Re: getFileSize async and sync

2020-07-02 Thread dom96
Yes the current file IO "async" implementation isn't actually async. 

Re: getFileSize async and sync

2020-06-30 Thread mashingan
It's different because `AsyncFile` keeps its `fd` field private. The Windows 
one is using the version from `winlean` which actually wrapper for 
`GetFileSize` from win32.

Also, windows has peculiarity of different handling whether the file handle is 
synchronous and asynchronous one. That's why it's using the wrapper.

Re: getFileSize async and sync

2020-06-30 Thread snej
I've never used async file I/O APIs, but my understanding is that they just 
cover reading/writing the file itself. The size is metadata that comes from the 
filesystem's catalog / inodes / whatever, not the file itself, and is very 
cheap to get.

I suppose you _could_ get the file size asynchronously by spawning the 
filesystem call onto a background thread, but that seems like overkill...

Re: getFileSize async and sync

2020-06-30 Thread snej
Not everyone uses async/await, and it's more common to use it for networking 
than for files (in my experience.) The async file I/O is for code that does use 
async and is worried enough about disk latency to want to avoid blocking on 
disk I/O. That's more extreme than I've ever gone, but I've never tried to 
build a high performance server...

Re: getFileSize async and sync

2020-06-30 Thread ZadaZorg
OK, but in "async" version, there is nothing async at all (as I can understand).

So that asyncfile can use proc from io module for example.

getFileSize async and sync

2020-06-30 Thread ZadaZorg
Hi, working with async stuff decided to look at what async way of getting file 
size and compare it to sync way.

Got no difference in principle, but there is 2 different implementations:

The "sync" version in io.nim: 

proc getFileSize*(f: File): int64 {.tags: [ReadIOEffect], benign.} =
  ## retrieves the file size (in bytes) of `f`.
  let oldPos = getFilePos(f)
  discard c_fseek(f, 0, 2) # seek the end of the file
  result = getFilePos(f)
  setFilePos(f, oldPos)


The "async" version in asyncfile.nim: 

proc getFileSize*(f: AsyncFile): int64 =
  ## Retrieves the specified file's size.
  when defined(windows) or defined(nimdoc):
var high: DWORD
let low = getFileSize(f.fd.Handle, addr high)
result = (high shl 32) or low
let curPos = lseek(f.fd.cint, 0, SEEK_CUR)
result = lseek(f.fd.cint, 0, SEEK_END)
f.offset = lseek(f.fd.cint, curPos, SEEK_SET)
assert(f.offset == curPos)


There also, the 3rd variant exists, but it is a bit different variant, where 
the argument not file, but string path. But in that variant, we may find 
another way of getting info for windows platform.

So, the question is: is this organization, intended? Or it is a 
legacy/historical moment? It is too early for me to judge but willing to better 
understand std lib design ideas and organization.