Re: How to immutably initialize parent object with private fields?

2019-04-13 Thread bluenote
@Araq: Great to hear that there is some activity regarding write tracking, my 
most anticipated Nim feature ;).

I think this is an independent problem though, that rather relates to object 
construction / initialization, not really related to immutability (my title was 
misleading). I'm not sure if it is worthy of a RFC, but I tried to sum it up 
more clearly here:


It could very well be that I'm missing something ;).

Re: How to immutably initialize parent object with private fields?

2019-02-21 Thread Araq
Sorry about this brief reply.

  1. A readonly visibility like `field+: type` has been discussed before and 
seems rather easy to implement (famous last words).
  2. I'm working on an update for my writetracking analysis that tackles the 
problem more systematically and would capture more then simply mutability like 
which parameters do "escape", which act as pure `out` parameters etc.

Re: How to immutably initialize parent object with private fields?

2019-02-21 Thread bluenote
@Rania_d Note that the issue you linked is only a problem in languages that 
don't allow named parameters. It's not a problem in Nim because it has named 
parameters, so no need for the builder pattern.

Nim's problem is rather that it doesn't allow to combine immutable objects with 
inheritance out of the box.

@gemath Good idea, so it comes down to either setting the additional fields of 
the parent object vs the fields of the derived object.

Re: How to immutably initialize parent object with private fields?

2019-02-19 Thread Rania_d
Hi, How to design an immutable object with complex initialization: 

Re: How to immutably initialize parent object with private fields?

2019-02-15 Thread bluenote
> The accessor are only visible for the internal library proc but not exported 
> outside of the library.

In this case I cannot rely on hiding the fields via re-exporting, because the 
library is by design supposed to be extended on user side. Think of an UI 
component library, where users should be able to define their own components.

@lscrd Good points about the runtime checks, but yes compile time security 
would be preferred.

I have now found two solutions that seem to satisfy the requirements:

1\. Macro solution:

# on lib side
template privateInitializer(element: typed, idString: string): untyped = = idString

macro newElement*(T: typedesc, id: string, args: varargs[untyped]): untyped 
  # convert varargs into an object constructor call of T
  let constructor = newTree(nnkObjConstr)
  for arg in args:
expectKind(arg, nnkExprEqExpr)
constructor.add(newColonExpr(arg[0], arg[1]))
  # apply post construction initialization of parent fields
  result = newCall(bindSym"privateInitializer", constructor, id)

# on user side
newElement(ElementA, id="A", a=1)


2\. Template solution with an explicit check that only object constructors are 
passed in:

# on lib side
macro verifyObjectConstructor(x: typed): untyped =
  if x.kind != nnkObjConstr:
error($x.repr[0..^1] & " is not an object constructor")

template newElement*(idString: string, constructor: typed): untyped =
  let element = constructor = idString

# on user side
newElement("A", ElementA(a: 1))

# abusing the template as an arbitrary setter is now a compile time error:
let el = ElementA(a: 1)
newElement("A", el)


@Araq: What is your opinion on this? I'm wondering if it would make sense to 
differentiate visibility for construction vs field access. As far as I can see 
a lot of visibility problems would be solved if there was an intermediate 
between fully-hidden and fully-exposed which is "exposed in object 
construction". Would it for instance make sense to have

  Element* = ref object of RootObj
id {.initializable.}: string


so that public access to `id` is prevented in general, but `id` can be passed 
into the constructor including subtype constructors?

Re: How to immutably initialize parent object with private fields?

2019-02-15 Thread lscrd
Yes, you are right :-(. I forgot your requirement.

I fear there is no simple solution in this case, as you need to create the 
object with the right type (to get the right size) and, at this moment, you 
don’t have access to the private field. In fact, I’m sure that my first 
solution with a cast doesn’t work if extra fields exists in _ElementA_ (it 
compiles, but will cause problems at runtime).

And I’m not sure that using a macro will change anything: you need to allocate 
in the client module to get the right size and to allocate in the _lib_ module 
to have access to the private field. This is incompatible.

But there are ways to check that _initElement_ is not called several times. For 
instance, you can add a private boolean field _initialized_ in _Element_ which 
is false by default. Then _initElement_ becomes:

proc initElement(elem: Element, id: string) =
  if elem.initialized:
# already initialized: raise some exception
… = id
  elem.initialized = true


Or, if you require that _id_ cannot be the empty string, you no longer need the 
_initialized_ field:

proc initElement(elem: Element, id: string) =
  if id.len == 0:
# id must not be empty: raise some exception.
  if != 0:
# already initialized: raise some other exception.
… = id


I agree that these are not very elegant solutions. Maybe using a macro to 
initialize could solve the problem in a more elegant way. I can’t say for sure 
as I have not use macros for now. 

Re: How to immutably initialize parent object with private fields?

2019-02-15 Thread mratsim
I struggled with this as well several times in several libraries before giving 
up and assume that people don't hack my internal data structure. Here was my 
latest trial:

  PublicKey* = object
Fraw_key: array[64, byte]
  PrivateKey* = object
Fraw_key: array[32, byte]

# Hide the private fields and generate accessors.
# This is needed to:
#   - Be able to not store the public_key in PrivateKey in the future and 
replace it by
# an on-the-fly computation
#   - Signature: have different data representation

template genAccessors(name: untyped, fieldType, objType: typedesc): untyped 
  # Access
  proc name*(obj: objType): fieldType {.noSideEffect, inline, noInit.} =
obj.`F name`
  # Assignement
  proc `name=`*(obj: var objType, value: fieldType) {.noSideEffect, 
inline.} =
obj.`F name` = value
  # Mutable
  proc `name`*(obj: var objType): var fieldType {.noSideEffect, inline.} =
obj.`F name`

genAccessors(raw_key, array[64, byte], PublicKey)
genAccessors(raw_key, array[32, byte], PrivateKey)


The accessor are only visible for the internal library proc but not exported 
outside of the library. However returning a var type was quite tricky.

Also var result array generates a null pointer dereference and can't be used at 

Now for ref types with visible fields there is also the issue of shallow vs 
deep immutability. You cannot have deep immutability for ref types at the 
moment. See 
 for the latest discussion.

Re: How to immutably initialize parent object with private fields?

2019-02-14 Thread bluenote
@lscrd: The `initElement` is also a setter despite its name ;). You cannot stop 
users from calling `element.initElement("different id")` and mutating the field 
at any point in time, which is what I'm trying to avoid.

In fact that is also true for my template constructor idea via 
`newElement("different id", existingElement)`. If anything the template makes 
it a bit less obvious. Maybe what I really need is a macro taking a 
typedesc/generic and a list of constructor args that are forwarded to the 
subtype construction. Then the macro can really only be used for constructing 
new elements with injected `id` modifications.

Re: How to immutably initialize parent object with private fields?

2019-02-14 Thread lscrd
In this direction, to make it work, you have to do a cast:

proc newElementA(): ElementA =


Another way consists to create a proc _initElement_ in _lib_ :

proc initElement*(elem: Element, id: string) = = id


then to define _newElementA_ this way:

proc newElementA(): ElementA =
  new result


Re: How to immutably initialize parent object with private fields?

2019-02-14 Thread bluenote
@Stefan_Salewski: That what I meant with mutable setters ;). I'm trying to 
avoid them so that user can cannot arbitrarily reset the field.

I finally had an idea that I can at least abstract away the mutation of the 

# in lib.nim
template newElement*(idString: string, body: typed): untyped =
  let element = body = idString


On user side construction now works like this:

  ElementA = ref object of Element
a: int
  ElementB = ref object of Element
b: int

proc newElementA(): ElementA =
  newElement("A", ElementA(a: 1))

proc newElementB(): ElementB =
  newElement("B", ElementB(b: 2))


Not sure if there is something nicer, but this doesn't look too bad to me...

Re: How to immutably initialize parent object with private fields?

2019-02-14 Thread Stefan_Salewski
I tried it once this way:


After fixing the wrong var parameter type I think it was working as expected, 
but indeed we should have some lecture notes from the bright devs in a Nim 
textbook, together with the system.proccall usage for methods.

How to immutably initialize parent object with private fields?

2019-02-14 Thread bluenote
I'm running into this problem in every project of mine, and I simply can't find 
a good solution, although the problem seems very basic.

Let's say I write a dummy `lib.nim` like this:

# The lib provides a definition of an abstract base type
# without any actual instantiations...
  Element* = ref object of RootObj
# Example for a field that should be an implementation
# detail, used only internally in `lib`. It should
# neither be public nor should there be getter/setter
# so that we can rely on the fact that it does not
# change after construction.
id: string

proc run*(elements: openarray[Element]) =
  for element in elements:
echo "Touching element: " &


The library is intended to be instantiated on user side, for example:

import lib

  ElementA = ref object of Element
  ElementB = ref object of Element

# But how to construct them?

proc newElementA(): ElementA =
  ElementA(id: "A")

proc newElementB(): ElementB =
  ElementB(id: "B")

let elements = @[



This doesn't compile because the user has no access to `id` at all, even in the 
constructor. Usually I provide a constructing proc in the scope of the type, 

# in lib.nim
proc newElement*(id: string): Element =
  Element(id: id)


Now users can construct an `Element`, but I'm not sure if it helps constructing 
subtypes. This crashes at runtime with an invalid conversion (kind of expected):

proc newElementA(): ElementA =
  result = newElement("A").ElementA


I also don't want to add setter procs/templates to `lib.nim` because than the 
field gets fully exposed.

Am I missing some basic template/macro tricks to solve this basic problem? I 
have spend hours going back and forth making fields private and public again or 
moving code around because I can't seem to get the visibility right.