
I hit a case-sensitivity issue with Hydra on PostgreSQL 8.4:


Normally case-sensitivity isn’t an issue because DBIC doesn’t quote
identifiers.  However, it does quote them when looking for a sequence,
hence the problem above.

The schemas under src/lib/Hydra were generated for an SQLite database
(see src/sql/Makefile.am), which has different case-folding rules from
PostgreSQL (PostgreSQL downcases identifiers and is case-sensitive for
quoted identifiers, whereas SQLite is case-preserving but
case-insensitive, IIUC.)

I tried regenerating the schemas with something like:

  perl -MDBIx::Class::Schema::Loader=make_schema_at,dump_to_dir:../lib -e 
'make_schema_at("Hydra::Schema", { naming => "v8", relationships => 1, 
preserve_case => 1 }, ["dbi:Pg:dbname=hydra;host=localhost;user=hydra"])'

However, that doesn’t preserve CamelCase names.

Thus, as advised on #dbix-class, I ended up doing this:


Kinda ugly, but seems to work.

What would a better fix be?

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