Re: Idea: Nim Online Conference

2020-05-16 Thread miran
> The conference time (or at least timezone to get an idea) is rather important 
> because depending on your timezone the conference could effectively be on 
> another date.

The registration form currently says: _Proposed start at 11 a.m. UTC_.

That should give you a rough idea about when can you expect the talks to 
happen. (The exact timeline and other details will be announced after the 
registration deadline)

hello world execute on openwrt

2020-05-16 Thread zhouhaiming
compile OS is Debian 10.4 x86_64 # nim --version Nim Compiler Version 1.2.0 
[Linux: amd64] Compiled at 2020-04-03 Copyright (c) 2006-2020 by Andreas Rumpf

git hash: 7e83adff84be5d0c401a213eccb61e321a3fb1ff active boot switches: 

# cat hello.nim echo "Hello World"

# nim -d:release --opt=size --passL:-s --cpu:arm --os:linux 
--gcc.exe:arm-openwrt-linux-gcc --gcc.linkerexe:arm-openwrt-linux-gcc c 

When I execute the hello program on Openwrt(arm_cortex-a9_vfpv3) # ./hello

-ash: ./hello: not found|   
# opkg print_architecture arch all 1 arch noarch 1 arch arm_cortex-a9_vfpv3 10 

Re: Nim Compiler Documentation

2020-05-16 Thread spip
Have you read [Internals of the Nim 

Nim Compiler Documentation

2020-05-16 Thread lotzz
This is just a simple question. I have started looking at the nim compiler 
source and trying to implement my own backend for nim. Is there not 
documentation for the nim compiler or is it reserved for developers? I might 
just not have found where it is though.

Re: Experimenting with a FreeRTOS OS Port

2020-05-16 Thread elcritch
Also, it'd be cool to see how many standard Nim libraries on threads could be 
extended to the ESP32 as well. That's far down the list, but how would one 
integrate vTasks*** with Nim? 

Experimenting with a FreeRTOS OS Port

2020-05-16 Thread elcritch
Hey all! I'm experimenting with an OS port for FreeRTOS, similar to that for 
the Nintendo Switch. Currently I'm focusing on the esp-idf (esp32) which 
includes LwIP. Essentially so far it's posix.nim with all the non-FreeRTOS 
parts removed (probably 80% of it). Importantly, there's a couple of core IP 
addr structs that differ due to LwIP. My main goal is getting net module (esp 
select for sockets) working with async. It'd be fun to have a Nim async-http 
server "just work" on FreeRTOS/LwIP devices.

Would anyone else be interested in helping with such a project? Given Amazon's 
acquisition and re-licensing of FreeRTOS, it has given it a bit of a market 
boost. It appears to be a (the?) market leader, but it lacks a number of POSIX 
standards. Still a surprising amount of the standard libs works despite that. 
Currently I'm not sure how/if the net libraries for interfaces can be handled.

The branch can be found here: 

Re: Revisiting my oldest Nim project.

2020-05-16 Thread mratsim
> 5\. Always put your code into a src dir. Even though nimble supports not 
> having src dir, it’s just better in every way.

In my experience that's the best way to break your project because on install 
nimble removes the `src` directory and then all your paths are wrong.

This is so broken that even in nimble you had workaround like this: 

when fileExists(thisModuleFile.parentDir / "src/nimblepkg/common.nim"):
  # In the git repository the Nimble sources are in a ``src`` directory.
  import src/nimblepkg/common
  # When the package is installed, the ``src`` directory disappears.
  import nimblepkg/common


Re: How to instantiate `ptr object`

2020-05-16 Thread mratsim
For machine learning in particular deep learning this is how I do it:

1\. I use inheritance, but only to be able to store the objects in the same 
container, **never for dispatch**. Example on neural network layer, called 
`Gate`, re-using the terminology from Andrej Karpathy's [Hacker's Guide to 
Neural Network](


  Gate*[TT] = ref object of RootObj # {.acyclic.}
## Base operator or layer. You can describe your custom operations or 
## by inheriting from Gate and add a forward and optionally a backward 
## Each operations should set the number of gradients produced during 
## Additional fields specific to the operations like weights or inputs 
cache should be added too.
  PayloadKind* = enum
pkVar, pkSeq
  Payload*[TT] = object
case kind*: PayloadKind
of pkVar: variable*: Variable[TT]
of pkSeq: sequence*: seq[Variable[TT]]
  Backward*[TT] = proc(self: Gate[TT], payload: Payload[TT]): 
SmallDiffs[TT] {.nimcall.}


2\. For dispatching I associate a compile-time proc for each kind of `Gate` I 
have. The `Gate` carry the state I need to pass. The compile-time proc just 
unwrap it and pass it to the 
_[real]( which has the proper 

For example for a MaxPool layer, the backward proc should have for signature. 
 So how to map it to `proc(self: Gate[TT], payload: Payload[TT]): 
SmallDiffs[TT] {.nimcall.}`?

The MaxPoolGate and backward shim does the trick 
 `maxpool2D_backward_ag` stands for autograd version

type MaxPool2DGate*[TT] {.final.} = ref object of Gate[TT]
  cached_input_shape: MetadataArray
  cached_max_indices: Tensor[int]
  kernel, padding, stride: Size2D

proc maxpool2D_backward_ag[TT](self: MaxPool2DGate[TT], payload: 
Payload[TT]): SmallDiffs[TT] =
  let gradient = payload.variable.grad
  result = newDiffs[TT](1)
  result[0] = maxpool2d_backward(


So I get compile-time dispatch on arbitrary state with a fixed interface. And 
even though the wrapper proc does not much, 2 static function calls are always 
faster than a closure or a method.

Other example, convolution, this may seem more complex as the backward 
operation has a lot of inputs: 

proc conv2d_backward*[T](input, weight, bias: Tensor[T],
 padding: Size2D,
 stride: Size2D,
 grad_output: Tensor[T],
 grad_input, grad_weight, grad_bias: var Tensor[T],
 algorithm = Conv2DAlgorithm.Im2ColGEMM)


But it's actually straightforward as well

type Conv2DGate*[TT]{.final.} = ref object of Gate[TT]
  cached_input: Variable[TT]
  weight, bias: Variable[TT]
  padding, stride: Size2D
  # TODO: store the algorithm (NNPACK / im2col)

proc conv2d_backward_ag[TT](self: Conv2DGate[TT], payload: Payload[TT]): 
SmallDiffs[TT] =
  let gradient = payload.variable.grad
  if self.bias.isNil:
result = newDiffs[TT](2)
result = newDiffs[TT](3)
self.weight.value, self.bias.value,
self.padding, self.stride,
result[0], result[1], result[2]


Re: Unicode support for Windows 10 console

2020-05-16 Thread doongjohn

# console.nim

when defined(windows):
  import system/widestrs
  proc setMode(fd: int, mode: int): int
   {.importc: "_setmode", header: "io.h".}
  proc fgetws(str: WideCString, numChars: int, stream: File): bool
   {.importc, header: "stdio.h".}
  discard setMode(getFileHandle(stdin), 0x0002)  # _O_U16TEXT
  proc consoleReadLine*(line: var string): bool =
let buffer = newWideCString("", 256)
result = fgetws(buffer, 256, stdin)
let length = buffer.len
if length > 0 and buffer[length - 1].int16 == 10:  # discard '\n'
  buffer[length - 1] = Utf16Char(0)
  # discard extra '\n' in waiting:
  let buffer2 = newWideCString("", 2)
  discard fgetws(buffer2, 2, stdin)
line = $buffer
  proc consoleReadLine*(): string =
discard consoleReadLine(result)

  proc consoleReadLine*(line: var string): bool =
result = stdin.readLine(line)
  proc consoleReadLine*(): string =
result = stdin.readLine()


^ when using "nim c"

^ when using "nim c --gc:arc"

hmm it outputs (bytes: 1026, data: input) instead of string itself when 
using --gc:arc 

Re: Idea: Nim Online Conference

2020-05-16 Thread akavel
Personally, I never streamed a talk yet, so I'd be quite interested in the 
technological side and what preparations I'd have to do; ideally also some 
hints how to test this beforehand. I just learnt about OBS from the above post, 
sounds interesting, but will definitely want to have the tech confirmed at some 
point, so that I can have time to try and test and experiment with it - 
assuming my talk submission is accepted. TIA!

Re: A good word for idiomatic nim?

2020-05-16 Thread akavel


Re: Revisiting my oldest Nim project.

2020-05-16 Thread Dankrad
> 5\. Always put your code into a src dir. Even though nimble supports not 
> having src dir, it’s just better in every way.

What's the difference between putting my source code files into a `src` folder 
instead of putting them into my root folder? I'm not so familiar with nimble, 
but isn't nimble forcing (at default) to put all my files into `src` folder. 
Also if I have other dependencies like `assets`. I don't want to putt a 
`assets` folder or something similar into a `src` folder. And i do not see any 
benefits except if the project becomes huge. And if the project becomes huge, 
then I setup a project structure by myself I would like.

Re: Nim godbolt does not work with command line arguments

2020-05-16 Thread Yardanico
It seems to be a problem with Godbolt itself as far as I can see - it prepends 
these arguments for compilation (so it outputs assembly and not the binary) 



And about arguments themselves - if you want to have equivalent of the flags 
you use for D, you should use: 

-d:danger --gc:arc --passC:"-flto" --passL:"-flto"


Re: Conflict of nfatype.Regex and nre.Regex

2020-05-16 Thread svtz
Thank you both! Indeed, I simply wrote 

 = pathsplit.tail.replace(re"^[\!\+\-]+\s", "")


without importing any regexp library explicitly, and it works fine.