Re: threads:on + gc:orc = C(!) compiler errors in unit tests

2020-06-30 Thread Yardanico
The second one isn't strange, it's a hint which can improve performance if you follow it sometimes :) but it can come from the library code too

Re: threads:on + gc:orc = C(!) compiler errors in unit tests

2020-06-30 Thread ZadaZorg
Running your example gives me nice working results: [OK] foo Run But I also have strange suggestion like you: Hint: passing 'n[i].key' to a sink parameter introduces an implicit copy; if possible, rearrange your program's control flow to prevent it

Re: threads:on + gc:orc = C(!) compiler errors in unit tests

2020-06-30 Thread snej
Turns out it's pretty trivial to reproduce. I've filed []( . $ cat test.nim import unittest test "foo": check 3 + 4 == 7 $ nim c -r --threads:on --gc:orc test.nim Hint:

Re: threads:on + gc:orc = C(!) compiler errors in unit tests

2020-06-30 Thread Yardanico
Well, it would be nice if you try on the latest devel compiler :) And if it still doesn't work - try to minimize it and report, like e.g. I did in some cases -

threads:on + gc:orc = C(!) compiler errors in unit tests

2020-06-30 Thread snej
OK, here's a weird bug. Once I enable both `--threads:on` and `--gc:orc`, all of my unit tests (which uses the `unittest` module) fail to compile, with gnarly looking C errors: /Users/snej/.cache/nim/testCodec_d/@mtestCodec.nim.c:1144:112: error: incomplete definition of type