05-01 Thread brentp
> but that's using a static int, so the K still can not be set at runtime. did 
> I miss something?

Re: A pure Nim k-d tree

2020-05-01 Thread brentp
 Then you could store the length in the tree and not incur the cost of having 
length + cap, etc. for a using a seq for every point.

Re: A pure Nim k-d tree

2020-05-01 Thread jlindsay
There is a genericK branch on the GitHub page. It's fully operational, but I am 
experiencing challenges with the code. For one, it seems to kill VS Code's 
ability (nimsuggest, actually, I suspect) to work with the code. And it is 
significantly slower, which I can't quite understand. I had several tests fail 
with it as well, which I also don't quite understand. That said, the code 
compiles and seems to work.

Re: A pure Nim k-d tree

2020-05-01 Thread jlindsay
I can't say that I'm familiar with an UncheckedArray. Is there any 
documentation for it? I can't seem to find any after a quick search.

Re: A pure Nim k-d tree

2020-05-01 Thread brentp
This looks very promising but K cannot be set at runtime, which limits the use 
quite a bit. I didn't look at the code too closely, but maybe you could do:

type KdPoint*[T:SomeNumber] = UncheckedArray[T]


Re: Understanding "Error: cannot evaluate at compile time"

2020-05-01 Thread spip
I've been reading all the [issues related to static and 
 I see that I'm entering the fuzzy zone where Nim typing is not totally defined 
and the syntax is moving. The discussions on generics vs type variables shows 
that there's no consensus on how types variability must be managed in Nim. And 
I think that it impacts finding a clean way to solve these types of bugs.

Meanwhile, I have to find a way to change my code to stay in Nim safer areas, 
_if possible_.

Re: RSS feed of doesn't work. Notification is stopping.

2020-05-01 Thread federico3
Fixed, thank you!

Re: Termcurs

2020-05-01 Thread JPLRouge
Hello, I'm done. Termcurs it integrates the table (dynamic or static) based on 
the philosophy of that of the 5250 OS400

there are examples and pictures

I will write an application with a real data base provided by Posgresql. We 
should find the principles of Cobol (for display) or that of RPGILE on OS400, 
the principles of business management, which are very basic and repetitive

to see a real example of usual feasibility in business

Re: Unicode support for Windows 10 console

2020-05-01 Thread ktamp
Back to this subject (and to Nim).

To **demotomohiro** : Thanks, **-d:nimDontSetUtf8CodePage** does indeed half 
the job needed, by creating an executable that does not change Windows console 

The other half of the job is to have a piece of software that internally uses 
UTF-8, so that the same source code works the same in Windows and Linux.

In this context **echo** should be overloaded, so that source code using it 
does not have to be changed, but **io** module functions (like **readLine** ) 
should be left unchanged, since no function used for file I/O should be 
tampered with.

So I came up with the following solution:


when system.hostOS == "windows":
  import encodings
  import rdstdin
  import strutils
  let consoleEncoding = getCurrentEncoding()
  let consoleEncoder =, "UTF-8")  #stdout
  let consoleDecoder ="UTF-8", consoleEncoding)  #stdin
  template echo(x: varargs[string, `$`]) {.used.} =
echo consoleEncoder.convert(x.join(""))
  template readLineFromStdin(prompt: string): TaintedString {.used.} =
  template readLineFromStdin(prompt: string; line: var TaintedString): bool 
{.used.} =
var ts: TaintedString
result = readLineFromStdin(prompt, ts)
line = consoleDecoder.convert(ts.string).TaintedString
  proc readLine(): string {.used.} = 
  proc readLine(): string {.used.} = stdin.readLine.string



import strutils
import unicode
include console

for cp in readLine().utf8:
  echo cp.toHex, ' ', if cp == "\e": "ESC" else: cp


 **console** has to be **included** , not **imported** , for overloading to 

Now things work on Windows as they should have had from the beginning (that is 
like on Linux).





CF84 τ
CEB5 ε
CF83 σ
CF84 τ


I wonder why things are not already done this way in Nim, since the way things 
are done does not work anyway.

Can the nim compiler run in the browser? Experimenting Nim to template web pages

2020-05-01 Thread mildred

Today, I hacked together a simple templating engine in Nim, yet to be 
perfected. Here it is: 
and I was wondering if I could embed the Nim compiler on a webpage to make it 
possible to play with my code in real-time in the browser. Is it possible?

The idea behind my code was to have a templating system that avoided the 
virtual DOM. I discovered a while ago SvelteJS (at the end of version 2) and it 
provides a nice alternative to Virtual DOM by updating only DOM nodes that 
needs updating. It avoids DOM diffing nonsense. With version 3 it also provides 
JavaScript with reactive abilities for the code logic. It all works by 
compiling the template file to javascript.

Yesterday evening, I took the generated javascript for simple examples and 
looked it up. I reproduced how it worked in Nim today (with large areas missing 

In addition to that, and to avoid inventing yet another templating syntax, I 
took the the approach of directly using the HTML `` element and map 
the elements with a simple DSL in Nim to JSON data structure. That's where I 
need the Nim compiler on the browser. At first I thought I would need macros or 
templates, but i nthe end plain procedures with the do syntax worked very well. 
That's how powerful Nim already is. 

Is there a simple example on how to create a Windows UI

2020-05-01 Thread mrweb

I'm still deciding if I should learn Pascal or Nim. I want to create a Windows 
GUI app.

Using a Pascal tutorial, I could recreate a simple example in less than five 
minutes. Just a window with a button that, when clicked, shows a "hello world" 

I know that it will take longer with Nim, but I'd like to get a feeling on how 
does it works, preferably using one of the most popular libraries at this time. 
[nimx]([]( or 

Is there a tutorial on how to create a very simple GUI app with Nim?


On a side note, coming from Python and without a background in programming, I 
want to create a GUI desktop hotel reservation app. After doing some research 
on several programming languages, I'm still thinking if I should choose Nim or 

Re: Typography update - now it can render 99% the Google Fonts ttf.

2020-05-01 Thread treeform
Kerning already supported ... text would look broken without it.

glyph composition and rtl/ttb/btt - I don't support that now, but I want to 
support it eventually.

Hebrew and Arabic are the only major rtl languages I want to support. Almost no 
one uses ttb/btt in computer UIs, CJK use it in signage and books though. Even 
traditional Mongolian which is hard ttb is replaced by Cyrillic letters on 
computers. Doing boustrophedon direction could be fun... but probably just as 
pointless as Egyptian hieroglyphs pointing their heads in correct orientations.

Re: Typography update - now it can render 99% the Google Fonts ttf.

2020-05-01 Thread treeform
Rmarkdown looks cool. But I think you might want to use a different tool to 
generate PDFs... they already support fonts! My plan is to use this for my UI 
framework called fidget ( 
[]( ). It 
turns out UI's are like 80% fonts by difficulty.

Re: Typography update - now it can render 99% the Google Fonts ttf.

2020-05-01 Thread dom96
I use this in my [upcoming game](, and I must 
confirm that it works beautifully (not only on Windows but also on Android!). 
@treeform is also very responsive to bug reports and fixed the fonts that I 
found were rendering incorrectly very quickly, thanks @treeform for your 
amazing work!

Re: Typography update - now it can render 99% the Google Fonts ttf.

2020-05-01 Thread cumulonimbus
Super cool! Do you have plans to support kerning, glyph composition, 
ltr/rtl/ttb/btt layout fonts? (Or are they already supported?)

Re: Midday Commander [retrofuturistic file manager]

2020-05-01 Thread Aiesha_Nazarothi
Sure, just finished implementing those stuff myself. **New version is out** , 

More colors, more folder analysis, more viewer options, more info when doing 
complex tasks... More everything.

Re: Midday Commander [retrofuturistic file manager]

2020-05-01 Thread zulu
Honestly it looks cool but I dont have a use for it. 

Re: copy & move Access is Denied

2020-05-01 Thread zulu
In Windows threads can have their own permissions. Did you try a simple program 
without using wNim?

Re: Typography update - now it can render 99% the Google Fonts ttf.

2020-05-01 Thread Araq
Something to talk about during Nim conference, right? ;-)

Re: Typography update - now it can render 99% the Google Fonts ttf.

2020-05-01 Thread Vindaar
I haven't had a use for this so far, but this is amazing!

You have a typo in your URL there. Missing the y at the end. :)