Re: Add custom flags to nimble install

2019-11-14 Thread vitreo12
That's what I ended up doing, thanks.

Re: Add custom flags to nimble install

2019-11-14 Thread SolitudeSF
what is the point of customTask that is not even defined locally, if you can 
just add -p:-d:danger?

Re: Add custom flags to nimble install

2019-11-14 Thread SolitudeSF
this doesnt work

Re: Add custom flags to nimble install

2019-11-14 Thread vitreo12
Unfortunately, your approach doesn't work because most of the flags that 
`-d:danger` activates/deactivates are set in `nim.cfg`. In fact, if you look at 
the binary size of your `hi.nim` file compiled with your method and with the 
standard `nim c -d:danger hi.nim`, you'll see that the latter one will be 
smaller in size, because it will have all the `-d:danger` flags properly 
activated, getting rid of debug stuff, dead code, etc... 

Re: Add custom flags to nimble install

2019-11-14 Thread juancarlospaco

$ cat hi.nim
echo 42

$ cat hi.nims

$ nim c hi.nim
Hint: used config file 
'/home/juan/.choosenim/toolchains/nim-1.0.2/config/nim.cfg' [Conf]
Hint: used config file '/home/juan/code/temp/hi.nims' [Conf]
Hint:  [Link]
Hint: operation successful (2180 lines compiled; 0.6 sec total; 19.9MiB 
peakmem; Dangerous Release Build)



Re: Add custom flags to nimble install

2019-11-14 Thread vitreo12
The only problem I'm finding now is that, considering that the general 
`nim.cfg` gets executed before `config.nims`, if I add the `-d:danger` flag to 
`config.nims`, it doesn't actually get applied to the resulting binary, as the 
behaviour for `-d:danger` is defined in `nim.cfg`. Is there a way to execute 
`config.nims` before `nim.cfg`?

Re: Add custom flags to nimble install

2019-11-14 Thread juancarlospaco
Use a `config.nims`. 

Re: Add custom flags to nimble install

2019-11-14 Thread vitreo12
Because I'd simply want the user to run `nimble install` without having to 
provide additional flags when installing my package. This comes from the fact 
that the user can't use the custom flags that I provide in my nimble package 
before cloning the repository first. So, it's not possible to do `nimble 
customInstall /path/to/git/repo` (where the `customInstall` task is defined), 
while it's possible to do `nimble install /path/to/git/repo`

Re: Add custom flags to nimble install

2019-11-14 Thread SolitudeSF
why? if you need to apply configuration you should use nim.cfg or config.nims, 
not override default actions.

Add custom flags to nimble install

2019-11-14 Thread vitreo12
Hello everyone,

Is there a way to add custom compiler flags (e.g. `-d:danger`) to the `nimble 
install` task? I know that I can use the `--passNim` flag on the nimble call, 
but I was wondering if this could be directly abstracted from the user in the 
nimble file of my package. I tried creating my own task with a different name 
than `install`, and it works, but the only caveat is that the user can't just 
run `nimble install /url/to/git` and have the nimble package installed with my 
flags, as the `install` task has its own. I have also tried to add the 
additional flags to the `before install:`, without success. Alternatively, is 
there a way to overwrite the `install` task completely?