Re: Fastest Prime Sieve, in Nim

2020-06-13 Thread GordonBGood
@BLM2: > @GordonBGood Please provide: 1. Link to full source code to your work. 2. Timing results comparisons between your code, my code, and primesieve. 3. Link to detailed writeup on your methodology and implementation details. It's been some time, but I have done quite a lot of work

Re: Exporting string functions from DLLs

2020-06-13 Thread Javi
It's normal, if you compile the DLL with `--noMain` then the function DllMain() is not created and the Nim system is not initializated calling NimMain() in DllMain() and the app crashes. If you compile the DLL **without** `--noMain` it generates this initialization code and NimMain() is called

Re: Website probably not up-to-date for Nim installation

2020-06-13 Thread Araq
Yes, indeed. Thanks!

Re: Exporting string functions from DLLs

2020-06-13 Thread ilitirit
It looks like the issue is related to the way the DLL is compiled. It works if I exclude \--noMain, but I'm not sure why: c -d:release --header --app:lib library.nim Run

Re: Unicode support for Windows 10 console

2020-06-13 Thread doongjohn
> Input of strings of any length is supported. I can't add more characters beyond this.

Exporting string functions from DLLs

2020-06-13 Thread ilitirit
I have this driver code: import dynlib type myLibFunction = proc(): cstring {.nimcall.} let lib = loadLib("library.dll") let functionCallAddr = lib.symAddr("myStringFunction") let libFunction = cast[myLibFunction](functionCallAddr) echo

Website probably not up-to-date for Nim installation

2020-06-13 Thread hotcore
Hi, on page []( under the heading "Other dependencies" it reads: Windows users can download the DLLs for these HERE. Place the DLLs in the same directory as nim.exe. When clicking on HERE I get a zip file *

How does one use locks (need a brief example)

2020-06-13 Thread adnan
Hi, I was looking for ways to use Mutex/RWLocks in Nim. I have a list of files that needs to be downloaded. The download function itself receives a shared variable (`listener`) and at the end of the download, invokes a method (`update`) on that listener. The listener itself is a custom class,

Re: Nimble Directory Redesign

2020-06-13 Thread aredirect
Looks nice indeed, is there a possibility to make the searchbox stands out bit more? I couldn't recognize it easily