Nim lang for Raspberry Pi devices

2020-03-13 Thread Neodim
Dear All, I'm a beginner in NimLang and i'm trying to use it to make some programs for Raspberry PI microcomputer (ARM proc, Raspbian(Debian) OS). Please advise: Is the latest (1.x?) compiler version is available for that system - since official cite link result in 0.19.4 version only? Or

Re: Nim lang for Raspberry Pi devices

2020-03-13 Thread Neodim
Thanks, shashlick, may be I'll check it as well. One more question I currently troubled: I'm trying to reach serial port from RPi. The device pluged work on 250k bod... It works perfect on RPi with Python pyserial. It works fine with nim serial lib under windows But when trying the same nim

Re: Nim lang for Raspberry Pi devices

2020-03-13 Thread Neodim
Thanks for answer! Actually I just have downloaded the source and built it straight on raspberry. And it works finally! Now lets see how it works there

Re: Nim lang for Raspberry Pi devices

2020-03-20 Thread Neodim
Greetings all! Here is the test code which works perfect on PC: import serial, sequtils, strutils, asyncdispatch when isMainModule: proc readLoop(port: AsyncSerialPort): Future[bool] {.async.} = result = true let futVar = newFutureVar[string]() futVar.mget() = newString(100) var

Re: Recommended GUI library?

2020-03-20 Thread Neodim
Also trying to find a NIM GUI lib... TCL with Python is fine - is there any analog for NIM? Function needed: Buttons, labels, text fields, tree or expanded view, grid placing? Also what is the best for real time plotting of math graphics? With grig, axis, labels? Dreaming to find all of it