Re: Why is my HTTP handler not gcsafe?

2020-06-16 Thread snej
Weirdly, after I did some more work on my code I tried to reproduce the 
original problems I described (by backing out my tweaked versions of news and 
asynchttpserver) ... and they went away. Adding one single `gcsafe` pragma to 
the top-level HTTP server callback is sufficient.

This is very strange, but I'm happy that the problem is gone.

Re: Why is my HTTP handler not gcsafe?

2020-06-16 Thread dom96
You shouldn't need to do that. Passing `--threadAnalysis:off` to the compiler 
should work too.

Re: Why is my HTTP handler not gcsafe?

2020-06-16 Thread jackhftang
I am not saying that you are using thread. This problem is that in standard 
library the callback function in asynchttpserver.serve() is marked as gcsafe, 
which (in my understanding) force all its inner-descendent function call to 
follow the gcsafe rule, no matter you compile with --threads or not.

In your case, add {.gcsafe.} at the end of type SendProc should solve your 

Re: Why is my HTTP handler not gcsafe?

2020-06-16 Thread snej
I ended up copying asynchttpserver.nim into my source tree, renaming it, and 
deleting all the `{.gcsafe.}` pragmas. Everything now compiles, and it seems to 
be working fine aside from the bugs in my own code that I'm ironing out. 

Re: Why is my HTTP handler not gcsafe?

2020-06-16 Thread snej
> In short, no declaration of non-primitives global variable. There seems 
> something declared at module level in blip that you didn't show.

My code has zero global variables.The global referred to in the error is 
`nameIterVar`gensym21340263` which is obviously a compiler-generated name, not 
anything I did myself.

I've also run into the error Warning: 'send' is not GC-safe as it performs an 
indirect call here [GcUnsafe2] referring to this code:

MessageBuf* = object
# ...
sendProc: SendProc
SendProc* = proc(msg: sink MessageBuf): Future[MessageIn]

proc send*(buf: sink MessageBuf): Future[MessageIn] {.gcsafe.} =
return buf.sendProc(buf)


So it appears that calling a closure isn't GC-safe?!

> Nim current approach force threads to talk explicitly.

I'm not using threads. This is all with asynchttpserver, which AFAIK is 

Re: Why is my HTTP handler not gcsafe?

2020-06-16 Thread Araq
> If I add the gcsafe pragma to my callback proc, it now compiles without 
> errors! Where's my "extended error information"?

There is a phase ordering problem in today's compiler so that in rare cases 
`.gcsafe` isn't inferred the way it should be. (Known problem.)

The good news is that when the code compiles with `.gcsafe`, it really is GC 
safe and nothing to worry about.

There is also 
 for how to evolve the "GC safety" issues.

Re: Why is my HTTP handler not gcsafe?

2020-06-15 Thread jackhftang
btw, if you need to pass some state to callback in server(), wrap it will 
closure. Nim current approach force threads to talk explicitly.

I recall my memory that I have written a database connection pool and logger 
for a web server, which they are supposed to be globally accessible. And then I 
have to fight with the unexpected gcsafe for a long time... dealing with 
threads in nim is another story, I encountered unexpected exits without any 
messages if I did something wrong in ITC...

Re: Why is my HTTP handler not gcsafe?

2020-06-15 Thread jackhftang
In short, no declaration of non-primitives global variable. There seems 
something declared at module level in blip that you didn't show.

When a proc is annotated with gcsafe, any proc called inside the proc has to be 
gcsafe also, regardless of whether you are compiling with --threads. And if any 
proc marked as gcsafe ever touched a module level non-primitive variable. An 
error will throw. The first proc annotated with gcsafe here is the callback 
function in serve().

Other people on this forum will probably explain better me. But here my 3-yo 
attempt, if a proc is annotated with {.gcsafe.}, the proc is supposed to be run 
in multi-threaded environment. And in current nim memory management model, each 
thread has its own gc and they work on their own, no knowledge of each other. 
This raises a problem: which gc should deal with the shared memory allocation 
and freeing? Nim current answer is to avoid the problem at its first place: not 
allow existence of non-primitives global variable touched at compile time.

gcsafe was one of the most annoying in my nim-experience... I had a long time 
didn't know why my single threaded web server has to be complained with 
non-gcsafe. Generally speaking, avoid global variable at all, this make testing 
easier and common practice also.

Re: Why is my HTTP handler not gcsafe?

2020-06-15 Thread snej
I've added some more code, and now I'm getting actual errors that seem to 
explain the cause of the GC-safe violation ... if I could understand them.

/Users/snej/Code/nim/blip/src/server.nim(14, 25) template/generic 
instantiation of `async` from here
/usr/local/Cellar/nim/1.2.0/nim/lib/pure/asyncmacro.nim(318, 24) Warning: 
'receiveLoopNimAsyncContinue' is not GC-safe as it accesses 
'nameIterVar`gensym21340263' which is a global using GC'ed memory [GcUnsafe2]
/Users/snej/Code/nim/blip/src/server.nim(14, 25) template/generic 
instantiation of `async` from here
/Users/snej/Code/nim/blip/src/blip.nim(126, 6) Warning: 'receiveLoop' is 
not GC-safe as it calls 'receiveLoopNimAsyncContinue' [GcUnsafe2]
/Users/snej/Code/nim/blip/src/server.nim(14, 25) template/generic 
instantiation of `async` from here
/Users/snej/Code/nim/blip/src/blip.nim(136, 6) Warning: 'run' is not 
GC-safe as it calls 'receiveLoop' [GcUnsafe2]
/Users/snej/Code/nim/blip/src/server.nim(14, 25) template/generic 
instantiation of `async` from here
/usr/local/Cellar/nim/1.2.0/nim/lib/pure/asyncmacro.nim(278, 31) Warning: 
'cbIter' is not GC-safe as it calls 'run' [GcUnsafe2]


`receiveLoop` is pretty simple (see below), but `receiveLoopNimAsyncContinue` 
and `nameIterVar`gensym21340263` must be internal functions created by the 
macros behind the `{.async.}` pragma, so I don't really have a clue what's 
going on...

proc receiveLoop(blip: Blip) {.async.} =
while blip.socket.readyState == Open:
let packet = await blip.socket.receivePacket()
case packet.kind
of Binary:  blip.handleFrame(cast[seq[byte]](
of Close:   return
else:   continue


Re: Why is my HTTP handler not gcsafe?

2020-06-15 Thread snej
...also, at a higher level, why is gcsafe even an issue at all, when all this 
async stuff is supposed to be running on the same thread?!

Why is my HTTP handler not gcsafe?

2020-06-15 Thread snej
I've now got some slightly less trivial async code I'm trying to get to run, 
using the 'news' WebSockets module. The compiler complains that my HTTP handler 
isn't gcsafe, and suggests "Annotate the proc with {.gcsafe.} to get extended 
error information."


  1. I can't see how my code isn't GC-safe, since it has no global variables 
  2. If I add the `gcsafe` pragma to my callback proc, it now compiles without 
errors! Where's my "extended error information"?

import blip
import news, asyncdispatch, asynchttpserver

when isMainModule:
echo("Starting Blip server on port 9001...")

var server = newAsyncHttpServer()
proc cb(req: Request) {.async.} =
if req.url.path == "/blipsync":
var ws = await newWebsocket(req)
echo "Creating new Blip"
var blip = newBlip(ws)
await   # <-- this line triggers the gcsafe error
echo "...Closed Blip"
await req.respond(Http404, "Nope", newHttpHeaders())

waitFor server.serve(Port(9001), cb)


If I take out the line `await`, the error goes away. But neither 
that function nor anything it calls appears to involve any global state. (It's 
too much code to post here in the forum, unless someone really wants me to!)

Did adding the `{.gcsafe.}` pragma silence a false alarm? Or is it suppressing 
a genuine problem that will cause thread-safety issues?

