* GNOME 3.10 life *

In the staging branch I've changed gnome3 to be 3.12 by default,
including the nixos test. I haven't tested the change locally except for
a few packages.
GNOME 3.10 is still sticking around as gnome3_10.
In case any program fails to build or run, we can fallback to gnome3_10
for that package.
Once everything seems ok we can merge into master and update the release

We'll drop GNOME 3.10 once all programs are ported to GNOME 3.12.

* GNOME 3.14 *

GNOME 3.14.0 is scheduled for release[1] in Sep 22-24, while 3.14.1 in
Oct 13-15. Hope my connection will grant me to download something in
this period, hope to have a better connection in October.
In any case I will try packaging all gnome 3.14.0 again. In general
there shouldn't be any problem, except for gdm which is tricky and full
of patches.

For having GNOME 3.14 in nixos stable, it depends on the timing between
GNOME  3.14 release and the new nixos stable release. Also depends on
how much we're able to test GNOME 3.14 by the time.

* Telepathy framework *

The telepathy team as usual kindly notify[2] packagers about the best
versions to be used with GNOME. If something does not work in this
regard, we can try packaging those exact versions in gnome3_14.

Also, since in nixos we have an option to remove packages that are
installed by default[3] in GNOME, in order to improve the user
experience I'm thinking of installing telepathy-gabble (for XMPP
protocols) by default when enabling GNOME.

Best regards,

[1] https://wiki.gnome.org/ThreePointThirteen
[3] http://nixos.org/nixos/manual/#opt-environment.gnome3.excludePackages
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