Author: maggesi
Date: Mon May 14 20:55:38 2012
New Revision: 34091

Add configuration for neve


Added: configurations/trunk/misc/z77z/neve/configuration.nix
--- /dev/null   00:00:00 1970   (empty, because file is newly added)
+++ configurations/trunk/misc/z77z/neve/configuration.nix       Mon May 14 
20:55:38 2012        (r34091)
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+### ===========================================================================
+### Configuration file for "neve" ("nix" in italian ;-) (PC desktop).
+### ===========================================================================
+{ pkgs, config, ...}:
+  texLivePaths = with pkgs; [
+    texLive texLiveExtra texLiveCMSuper
+    texLiveBeamer lmodern texLiveContext
+  ];
+  myTexLive = pkgs.texLiveAggregationFun { paths = texLivePaths; };
+  boot = {
+    loader.grub.enable = true;
+    loader.grub.device = "/dev/sdb3";
+    #initrd.kernelModules = [];
+    kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_2_6_35;
+    #kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_2_6_32_xen;
+    initrd.enableSplashScreen = false;
+  };
+  fileSystems = [
+    { label = "nixos"; mountPoint = "/"; }
+    { device = "/dev/sdb1"; mountPoint = "/mnt/ubuntu"; }
+    { device = "/dev/sda1"; mountPoint = "/mnt/windows"; }
+  ];
+  swapDevices = [ { label = "swap"; } ];
+  networking = {
+    hostName = "neve";
+    nameservers = [ "" "" ];
+    defaultMailServer.directDelivery = true;
+    defaultMailServer.hostName = "";
+    /*
+    useDHCP = false;
+    interfaces = [ {
+      name = "eth0";
+      ipAddress = "";
+      subnetMask = "";
+    } ];
+    defaultGateway = "";
+    */
+  };
+  environment = {
+    systemPackages = [
+      pkgs.emacs
+      pkgs.firefoxWrapper
+      pkgs.chromeWrapper
+      pkgs.screen
+      pkgs.subversion
+      pkgs.texmacs
+      myTexLive
+      pkgs.gnumake
+      pkgs.diffutils
+      pkgs.file
+      pkgs.manpages
+      pkgs.patch
+      pkgs.which
+      # Science/logic
+      pkgs.coq
+      pkgs.cvc3
+      pkgs.eprover
+      pkgs.hol
+      pkgs.hol_light
+      pkgs.iprover
+      pkgs.isabelle
+      pkgs.leo2
+      pkgs.matita
+      pkgs.minisat
+      pkgs.opensmt
+      pkgs.prover9
+      pkgs.satallax
+      pkgs.spass
+      # Science/math
+      #pkgs.content
+      pkgs.maxima
+      pkgs.pari
+      #pkgs.scilab
+      pkgs.singular
+      pkgs.wxmaxima
+      pkgs.yacas      
+      # OCaml
+      pkgs.ocamlPackages_3_12_1.ocaml
+      pkgs.ocamlPackages_3_12_1.findlib
+      pkgs.ocamlPackages_3_12_1.ounit
+      pkgs.ocamlPackages_3_12_1.camlp5_strict
+    ];
+    kdePackages = with pkgs.kde4; [
+      kdeadmin kdeartwork kdebindings kdeedu kdegraphics kdemultimedia
+      kdenetwork kdepim
+      kdeplasma_addons kdetoys kdeutils
+    ];
+    blcr = {
+      enable = true;
+      autorun = true;
+    };
+  };
+  nix = {
+    maxJobs = 3;
+    extraOptions = ''
+      gc-keep-outputs = true
+      gc-keep-derivations = true
+    '';
+    useChroot = false;
+  };
+  nixpkgs.config = {
+    git.guiSupport = true;
+    git.svnSupport = true;
+    subversion.perlBindings = true;
+    firefox = {
+      enableRealPlayer = true;
+      jre = true;
+    };
+  };
+  powerManagement.enable = true;
+  services = {
+    acpid.enable = true;
+    openssh.enable = true;
+    # atd.enable = false;
+    locate.enable = true;
+    locate.period = "40 3 * * *";
+    gpm.enable = true;
+    printing.enable = true; # http://localhost:631/ per configurare.
+    xserver = {
+      enable = true;
+      exportConfiguration = true;
+      #desktopManager.default = "kde4";
+      desktopManager.default = "xfce";
+      desktopManager.kde4.enable = true;
+      desktopManager.xfce.enable = true;
+      driSupport = true;
+    };
+    openafsClient = {
+      enable = true;
+      cellName = "";
+    };
+    ttyBackgrounds.enable = false;
+  };
+  security.setuidPrograms = [
+    "reboot"
+    "halt"
+  ];
+  time.timeZone = "Europe/Rome";
+  krb5 = {
+    enable = true;
+    defaultRealm = "MATH.UNIFI.IT";
+    kdc = "";
+    kerberosAdminServer = "";
+  };
+  users.extraUsers = [
+    {
+      name = "maggesi";
+      description = "Marco Maggesi";
+      home = "/home/maggesi";
+      group = "users";
+      extraGroups = [ "wheel" ];
+      createHome = true;
+      useDefaultShell = true;
+    }
+  ];
+  #virtualisation.xen.enable = true;
+  #virtualisation.xen.domain0MemorySize = 640;
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