Run process in parallel of the parent program

2020-06-27 Thread dev1lroot
I tried for something like this: 

import system, os, osproc, threadpool
import locks

  thr1: Thread[string]
  thr2: Thread[string]
  L: Lock

proc threadExec(p: string) {.thread.} =
  discard execProcess(p)
proc threadQuit {.thread.} =

createThread(thr1, threadExec, (paramStr(1)))
createThread(thr2, threadQuit)


To immediately stop parent process after child process execution but, without 
responce from childside. So is' there an example of how to implement it 
correctly, not like a thread, just mb it's already implemented option.

What's the future of "implicitDeref"?

2020-06-27 Thread exelotl
When doing manual memory management in Nim, I often find myself having to 
define two versions of a proc - one that takes a `var` parameter and one that 
takes a `ptr` parameter.

Otherwise I will run into issues like this:

var m: ptr Monster
var b: Bullet

proc chooseAnim(m: var Monster) =
  # some logic to set the current animation
  # ...

proc update(b: ptr Bullet) =
  # move the bullet and check for collisions
  # ...

m.chooseAnim()  # uh oh!
m[].chooseAnim()  # better.

b.update() # uh oh!
(addr b).update()  # better.


I was happy to discover that [{.experimental: 
 is a thing, which pretty much fixes all my problems! If I define the `var` 
version of the procedure, I don't need to define the `ptr` version anymore.

But I suppose I can't start doing this in library code yet, because then I'd be 
forcing other people to use this experimental pragma in their code, or to have 
to worry about addressing/dereferencing their stuff to make the library 
functions happy.

So I was wondering, what's the future of this feature? Do we know yet if it's 
here to stay? Does it have any caveats that I should know about?

Thanks :)

Re: Problem sending binary file by socket never ending.

2020-06-27 Thread AMoura
I found the problem. The server must not use the buffering mode otherwise it 
waits that buffer is full. 

var server = newAsyncSocket(buffered=false)



Nimterop release update

2020-06-27 Thread shashlick
[Nimterop]( v0.6.0 has just been released 
and adds the ability to download pre-compiled binaries from 
[]( and 
[]( using 
 and copying shared libraries to a specified **libdir**.

In addition, the legacy backend has been removed and a few other minor features 
that make wrapping easier.

Find the full changelog 

Re: Change Nim colour on GitHub

2020-06-27 Thread pietroppeter
PR for color change has been merged: 
 It will go live on next release. Last release was 10 days ago, so we will 
probably wait at least a month for that.

Re: Problem sending binary file by socket never ending.

2020-06-27 Thread AMoura
I can do that but my binary files can be very big. 

Re: How to use inheritance?

2020-06-27 Thread Stefan_Salewski
And finally this may look more like what you may desire:

import gintro/[gtk, gobject, gio]

  Header = ref object of Headerbar
text: string
  MainWindow = ref object of gtk.ApplicationWindow
header: Header
pb: ProgressBar

proc appActivate(app: Application) =
  let window = newApplicationWindow(MainWindow, app)
  window.borderWidth = 10
  window.header = newHeaderbar(Header)
  window.pb = newProgressBar()
  window.defaultSize = (400, 400)

proc main =
  let app = newApplication("org.gtk.example")
  connect(app, "activate", appActivate)
  discard run(app)



Please note that you should add destructors for the subclassed widgets if you 
intent to compile with ARC, see the gintro README.

Re: Choosing Nim

2020-06-27 Thread adilh
The CERN ROOT effort is indeed a wrapper: 
but it could provide an interface to ROOT which could be useful?

Goodness your code looks quite extensive! I am sure your community would be 
interested in reusing some of your code. Just a thought, have you considered 
giving a talk at CHEP? To me, it looks like it would be worthy of a talk at 
 I am not in the committee (certainly not an academic), but I would think 
there's a place for it. Incidentally, I personally hope they make the conf 
virtual as I'm not sure things will be fine in May/21 (I hope so, but I am not 

I've heard of neutrinos as my wife works on T2K and Hyper-K. 

Re: How to use inheritance?

2020-06-27 Thread Stefan_Salewski
And to give you a starting point, the basic shape of your above program would 
look like this:

import gintro/[gtk, gobject, gio]

  Header = ref object of Headerbar
text: string
  MainWindow = ref object of gtk.ApplicationWindow
header: Header
pb: ProgressBar

proc newHeader(): Header =
  result = newHeaderbar(Header)
  result.text = "Initial Title"
  discard result.showCloseButton

proc newMainWindow(gtkApplication: Application): MainWindow =
  result = newApplicationWindow(MainWindow, gtkApplication)
  result.header = newHeader()
  result.pb = newProgressBar()
  result.setSizeRequest(400, 400)

proc appActivate(app: Application) =
  let window = newMainWindow(app)

proc main =
  let app = newApplication("org.gtk.example")
  connect(app, "activate", appActivate)
  discard run(app)



For me it compiles and runs, but I think it does not look like you intend. I 
can not really test it as my current gintro is modified for my GTK4 
experiments. Hopy you can tune it yourself.

Re: How to use inheritance?

2020-06-27 Thread Stefan_Salewski
OK, when it is gintro related then your initial post is really not that smart.

Inheritance for C libs in different from inheritance in Nim . C is not an OOP 

I would strongly suggest YOU not using gintro!

I have recently listed most of the Nim GUI packages here, located directly 
above Chapter 1 heading:


All that packages are great. If I miss other packages please let me know.

If you will still continue with gintro, I gave an example of subclassing here:


It is not well tested, and it is different from native Nim and different from 
GObject C subclassing. As we use proxy objects in gintro.

Nim inheritance is explained here:


Re: How to use inheritance?

2020-06-27 Thread adnan
I don't think it's gintro specific. I have never used inheritance in Nim before 
so I just need to get started with the basics.

import gintro/[gtk, gobject, gio]

  Header = ref object of RootObj
base: HeaderBar
text: string
  # Header = ref object of HeaderBar
  #   text: string
  MainWindow = ref object of RootObj
base: ApplicationWindow
header: Header
pb: ProgressBar

proc newHeader(): Header =
  result.base = newHeaderBar()
  result.text = "Initial Title"

# proc newHeader(): Header =
#   new(result)
#   result.text = "Initial Title"
#   result.setTitle(result.text)
#   result.setShowCloseButton(true)

proc newMainWindow(gtkApplication: Application): MainWindow =
  result.base = newApplicationWindow(gtkApplication)
  result.header = newHeader()
  result.pb = newProgressBar()
  result.base.setSizeRequest(400, 400)
  # result.base.setTitlebar(result.header)

proc appActivate(app: Application) =
  let window = newMainWindow(app)

proc main =
  let app = newApplication("org.gtk.example")
  connect(app, "activate", appActivate)
  discard run(app)



If I use composition as I above it works but if I toggle the comments, I get 
the following warning:

(helloprogress:19510): Gtk-CRITICAL : 01:02:02.771: gtk_header_bar_set_title: 
assertion 'GTK_IS_HEADER_BAR (bar)' failed

(helloprogress:19510): Gtk-CRITICAL : 01:02:02.771: 
gtk_header_bar_set_show_close_button: assertion 'GTK_IS_HEADER_BAR (bar)' failed

So Gtk resorts back to regular titlebars.

Re: Problem sending binary file by socket never ending.

2020-06-27 Thread enthus1ast
Try client.recv(fileSize)

Re: How to use inheritance?

2020-06-27 Thread Stefan_Salewski
I hope it is not related to gintro?

How to use inheritance?

2020-06-27 Thread adnan
Hi, I want to create a derived type and call methods of the based type. How 
does one achieve this? I was trying to just call the method on the result type 
as follows:

  Header = ref object of HeaderBar
text: string

proc newHeader(): Header =
  result.text = "Initial Title"

# If I was using composition (too much boilerplate)
# type
  # Header = ref object of RootObj
  #   base: HeaderBar
  #   text: string
# proc newHeader(): Header =
#   new(result)
#   result.base = newHeaderBar()
#   result.text = "Initial Title"
#   result.base.setTitle(result.text)
#   result.base.setShowCloseButton(true)


However GTK was warning me that my `Header` isn't a `HeaderBar`. Is there a way 
to get the parent type from a derived type?

Re: Nuglifier - Nim source code uglifier

2020-06-27 Thread Araq
Since I suspect it'll come up: You can compare it to Java

public class HelloWorld{
 public static void main(String []args){


Re: Nuglifier - Nim source code uglifier

2020-06-27 Thread cantanima
Translation to C is in itself a pretty effective uglier.

Re: Choosing Nim

2020-06-27 Thread Vindaar
> The experiment I worked on was BaBar at SLAC.

Oh, that's nice and also a kind of a funny coincidence. That means you were 
involved with an experiment studying weak CP violation whereas we're now trying 
to study strong CP violation, heh.

> Although the simulation and reconstruction and analysis code was written in 
> C++ book-keeping was better done in a scripting language. It was easier to do 
> this in Python. I _think, but you would know better, Python has moved to the 
> analysis area too. So, more researchers are using Python there.

Yes, a lot of people use Python all over the place in physics now. Most of my 
ATLAS colleagues write their ROOT scripts using pyroot / rootpy instead of 
ROOT's C++ abomination. Which is always kind of funny when you see them talking 
about "running python" but encountering segmentation faults... :)

> For analysis, I think Nim could have an advantage as it's faster. I think the 
> time to develop the code is about the same, but Nim would reduce the 
> execution time. It would also help to reduce the debugging time as a chunk of 
> time is spent keeping track of which variables are which type.

Oh yes, for sure! Unfortunately I feel most physicists don't realize that 
dynamic typing is a burden.

> I think I recall that someone wrote an interface to ROOT for Nim, so you can 
> read and manipulate your data in Nim.

Yes? I haven't seen that. Sounds to me like creating that wrapper would be kind 
of a pain, given how ROOT is 1. C++ and 2. essentially provides its own 
standard library.

> For your analysis are you using Nim? I think that would be a great thing. I 
> know nothing about Axions, or searches for Axions. I should look it up to 
> find out more.

Yep, I'm writing my whole analysis in Nim. Since the axion community is still 
pretty tiny (although it has been growing and should grow even more now after 
the last European Strategy for Particle Physics update, which really endorses 
axion searches) I'm not really forced to use some existing analysis framework. 
There was some code written by my predecessor, but that was all ROOT and 
MarlinTPC. Threw it all away and started from scratch. Code is here:


It's one big mono repository for my whole thesis essentially though. The most 
interesting code is the Analysis directory.

In general axion searches all deal with the same big problem: given that axions 
haven't been detected yet, it means their detection via some interaction is 
hard (-> coupling constants are tiny). What does that imply? Of course that no 
matter what kind of experiment one builds, all sorts of background will 
massively dominate everything one measures. So they are all very low rate 
experiments, which need the best possible background suppressions (both 
hardware and software wise) as possible. In that sense it's a little similar to 
neutrino experiments, except even worse. Also neutrino experiments of course 
have the benefit nowawadays of simply having a lot more manpower and money to 
build in better locations (e.g. waaayy below ground to shield from cosmics) 
than we do.

My experiment - CAST - is simply sitting in a random hall at surface level at 
CERN. The only shielding from muons I have is ~20 cm of lead. So there's still 
like ~1 muon every couple of seconds in my detector. What we want to measure 
are X-rays which are the result of axions entering our magnet (LHC prototype 
dipole magnet, 9 m long, 9T magnetic field) and interacting with the virtual 
photons of the magnetic field. These would just be the result of X-rays 
interacting in the Sun and randomly converting to axions and then leave the Sun 

Have a great weekend!

Re: Problem sending binary file by socket never ending.

2020-06-27 Thread AMoura
Thank you for the idea to send the file size :)

I modified the code to receive the file size et I add a counter of byte. But 
the server never get last data. I think that the server waits a buffer of size 

The Client: 

import net, streams, os

let client: Socket = newSocket()
client.connect("", Port())
stdout.writeLine("Client: connected to server on address")

while true:
stdout.write("> ")
let filename: string = stdin.readLine()
var data = newString(4000)
let file = open(filename, fmRead)
let size = getFileSize(file)
echo "File size is :" & $size
echo "Send file size"
client.send($size & "\c\L")
echo "Pull ..."
while true:
let len = file.readBuffer(addr(data[0]), 4000)
setLen(data, len)
if len == 0:
echo "Send data size : " & $len
echo "End of file"



The Server 

import asyncnet, asyncdispatch, parseutils

proc processClient*(client: AsyncSocket) {.async.} =
fileSize: int
counter: int
while not client.isClosed:
echo "Wait file"
var file = open( "receive.7z", fmWrite )
let sizeFileString = await client.recvLine()
discard sizeFileString.parseInt(fileSize)
echo "File Size is " & $fileSize
counter = 0
var dataFut = client.recv(4000)
while true:
yield dataFut
echo "Counter : " & $counter
if counter >= fileSize:
if dataFut.finished:
let data =
if data != "":
counter += data.len
dataFut = client.recv(4000)
echo "No data"
echo "Exit"
echo "End of file"

proc serve() {.async.} =
  var server = newAsyncSocket()
  server.setSockOpt(OptReuseAddr, true)
  echo "Server run !"
  while true:
let client = await server.accept()

echo "Connect client"
asyncCheck processClient(client)

asyncCheck serve()


Have you any idea ?

Re: Choosing Nim

2020-06-27 Thread adilh
Thanks! I'm a bit old fashioned (I still use mutt for my mail client). I 
switched from emacs to vim and am now trying neovim. In the past, I tried 
Eclipse, netbeans, but I must have been using them incorrectly as I found the 
memory consumption to be very high. I have tried Atom a few times but again 
noticed significant memory consumption (I am clearly doing something wrong). 
I've not tried Visual Studio. It is great the Microsoft is embracing a more 
open to software.

Re: Choosing Nim

2020-06-27 Thread adilh
Oooh! Lovely! Your gitlab link is fascinating. I am not sure I have the 
wherewithal to contribute, but it's very interesting! Thank you. 

Re: Can't install the bin tarball of nim 1.2.2.

2020-06-27 Thread miran
We have just released Nim 1.2.4 — it is a hotfix release which deals with the 
`nim-gdb` problem mentioned in this thread.

Re: Nim version 1.2.2 is out!

2020-06-27 Thread miran
We have just released Nim 1.2.4 — it is a hotfix release which deals with the 
`nim-gdb` problem mentioned in [this thread](

The complete changelog is available 

Re: Nuglifier - Nim source code uglifier

2020-06-27 Thread Yardanico
I... translated the strutils module. Of course there were a lot of problems 
with indentation, but I fixed them all in ~10 minutes! :)

Also I removed a couple of tests (the ones with test indent), but it 

Re: Nuglifier - Nim source code uglifier

2020-06-27 Thread SolitudeSF
> [](
>  gonna use that to scare people on hackernews

Nuglifier - Nim source code uglifier

2020-06-27 Thread Yardanico
Hello! So a few days ago we were having fun in #nim-offtopic (#offtopic in 
Discord) and made this - 

Then I thought "that's so cool!" and decided to try to make something even 

I present to you - **Nuglifier - the (not yet) ultimate Nim source code 
uglifier /obfuscator!**

An example for what it can do (part of the full source file)


import math, strutils, parseutils, tables, strformat

  MathFunction* = proc(args: seq[float]): float ## \
  ## Type of the procedure definition for custom math functions
  MathCustomFun = object
# Number of arguments this function is allowed to be called with
argCount: int
# The function itself
fun: MathFunction
  MathExpression = object
eval: Evaluator
input: string
len: int
ch: char
pos: int
  Evaluator* = ref object
## Main instance of the math evaluator
hasFuncs: bool
hasVars: bool
funcs: TableRef[string, MathCustomFun]
vars: TableRef[string, float]

proc atEnd(expr: var MathExpression): bool =
  expr.pos >= expr.len


After (I can't paste zero-width space on Nim forum so it doesn't look as 
indented and won't compile if you copy-paste) 

#? replace("​"," ") | replace("\t"," ")
iMP_orT math, strutils, parseutils, tables, strformat # import line 
modified since imports are broken with case
 Mat_HFu_Nc_TI_On*  =   pR_OC(aR_GS:
sEq[fL_OAT]):   fL_OaT  ##  
Mat_hCusT_OMF_UN=   oB_JE_CT
​​len: int
​​pOS:  int
​​​fUnCS:   TAb_leR_eF[sT_rI_NG,MA_tH_Cu_St_OM_FUN]
   vA_rs:   TABL_eR_Ef[sTR_inG,   flOAt]
​​eX_PR.pOS   >=   ex_Pr.lEn



Full examples of generated code are at

Case insensitivity - 

Emojis - 

# How does it work?

Right not it's pretty "simple" \- first of all, I used Nim's own lexer (took it 
out of the compiler) to replace different symbols with new ones (e.g. change 
their casing or replace them with emojis). If it replaces with emojis - right 
now I do it the "dumb" way and just _haha SCFs go brrr_ \- 
 (Maybe I should look into using Nim compiler to parse AST to actually replace 
symbols only without cheating with SCFs.)

After that I run my own small loop for indentation which changes it to one of 1 
random characters (tab, zero-width space or normal space) for random depth.

Even if it's pretty simple right now, the results are already _very good_

Source code at 

I'm open for feedback on this abomination, feel free to comment :)

Re: Procedure overloading with explicit parameters

2020-06-27 Thread Araq
> magine swapping out Nim's object variants for Rust's enums. I think that 
> would be an improvement.
> Araq has explained on several occasions why he designed Nim's object variants 
> the way he did.

Well you're both right. :-) The current design has its advantages but Rust's 
seems nicer. However, Rust's only works with more borrow checking, IMO. I 
couldn't copy Rust's design for Nim's case objects because back then Rust 
didn't exist. I knew ML's but ML's works because of its immutability. 

Re: Procedure overloading with explicit parameters

2020-06-27 Thread jibal
> magine swapping out Nim's object variants for Rust's enums. I think that 
> would be an improvement.

Araq has explained on several occasions why he designed Nim's object variants 
the way he did. A quick google produced this comment (not from Araq):


Re: Procedure overloading with explicit parameters

2020-06-27 Thread jibal
> Since Nim is not a functional, but imperative language, you would use runtime 
> flow control in this case:

proc fac(n: int): int =
  if n == 0: 1
  else: n * fac(n - 1)


There isn't anything non-functional about that.

Re: Procedure overloading with explicit parameters

2020-06-27 Thread jibal
> the different functions with the same name get merged together

What different functions? There's only one function given in your example, the 
one defined by the type signature:

factorial :: (Integral a) => a -> a


It's quite wrong to interpret

factorial 0 = 1
factorial n = n * factorial (n - 1)


as function definitions--they are _patterns_ , very similar to

(a, b) = iReturnATuple()


in Nim, which is a limited form of pattern matching.

> As others have already said, it's runtime polymorphism

Anyone who says that is quite wrong. It's no more "runtime polymorphism" than a 
case statement is.

Re: Procedure overloading with explicit parameters

2020-06-27 Thread jibal
> Procedure overloading is the ability to define different implementations of 
> procedures with the same name. Each of these procedures shares the same name 
> but accept different parameters. Depending on the arguments passed to the 
> procedure, the appropriate implementation is picked by the compiler.
> In my interpretation fac(0) satisfies this definition

How, odd, because it surely doesn't; 0 is not a parameter. Parameters are typed 
symbols that abstractly represent the values passed to a procedure; they are 
not values and are in a different conceptual space from values. fac(0) is an 
invocation of a procedure, not a definition of one.

The quoted text could be clearer by saying "accept different numbers of 
parameters or parameters of different types".

This really isn't a matter of functional vs. imperative languages, it's a 
matter of basic language syntax. Functional languages need not offer 
Haskell-style matching syntax, and imperative languages could. Note that, in 
Haskell, you have to provide a type signature in addition to the pattern 
matching; the type signature is comparable to procedure signatures in Nim and 
other languages. Note that Haskell's

factorial :: (Integral a) => a -> a
factorial 0 = 1
factorial n = n * factorial (n - 1)


looks nothing like your

proc fac(0): int = 1
proc fac(n: int): int = n*fac(n-1)


The Haskell has a type signature and then two lines that match the value of the 
argument. Your first line is a mishmash of the two concepts and fails to 
identify the type of 0. No language works like that because it would be 
terrible language design.

Re: New garbage collector --gc:orc is a joy to use.

2020-06-27 Thread Araq
> Is that the plan?

Almost. We need to run the cycle collector before a send already to ensure the 
thread local "cycle candidates" list is empty (note that it is always empty 
after a cycle collection), otherwise it would interfere with multi-threading. 
Alternatively we can make the list global and protected via a lock (or 
implement it as lockfree queue...).

There are many other options, we can also restrict the sending to `.acyclic` 

Or we request that "orphaned objects" that will be misdetected as false 
external roots to be cleaned up manually. That is a good idea anyhow, ensuring 
the programmer he still aware of the typology:

proc process(x: Node) =
  # likely invalid:
  spawn process(x.right)
  # better: extract it
  spawn process(move x.right)
