Hi All,

I'm reasonably new to Nix, I have a server running NixOs with caddy and
transmission. Now I'm creating a declarative container to run Postfix
and Dovecot to keep the user-namespace separate from the host.

I've noticed that the container get started and both postfix and dovecot
get started at 'nixos-rebuild test'. So far so good.

Now when I change the configuration and run rebuild-test again, nothing
happens. The changes don't get propagated to the container.

In fact, when taking out the complete container-specification from my
configuration.nix file, the container - and postfix and dovecot in it
keep running.

I'd expect that the inside of the declarative container be updated
during nixos-rebuild test.

Simplest test case:

    containers."test" = {
      autoStart = true;
      config =
        { config, pkgs, ... }: {
          services.transmission.enable = true;

# nixos-rebuild test -I nixpkgs=/home/guido/nixpkgs/

The nixpks is a clone of github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs.git at commit
955b79f4 (Sun Mar 26 17:12:13 2017 +0200) and the channel is

To test: uncomment the transmission service and rebuild. The process
remains running. I expect it to get stopped.

Then delete the whole 'containers.test' section and rebuild again. The
entire container keeps running while I expect it gets stopped.

What could be the cause that the container won't get updated?
What log files / systemd journals should I check for errors?

Any help is appreciated.

Guido Witmond.

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